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15.38% The Ascension Of The One. / Chapter 2: The Rebirth

Chapter 2: The Rebirth

"Big....... brother"

"Are you awake......"

"Hey, big brother, please get up."

"Please, don't scare me like this....."

"I beg you, please, I should have listened to you, I will never disobey you again, so please, just wake up."

Xiao ling could hear a voice calling for somebody to awaken, a voice that was in a way familiar but also unfamiliar. A voice that reminded him of a time long gone. A voice that reminded him faintly of what he had lost.

Xiao ling began to realize somehow that the voice was directed at him and he began to slowly open his eyes to see the source of this voice that.

Slowly and while fighting a pain that was enveloping his body completely his eyes opened to see a small teenaged girl kneeling in front of him.

The girl was looking at him but her eyes were covered by tears that were running down her cheeks that she wasn't even able to notice him opening his eyes.

'who is she?'

Xiao ling begun to look at this girl in front of him, she looked to be a normal teenage girl at first, but she had this aura and beauty sounding her that made her seem like a fairy, for she had long black hair and big black innocent eyes that still shined through the tears that were filling them and despite wearing normal clothes that consisted of a T-shirt and normal jeans they still showed her curvy body that was not normal for a girl of her age but was more fitting for a model know world wide.

"H.....hey... won't you stop crying for a little bit."

Despite being in pain that would have been unbearable for a normal person, Xiao ling couldn't help but call to the girl crying in front of him, because and for some unknown reason he just couldn't stand the fact that this treasure of a beautiful girl was crying, and crying for him no less.

All he wanted to do was to get up and wipe those tears for her eyes, all he wanted was to see a carefree smile on her face.


The young girl was startled when she heard his voice to the point that she immediately stooped crying and moved her eyes to look at the open eyes of Xiao ling. Upon noticing that he was awake and looking at her the girl became frozen for a couple of seconds before she started crying again but this time she was smiling immensely and crying tears of happiness.

"You are awake....... you are awake........ I thought you would never wake up...... I thought I had lost you.....but you're awake and you're gonna be're gonna be okay right?...ah, of course, you're gonna be alright...there is no way you're gonna leave me and mother alone...."

The beautiful girl continued rambling incoherently as if she was talking to herself and not to Xiao ling for a long time till Xiao ling couldn't hold himself back from chuckling as memories that are hundreds of thousands years old began to return to him and he started to remember who this girl in front of him was. Gathering his breath and swallowing a bit xiao ling opened his mouth to address the girl that was still rambling on about how he wouldn't leave her and how he, of course, loved her and wouldn't leave her.

"Oi, I told you to quit crying, but not only are crying more now you're even rambling on and on, but you're also gonna give me a headache and that's an achievement considering the pain that I'm in right now."

The young girl stooped her rambling and her cheeks began to flush as she blushed and smiled sheepishly after hearing the words of Xiao ling.

Xiao ling looked at the girl that he began to recognize as his little sister and allowed a small sad smile to appear on his face.

It had been a long long time since he last saw her since they last parted ways in his previous life after she delivered to him the news of the passing away of their mother.

At that time he was so focused on gaining his revenge on some small clan on some backward world that he completely ignored the news regarding the passing away of one of the few people who loved him regardless of anything, of the news of the death of his mother, the women who had raised and protected him, and by the time he went searching for answers regarding her death, his sister had already died of old age alone and consumed by sadness and with that, he had lost all remaining members of his family, but instead of learning his lesson and focusing on protecting those close to him that were still alive he went on another revenge trip against all who had wronged his mother and family in attempt to cover his shortcoming and failings toward his family.

Xiao ling shook his head to rid himself of those depressing thoughts.

'that was the past, and this here is my second chance, I had succeeded in doing what no one had thought of doing before and I had bent the river of time to my will and dominated it just so I can come back here, to fix all that I did wrong in my past life, this time I won't fail anyone, I shall protect all my loved ones.'

Xiao ling after affirming his determination began to try and get up from the floor that he was laying on, for he needed now to know where he had arrived in his life. for he hadn't put much thought into his jump into the river of time and the only order he had given it was to carry him to where it had all started. He began moving only for him to fall back to the floor and to find that his body was incredibly weak and he couldn't even pull up his upper body from the ground.

'By The Gods, my body is this weak? what had happened to injure and weaken my body to this degree? I don't recall a time where I was in this situation and injured to this degree in my memories of my past life. just where had the river of time thrown me.'

"AAAAAAAAH, Big brother, don't move, please don't move, you may restart the bleeding, the beating you took was so vicious its a miracle you're even awake right now. So please don't try to move, I shall go look for a taxi to take us to the hospital in a little bit, so just lay down. Ah, or maybe or an ambulance is better? of course I should et an ambulance, but I have no phone to call one. Ah, it's okay I can look for someone to borrow a phone from to call them, but there is nobody here but maybe..."

"Xiao Che, you're rambling once again, take a deep breath and calm down, I'm fine, there is no need for you to worry your self so much about me. All that happened was that I didn't realize I was this weak physically.3

Xiao ling interrupted the rumbling of his little sister and began once again to pull himself up, but this time he was prepared for how weak his body was and using a little bit of his soul's strength he was able to reinforce his body to be able to handle standing up.

