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5.41% The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima. / Chapter 17: Chapter 17 - Special stat - Sense

Chapter 17: Chapter 17 - Special stat - Sense

Daichi ate thinking about how to awaken his 'sense' stat. Based on how the previous two special stats were awakened he hypothesized that the key to unlocking all of them lies in their names. Right now his focus was on the 'sense' stat.

'Sense. A faculty by which the body perceives an external stimulus. The 5 main faculties of a living body are sight, smell, taste, touch and hearing. This would be the case if this was a normal world but I have to take chakra into account.'

'I was able to awaken the stamina stat when my SP got 0. And my charisma stat by impressing the Hokage. So the key to unlocking this is in the name of the stat.'

Daichi slowly ate his food thinking about this. Suddenly a thought came to his mind. He stopped eating and looked at his food.

'Sense of taste.' He paused eating for a moment. He recalled the pieces of information he read in the human anatomy book he read yesterday.

'The tongue is a muscular organ in our mouth. With thousands of taste buds covering the surface. And taste buds contain taste receptor cells… let's see if I can stimulate these cells and make them more efficient.'

Daichi placed his chopsticks down and concentrated. While this was happening Kensei was watching him closely. He had an idea as to what Daichi was trying to accomplish so he didn't disturb him.

Daichi concentrated and moved a very small portion of his chakra to his mouth. Contrary to popular belief different parts of the tongue are not assigned different tastes. The tongue, upper esophagus, cheeks all have taste receptors. Daichi moved the small portion of his chakra to cover the whole inside of his mouth.

Slowly infusing them into the tissues and then the cells. Daichi was very careful and only slowly completed the process. He didn't want to make any mistakes.

After a few minutes with chakra still coating his mouth, he took a bite of the food. The taste and texture he could feel certainty increased from before but not by much. Then Daichi slowly increased the chakra a bit more and tried again. This time when he took the food he could feel an explosion of taste.

Daichi felt his eyes open wide. He had never tasted anything like this. It was as if a whole new world was opened to him.

It felt like the food he ate before was masking it's true flavors. He could feel every component inside the single bite. The various flavors that went into making it. All of it.

A new notification came alerting him to the new skill he acquired.

[A new skill is created with a specific action.]

[By successfully controlling and concentrating chakra to coat the inside of your mouth and improving your sense of taste , the skill 'Superior Tasting' has been created.]

[Superior Tasting - Active(LV. 1): A skill obtained through concentrating chakra through the taste receptor cells of your mouth. At a higher level this skill can detect hidden 'tasteless' poisons as well as rare delicate flavors.]

[Effects: +10% increase in Taste

CP cost : 7/sec.]

"Incredible." 'I was a bit of a foodie in my previous life. Now with this skill I'll be able to enjoy the delicious flavors of this world on a much greater scale than I thought.'

At this moment his grandfather's voice woke him from his daydreaming.

"I take it you've learned how to infuse chakra to increase your sense of taste?" Even though Kensei asked, he knew the answer.

"Yeah. It's amazing. I can taste all the ingredients that went into making this. The delicious texture of the meat and the perfectly cooked vegetables. All of it." Daichi exclaimed happily.

"Yes it is. But it can also sometimes become a problem." Kensei said.

Daichi was confused at that. "How?"

"The foods I make here are from the ingredients I bought from 'Shi Fang's' store. And the ones I had brought here as takeout.. they are all from his restaurant as well. They make their own quality products that don't have any added preservatives."

"If I had bought food from another restaurant that was of a lower quality and you had used your chakra tasting then you would have tasted the oil and grease all the other small waste elements in the food and you wouldn't have taken another bite."

Daichi's face turned a little green after hearing that. "Eww…"

"Yes. That's why we shinobi are more particular about our food. We have much more delicate senses than that of ordinary people. That, and we only eat out at places we trust and most of the time we don't use chakra to enhance the taste." Kensei explained.

