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79.31% The Arrival / Chapter 46: The True Mandalorian

Chapter 46: The True Mandalorian

---Coruscant Two days after meeting with Jedi---

Jack was relaxed and very confident. He was waiting in the training room of Mandalorian embassy on the arrival of the Dutchess. He had received a report about an hour ago informing him of her arrival. So for the past hour he had been meditating and gathering the force.

Shaak Ti had been at his side for the past hour gently rubbing his shoulders and back. Jack was going in to this battle bare. The only thing he was wearing was combat pants. His upper body was bare fully showing all the blaster and lightsaber scars he had received over the years. His body was well toned as well muscle rippled over his torso, and his arms where almost as big as his thighs.Gone was the young naive 16 year old boy. Here stood Mand'lor leader of soon to be all Mandalorians in the galaxy.

Shaak Ti was quite as she ran her fingers along some of the scars on his back. Some women may find this marks a bit unsettling, but not her. Her spices evolved from predators so battle was in their blood. His scars were things she had always seen as very sexy. They only added to the love she felt for the man.

Jack and Shaak stay like this for another ten minutes before a Mandalorian guard came in to announce the arrival of The Dutchess and her entourage. Jack nodded then went back to his mediation

Shaak Ti took this moment to gather his armor and weapons and place them off to the side.

Within moments the Dutchess and her group entered the room. The elders moved to seats provided by Jack. As the Dutchess moved to the center of the room with another Mandalorian in full battle dress.

The Dutchess spoke first, "As is custom I have arrived at the place you have desired at the time you have placed. With me I bring Pre Vizsla current leader of the Deathwatch of Mandlor." Jack raised and eyebrow, "Deathwatch...thought you kinda scattered when we killed your old leader almost 5 years ago."

Even with the helmet on Jack could hear the anger in Pre Vizsla voice, "I am here to repay the blood debt, and though we do not agree with Satine we will fight to bring all Mandalorians to heel. Oh and it help that I was told after the fight I would be able to kill you after I won, can't have your followers rallying behind you after you have been defeated." Again Jack was surprised well not really, "Dutchess seeing how you added conditions to our battle without my notice know that the consequences after the battle ends will be double I do not forgive deception and deceit when it comes with our traditions."

Before the Dutchess could respond Shaak Ti force pulled her into her grip off to the side of the arena. "Know that if he dies you will not be safe in this galaxy as long as I live. Now sit down and shut up we have much to do and dealing with a royal brat like you waste much of the time we could be spending for more important things."

With Shaak Ti dealing with the Dutchess Jack took this moment to stand. He towered over Pre Vizsla at 2.1 meters to his 1.8. " Where is your armor Mandalorian", Pre Vizsla asked with a sneer. "For the likes of you no armor will be required. Enough talk I have very important things to do after this."

With that Jack struck out using the power of the force to enhance his movements and power he hit the Mandalorian square in the chest denting the chest plate as Vizsla was sent flying to the other side of the room. Before he hit the wall he used his jet pack to regain his balance as he struggled to catch his breath.

He drew his blasters and began firing at Jack. His aim while deadly in most situations was off do to the sheer amount of pain he was currently in. Jack did not even dodge the shots as he slowly started walking towards the wounded warrior. Vizsla was struggling to correct his aim as the monstrous man walked ever closer.

On shot found purchase as it graced his left shoulder burning part of the skin off, but Jack was un phased in his walk. He dusted his damaged shoulder, "Hmm that ticked a bit, but if you want to live I suggest you try harder than that." Once again calling upon the force Jack seemed to appear right in front of Vizsla and knocking both blasters out of the man's hands, right before kicking the man in the right shin.

Vizsla was brought down to his knee hurt but still focused. He reached for his vibro knife and attempted to stab Jack in the chest. Once again un phased Jack grabbed his hand before the man could complete his strike and broke his wrists then in one fluid motion threw the man over his shoulder, and at same time ripped his jet pack off of his back. Vizsla was agin sent flying only this time with no pack to help him he hit the wall full force knocking the wind out of him.