"See, your big brother is so amazing that he can even stand by himself, so you don't need to worry about me too much."

Xiao ling couldn't help but laugh a little bit after seeing the expression on his little sister's face. Just in this past couple of minutes, he began to realize how much he had missed his little sister in his past life, from her constant rambling that won't end if he didn't stop her, her unending worry about him and his health and her unconditional love for him and their mother.

Xiao ling lit out a small sigh and shook his head once more, it looks like it won't be easy for him to forget and forgive himself for all his failures in his past life for thoughts of what had been continued to worm themself into his mind, but he didn't allow these thoughts to discourage him, instead, he used them to remind himself of what he must not allow to happen again, of the tragedies that he must prevent.

Xiao Che looked at him for a little bit before smiling at seeing him standing in his place like an ancient tree that won't allow anything to move it and allowing the worry to disappear a little bit from her expression but not at all from her heart.

Xiao ling looked at his little sister's captivating face that would cause anyone who looked at it to be lost in their thought and would make them fall in love with her immediately and completely and at the small smile that adorning her pink and tender lips before moving back to her eyes that were big and with a black color so deep it was like looking into the endless space of the universe before moving his hand and patting her head.

Xiao Che was startled at first but soon a huge smile appeared on her face as she closed her eyes and began to enjoy her big brother patting her on her head as if she was a small cat.

The two siblings spent a couple of minutes like that with the big brother patting and rubbing the head of his little sister.

Xiao Che after a couple of minutes of enjoying her brother's hand on her head moved her hand to grab his hand and move it to her face so she could start rubbing her breathtaking face against it.

Xiao ling let his sister enjoy his touch on her face for a couple more minutes before removing his hand from her hold causing her to groan in disappointment at the loss of his touche and to open her eyes to look at him and mutter under her breath.

"It's been so long....."

She probably hadn't intended for him to hear her words but he did and so he raised his eyebrow and looked at her.

"What's been so long?"

"Ah, you heard me? its nothing, it's just....."

Xiao Che look like a deer caught in the headlight and looked like she wanted to change the subject to anything but this, but Xiao ling, He didn't allow her to do that and continued to stare at her until she lowered her eyes unto the ground while a blush that covered her entire face and reached even her ears appeared on her face. After a couple more seconds of Xiao ling staring at her waiting to get his answer, Xiao Che finally muttered under her breath quickly.

"I meant that it's been a long time since you last touched me....."


Xiao ling simply muttered this in understanding as he began to realize what she had meant. If his guess was right then he had gone back to nearly the very beginning of his mortal life, at the time where he had begun to drift off from his family, especially his little sister as at that time in his past life he had felt like he wasn't worthy of the love of someone like her, but even more than that, he had at that time began distancing himself from her because he had begun harboring feeling that no brother should have toward his sister, or at least that was how he had thought at that time as a mortal, but now...

Xiao ling smiled and used his hand to ruffle the silky hair of his sister one more time.

"Che Che, It's starting to get late and the sun is starting its course to set, we should start heading home least mother begin to worry herself sick over us."

"AHHHHH, we should start moving then.... but what about your clothes? Mother's heart will stop if she saw you with all that blood covering you. maybe we should get you a change of clothes? but from where? I don't have any money to get new clothes for you. maybe you can wait outside the house while I get you some from inside? but mother probably will get suspicious about me coming back home to take your clothes but maybe....."

"Che Che, if you don't cut on your rambling I shall bend right now ver my lap and spank your bottom till its red like a ripe tomato."


Xiao Che immediately shut her mouth and stopped her rambling after hearing the words of her brother.

If he had said this a day or two before then she would have thought that he was just joking and teased him and dared him to do it, but, she didn't dare do that now for she felt that her brother was different, ever since he woke up, she felt like he had changed, for he was still her big brother that teased her and joked about her rambling with a smile and a laugh, but she felt like he became somehow more mysterious, more confident and dominating ever since he opened his eyes an hour before.

'How can a person change after waking up from an unconsciousness caused by a beating? it must be just my imagination.'

Despite trying to convince herself that she was just imagining thing, Xiao Che didn't dare test if her bother would truly spank her, at least not in a public place like this. if they were at home, however, then maybe she could see.....

Xiao Che shook her head to remove thoughts that would have caused her to blush crimson from her head and just looked at her big brother and for the first time for her, she waited for him to take the lead and tell her what they shall do.

"There is no need to get any new clothes or anything like that, I'm completely healthy and I shall make sure that Mother understands that and that there is nothing for her to worry about."

Xiao Che nodded her head after hearing the words of her big brother, unable to disagree or refute the confident words of her big brother.

After seeing his little sister nod, Xiao Ling took her hand and started walking while leading her back to their home.

"Good, lets head home then."

Xiao Che started to follow her big brother as he led her by her hand to their home, a small smile of happiness on her lips and a blush on her cheeks.

"As you wish Big brother."

JBk205AZ JBk205AZ

First Real Chapter Of The story. I hope u enjoy it and look forward to more.

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