"But we learn these types of techniques to survive the mission." The old man continued.

"It's the same for the other senses. Too much and it becomes a hindrance. Too little and it won't be much use. So you need the perfect amount and ample control."

Daichi, listening to him, nodded in understanding. Since the food here and at Shi Fang's restaurant is good he planned on increasing the level of this skill. He finished his food and took the dishes to clean.

After he was done he went outside and took a look around. Several trees of all sizes filled his view. He gazed all around him. He could hear the sounds of leaves rustling in the wind and the birds chirping. That was it.

But Daichi wanted more. Just as he did with his tongue. He was going to improve his hearing.

Kensei came out and sat on a chair. "Daichi! Improving the senses requires a delicate use of chakra and needs a good amount of control. So I'll be here monitoring your chakra. You should proceed carefully. A ruptured eardrum is not a pretty feeling."

Daichi nodded with a serious face. He sat down in the shade and breathed. Letting out a deep breath he closed his eyes and concentrated.

'Hearing. The ability to perceive sounds through the ear by detecting the vibrations through the air or other medium.'

'These vibrations detected by the ear are then transduced to nerve impulses that are then perceived by the brain. The three main parts of the human ear are the outer ear, middle ear and inner ear.'

Daichi recalled all the information he found in the book. Since the ear is even more of a delicate organ than the tongue, Daichi used even less chakra to start. His goal was to slowly increase the frequency of sounds he could perceive.

He concentrated and delicately moved his chakra throughout the ear. Stimulating his auditory canal and auditory receptors. He slightly increased the chakra amount little by little.

Kensei paid close attention to the boy as he used his chakra and brought it to his ears. 'It seems his control over his chakra is better than I thought. In just a short time his control had increased so much. Is it because he has low reserves to begin with or does it have to do anything with his abnormal body?'

Daichi started to pick up the sounds of his clothes moving in the wind. Even though he was still, the wind moved tiny parts of his clothes and they made small sounds that otherwise wouldn't have been picked up.

Daichi concentrated and slightly increased the chakra output again. This time he picked up new sounds while the ones he could hear became loud. He stilled and slightly decreased the level of chakra and stayed like that for some time to get used to it.

He then started increasing the output and finally he succeeded. He heard the flapping of the wings of a bird several trees away. The sounds of water in the pond moving with the wind. The biggest sounds were the leaves.

It was a bit difficult to control and get the perfect amount of chakra necessary to hear beyond normal but also not become too loud. But after several tries over a dozen minutes, he accomplished it. And when it happened he got the usual blue box notifying him of another successful new skill.

[A new skill is created with a specific action.]

[By successfully controlling and concentrating chakra to the inside of your ear and improving your sense of hearing , the skill 'Superior Hearing' has been created.]

[Superior Hearing - Active(LV. 1): A skill obtained through concentrating chakra through the auditory receptors of your ear. At a much higher level this skill can hear heartbeats, muscle contractions and even sounds of blood coursing through the body.]

[Effects: +10% increase in Hearing

CP cost : 12/sec.]

'Wow. Sweet. I'll be able to hear heartbeat, muscle movement and even blood circulation…. That's wicked.' Daichi was impressed with the skill. But it would only happen as he increased his level.

'Hmm… The CP cost of this skill is higher than taste's. So each sense has a different CP cost when created. Interesting….

"It seems you've succeeded. That's impressive. But you should remember. Using too much chakra can overwhelm or even injure your delicate organs." Kensei was amazed that he got the technique down so quickly.

Daichi nodded and got ready for the next sense. 'Alright. Time for the next one. Sense of smell.'

'The human nose contains about 10 million smell receptors. These smell receptors are sensitive to odor molecules that travel through the air. There are hundreds of different receptors. Each for identifying different odors. So I have to use chakra to increase the efficiency of these receptors.'

Daichi took out a piece of chocolate candy from his pocket. He took it from the cabinet before coming outside.