He watch in horror as Jack with his bear hands crushed the jet pack like a can of soda and tossed it to the side, "You wont be needing that ever again once I am done with you. Stand up Mandalorian there is much to learn and so little time to teach it." Vizsla for the first time in his life was afraid. He had never seen a man move as fast as this one did. Hell even Jedi did not move that fast, and he is strong monstrous so.

In Desperation he shot his wrist grappler at his feet in a hope to tie him up and trip him. The shot rang true as it rapped around Jack's feet and locked, but when Vizsla went to pull the man it felt like he was trying to pull a mountain. Jack stopped and reached down to the cables, and with on swift motion ripped the wire off his feet and pulled Vizsla to him.

The man shot at Jack like a cannonball fired from a cannon. In mid air Jack caught the man by the throat and broke his other wrist. Then rised the man into the air turned him on his back and brought him down over his knee hard. The arena went silent as the moment Vizsla back made contact with Jack's knee a sickening crack was heard by all.

Vizsla layed there unmoving in complete shock. He could no longer feel his legs, and the pain...the pain was madding he wanted to pass out but something was forcing him to stay awake through all of it. Jack then dragged the man to a walk and sat him up right.

"Know this is your punishment for your disrespect to me. I will not take your life for it now belongs to me. I will keep you like this for a year while you learn humility and then I will rebuild you and make you a far stronger Mandalorian then you could ever hope to be on your own." With that Jack walked away from the man straight towards the pale Satine Kryze.

Stopping just in front of her he stared her down his gray colored irises stared her down. She felt like he was looking at her very being. Like a predator looking for any signs of weakness in front of its prey. " Your punishment however has only just begun. From this moment on Old Mandalor belongs to me. Every piece of land every building, every blade of grass, all the air and every person is mine. You will report to New Mandalor in one weeks time and you will bring everyone of the people that make up your power base. If I find that even one of your people were left behind on that planet.

I will kill them and ever member of this family right down to the children then I will once again double you up coming punishment. The current elder council of Old Mandalor is now dissolved and all clans associate with the elders shall have all titles stripped and removed. They will vacate their clan compounds and they too will report to New Mandalor in two weeks time. As I will not hold you responsible for them if they fail to listen to my order the same faith will befall them only that will not be added to your punishment. Now get out of my facility and my sight."

Dutchess Satine Kryze well former Dutchess visibly shuck through Jack entire speech, and when he was finished she said nothing. She just bowed and quickly turned on her heels and ran out of the room. Quickly followed by the Elders that had come with her. No one spared a glance at the fallen Pre Vizsla. They could not worry about the man for his faith had already been decided. They need to worry about following the Mand'lor's orders if they had any chance of surviving this whole ordeal.

Soon the room was empty again as medic can and retrieved Vizsla broken body, and once agin it was only Shaak Ti and Jack. Turing to his lover Jack asked in a quite voice, " Do you believe I was too harsh in this." Shaak Ti shuck her head no, "You are Mand'lor leader of the strongest warriors in all of the galaxy. Apprentice to the strongest force weidner knew throught history. You must show dominance at all times for if you show weakness the vipers will strike out. It is not a life that many can walk but you do it well and wear your honor proudly."

She hugged her lover as he let his weight rest against her. Here in this moment was the only time Jack ever dropped his mask. The only time he was allowed to be who he was inside, and in the moment he dropped to one knee and faced his love, his rock, his everything. " I may walk this path but I do not do so alone. Shaak Ti will you walk this road with me now and forever will you become my wife and live with what ever I become for better or for worse."

Jack waited on baited breath for her answer but he did not have to wait long as she showed him the smile he loved some much and said, "Yes you moron I have been waiting for you to ask me this for four yeaes."

Killmorger Killmorger

That's a rap for today I will see you guys and gals tomorrow have a wonderful rest of your day

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