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The wishes

Well guess what I died just like most of the fanfictions I have read. Sure I enjoyed most of them but I always wanted to be like that one dude who got some wishes then was sent to have fun or something like that.

???: Where am I?

The Void: You're in what I call the void, you can call me God creator of EVERYTHING.

???: Okay God, what am I doing in the void.

God: I don't know you should be in heaven.

???: Then can I go to heaven now?

God: Well that's the thing you're out of the loop you can't go to heaven. Instead I will give you 6 wishes with no restrictions. So think carefully.

A second later.

???: Got it.

God: Already?

???: Well I was already prepared for if something like this would happen.

God: Okay then what do you want then.

???: For my first wish I want a world that I can fully control.

God: Why a world?

???: When I go to a world I want my world to acquire any energies that I come across.

God: Done, next wish.

???: I want the Library of Heaven's Path with all the books in the entire multiverse currently and which will be written in the future, as well as if a book has any flaw their will be a version with the flaw corrected, and easy to use sorting machine.

God: That was a big wish but done.

???: Before my third wish is the Temporal Demon Spirit Book included?

God: Well obviously because its a BOOK, and since their is going to be so many books when you get a golden page I will make it to where your brain won't explode from the information and it will only be the flawless copies.

???: Thank you for my third wish, in each world I go to I want the best body in that world then keep it forever.

God: Could you give an example of what you mean.

???: Sure, let's use TDG for the example the best body would be an indigo soul realm, neutral attributes, the best soul form it didn't say in the novel but I'm sure you know, and the highest level spiritual roots. I know it is not heaven 9 grade because Nie Li would have had a higher grade if he did not retract his hand.

God: You really thought about this didn't you and also done.

???: I did indeed, for my fourth wish I want a system like usual but not just any old system I want the best one possible, and it has a feminine voice.

God: Done.

???: I have one question though will it need points?

God: I made it why would you need points?

???: Because most system novels need points for their things.

God: That's because those that made them were to weak for make something like the system I made you.

???: Okay that was a good answer, so then for my fifth wish I want true photographic memory so I can remember everything I see or read with one look forever.

God: Done, so for your last wish what will it be.

???: I want the ability to travel to any world or realm without any limitations.

God: It is done my child I hope you have fun on your journey maybe we will meet again someday. Now which world would you like to go to?

???: Since I already brought this world up several times I would like to start in the world of Tales of Demons and Gods 13 years before Nie Li comes back.

God: Very well have fun my child I will be watching over your progress.

???: Bye God see you later.

In the void after the MC leaves.

God: I forgot to tell him he will be reborn as Shen Yue he will be fine.

Kamdon115 Kamdon115

First real chapter let me know what you think. I plan to keep this going for a while hopefully. Let me know what I should add in the system like bloodlines or items or just anything all will be appreciated.

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