'So he's going for the sense of smell next huh? I have no doubt that learning to increase the sense of smell would be of great use to him. It's an underrated technique but has plenty of use.' Kensei thought as he looked at the boy.

Daichi set the small candy a couple of meters from him. His goal was to be able to smell it from a small distance as a start. Then increase it.

Daichi concentrated and started focusing his chakra. Similar to the methods before he started with a small amount and slowly and carefully brought his energy to his nose. He coated the back of his nasal cavity and used the chakra to enhance his smell.

After a few tries he succeeded. He was able to get a whiff of the chocolate. He proceeded. He carefully increased the amount and let it flow through his nose in a controlled manner.

The results spoke for themselves.

[A new skill is created with a specific action.]

[By successfully controlling and infusing chakra inside your nostrils and improving your sense of smell , the skill 'Superior Smell' has been created.]

[Superior Smell - Active(LV. 1): A skill obtained through infusing chakra through the receptors of your nose. At a much higher level this skill can smell metals and even pick up 'odorless' poisons.]

[Effects: +10% increase in Smell.

CP cost : 6/sec.]

After successfully completing enhancement of the third sense, Daichi started working on the 4th. The eyes. One of the most delicate organs in the body.

"Daichi!" Just as he was about to start the old man called out.

"The eyes are one of the most important aspects of a person. They are one of the most delicate and fragile organs in the human body. You need to be absolutely careful when kneading your chakra into them. If anything happens to them, then your goals and dreams would end before they even begin. Do you understand.?" Kensei was serious. He had seen several shinobi lose their eyes during the war and it would end their career and greatly affect their personal lives. He didn't want Daichi to be overconfident and become careless.

"I'll be really careful and start slow." Daichi took his grandfather's words to heart. Even though he had the skill Gaia's Blessing, he didn't want to take any chances. He recalled every information he read from the anatomy book.

'The eye. A sense organ that reacts to light. The cells in the retina are photoreceptor cells which are able to detect visible light and send information to the brain. The cone cells are the photoreceptor cells in the retina and they respond differently to different wavelengths of light. Thus responsible for color vision.'

Daichi recalled the images of the eye and information he studied yesterday.

'I need to be absolutely careful when I do this. One mistake and I could go blind, blow up my eye or maybe something even worse. If I didn't have the gamer's ability and absolute confidence that I would come out of this completely healed if anything happens then I definitely wouldn't attempt this now. Especially at such an early stage.'

Daichi took a deep breath and closed his eyes for a few seconds to concentrate. Then opened them and looked around. He concentrated a very miniscule amount of chakra energy into both his eyes. He wanted to strengthen the photoreceptor and the eye as a whole.

He could experience the change in vision in real time. As he focused his chakra to the optic nerves, Iris, lens, and slowly throughout the eye his vision dramatically changed. It strengthened and Daichi could see far beyond what he was able to before.

The gamer's ability worked in tandem with his intent and auto corrected any small mistakes that would have happened before they did. This took some more time than the others since Daichi took it slow.

About half an hour later Daichi was standing looking around in wonder. Every detail he looked at was precise. From the smallest granules above the ground to the dust layer floating in the air, to the detailed feathers of the birds dozens of meters away.

[A new skill is created with a specific action.]

[By successfully concentrating and infusing chakra inside your eyes and improving your sense of sight , the skill 'Superior Sight' has been created.]

[Superior Sight - Active(LV. 1): A skill obtained through infusing chakra through the receptors of your eyes. At a much higher level this skill can see minute particles and even pick up on the smallest air displacements.

Effects: +10% increase in Sight.]

CP cost : 10/sec.

Suddenly a new notification appeared. Daichi was surprised and happy. Surprised because he thought he would have to attempt the same with the last main sense which was touch. And happy because it was a red notification box. Indicating he succeeded in unlocking another special stat.

MonkWithAPen MonkWithAPen

Author’s note.

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