The words hung in the air, a mockery of the supposed kindness that had been offered, a bitter acknowledgment of the twisted roots from which Adrian had sprung.
The tension thickened as Adrian's words lingered, abruptly interrupted by the sudden activation of the massive TV screen behind Eldrin.
"Do you seriously think I'll let you off the hook that easily?" The voice from the screen sent a jolt through the room.
Eldrin stiffened, his entire demeanor freezing at the unexpected intrusion.
Slowly turning towards the screen, his eyes widened in sheer shock at what unfolded.
The dread etched on his face deepened as the scene unraveled before him.
Hugo, tied to a chair, appeared unconscious while a figure, clad in a balaclava—Logan, as it seemed—firmly gripped Hugo's hair, showcasing his face to the camera.
Eldrin's heart sank right at that moment, his face mirrored a mix of disbelief and horror at the unfolding spectacle.
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