/ Remaja / The Autobiography Of Lola

The Autobiography Of Lola Original

The Autobiography Of Lola

Remaja 11 Chapters 16.5K Views
Author: esosakolawole18

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Lola Dideolu has been obsessed with death for long. The best method to end it, the best location, the best time ... she has everything covered.

But when she gets detention on her birthday, the day she's decided to kill herself, Lola knows she must ditch school and say goodbye to a mother who hates her guts; a best friend who was never a friend; an obsessive ex who always has a trick up his sleeves; and a very dirty secret that must never be put out there.

Her plan seems foolproof, until Ayo her ex's twin brother ditches school too and won't leave her alone. With each hour they spend outside school, her walls crack. But isn't it too late to let her walls crumble?

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