The blond rolled his lips inwardly when he heard it, trying his best so as not to curl his face into a sarcastic smile. "I think…. I'm getting better at seeing the bigger picture in every obstacle I face now."
Gloria raised her brows curiously. "Does…. hiding my granddaughter's crime from Claire… count as 'seeing the bigger picture' in your obstacle…?"
The atmosphere around them suspended right at that moment, and only after the chilling breeze blew past their figures did Ryley pull his lips into a smile and calmly answer, "I'm sure you already know the answer."
"So it does." Gloria said.
"If I let myself get distracted by the smallest obstacle, I won't be able to see the end of the road that will take me to my goal." Ryley replied.
Hearing this, Gloria nodded her head and hummed in return. Now that she heard herself how alluringly 'sharp' Ryley's words were, she was finally convinced that everything Vincent told her about the blond was true.
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