The remaining bits of joy in Vincent's amber eyes from having seen Starla suddenly come to his quarters disappeared into thin air.
His palms coldly hung in the air as he looked into her blue eyes, wondering where had those inexplicable distrust and fear come from?
Vincent had no idea why Starla stared at him as if he had just committed a grave mistake. Did she not see the wounds on his face? "I'm sorry for not answering your calls or replying to your text. Let me explain—" He tried to grasp her hand again but Starla stepped away and brushed off his touch again.
"So why...? Why didn't you answer my calls or reply to my text right away...?" Starla asked, her shaky voice followed the tears that had pooled on the corner of her eyes. "I know you are not supposed to have any particular schedule today, so why...? Are you hiding something from me...?"
"What could I have hidden from you?" Vincent asked, "I was only carrying out my duty—"
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