As he contemplated about the horrible idea, Kyran shifted his gaze at his shackled hands that had trembled since earlier.
It wasn't that he suddenly developed conscience and felt bad towards people who would soon fall victim to the unspeakable malice Ryley was about to unleash upon them.
"I'm getting closer to Iris, Goddammit! Do you have any solid plan after this?!" Tristan's panicked voice snapped Kyran out of his momentary disquietude.
The man clicked his tongue in annoyance when he heard Kyran only gave him silence.
But more than that, Tristan hated the fact that he couldn't use his brain properly in such a crucial time.
"Tristan..." Kyran muttered in a somewhat dejected tone, "I remembered what I saw at that time. Ryley will literally turn Aravoth into hell for his enemies. Enigmas are not exception. I remember it now... I was chained down to the ocean's floor, dreaming about my biggest fear..."
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