Saginaw, 12 Years Ago
Mary bolted from the bus and charged down the sidewalk. She gave a quick wave and Hello to Old Mrs. Thomas and bounded up the stairs to the mailbox, ripping the semi-rusted top open with more force than she meant to. She grabbed the few letters that were inside and took herself inside the house, greeting her mother with a kiss on the cheek.
"Anything good?" Her mother Lena chuckled as she sipped her tea.
Mary skimmed through the envelopes until she found what she was looking for. There was a shockwave that went through her at the sign of the school's logo. Mary set the rest down and held the letter in her shaking hands.
"This is it." She said quietly. "This could either be everything I've ever dreamed of or back to the drawing board."
"Either way," Lena's hand rested meekly on her shoulder, "you have worked so hard and I am the proudest mom in the world. No rejection letter will ever change that."