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100% THE 52 / Chapter 1: The 51
THE 52 THE 52 original

THE 52

Author: Author_in_the_work

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: The 51

Chapter One draft One


"Language my dear brother, language." Maxton said with a smirk. "how do you expect to win the hearts of the ladies~" Maxtons advised standing on the marble counter, swinging a pan (to keep the stinkin brother away) and holding his phone. "Sssoooo who is this Evelin~ is she your giirrrlllllffrrriieeennndddd?!" adding sound effects of kissing.


"How dare you threaten a miner! I am OFFENDED," Maxton said with feigned dignity.

"YOU ARE JUST A LITTLE BOY," Hunter roared, adding an eyeroll for emphasis, "WHAT CAN YOU DO?"

"I am wounded by thy words!" Maxton exclaimed dramatically cupping his hands together and putting them over his heart, encouraging tears to well in his eyes.

"I'LL…" Hunter started.

"BOYS!" Their mother exclaimed as she walked through the door. "Maxton, get off the counter." She said with an amused smile. Maxton slowly climbed off the counter. Then suddenly, Maxton slipped, smashing into his brother.

"NOOOOO! MY PRIDE! how could a fall in such a manner especially landing on such a foul creature. MY PRIDE HAS FOREVER BEEN WOUNDED AND SHALL NEVER BE REPAIRED! I AM OF GREAT BLOOD!! PUNISH THE SCOUNDREL that made me look a fool."

Their mother rolled her eyes. "Maxton, you're always so overly dramatic." But she couldn't stop the amusement that brimmed in her eyes.

"That's what I always say!" Hunter exclaimed.

"But mother," Maxton began, "My English name of Latin origin means 'greatest'. Therefore, I am the greatest being alive!" He said with an air of importance. "Why would you name me that if it were not true?"

Their mother let out a light chuckle. "Max my child, I got a complaint from your teacher, have you been writing to Puzzled peacock?"

"Of course my dear mother, THAT PEACOCK HAS BEEN MAKING ME SLAVE FOR HOURS TO COME OVER MINISCULE PROBLEMS, it is an abuse of power!!!"

"Can you tell me what you wrote sweetheart?"

"Yes yes I have a copy right... here!" as he shuffled through his drawer full of school work, pulling out a milky white sheet of paper. "you never know when you will need something like this magnificent art. What if they try to destroy my BRILLIANT work." he announced.

"Ok let's see what you wrote dear." She said as Maxton handed over the piece of paper with a mischievous smile. She glanced at the paper then handed it back to Maxton. "Why don't you read this darling.¨

Dear Puzzled Peacock,

This is not a letter informing you of what you have done wrong, like the many others, I have sent you have been. This is a letter about my objections. I object to continuing to do your homework/math. After all these years, I do not understand why you are still struggling. Hundreds of people, maybe THOUSANDS, have been helping you with your homework. I must tell you that you are completely daft. I refuse to reply to your further letters. I refuse my help. If I receive even a single letter from you, I will immediately throw it into the hearth. Puzzled Peacock, I must inform you that peacocks were never meant to do the math! You make everyone's lives miserable. No one can stand you. Most definitely not me. This letter is not to be insulting, it is to inform you of your faults (which the number is many.

I would thoroughly enjoy math much more if you did not send me your bothersome letters. This will be my last letter to you. We are no longer friends. We are not acquaintances. I am cutting off all connections to you. We will have no more communications. You need to learn to do things for yourself. You cannot always rely on the help of others. Please trust my word for this. This is for your own good. This way you will learn to be independent and learn how to do the math. You depend far too much on others. Now it is time that you learn how to do the math. If people are telling you what you have done wrong and explaining it to you does not help, then you must learn to do it on your own.

For years people have been trying to help you comprehend math, but you have never caught on. This proves my point that peacocks should never do math, but if you truly desire to learn how to do the math, you must teach yourself. Puzzled Peacock, you must stop imposing on the lives of others. Everyone dreads receiving letters from you. We send you letters often, yet the only letters we get are ones of need. We have never received a thank you letter, not once, from you. I for one feel unappreciated and used. I am done with this. You may send me one letter after you receive this. If it is for assistance with a mathematical problem, I will not reply. However, if it is an apology that is well written, I will consent to remaining friends but will not do your work. Give your family my regards.

Best of wishes,

Maxton Carlton

A giggle sounded out of their mothers mouth. She covered her mouth in shock. "Well dear," she cleared her throat, "this is very…. Nice."

"You could say that." Hunter said sarcastically, looking over his brother's shoulder at the paper. DING! Hunter's phone rang. Maxton had completely forgotten about his original goal. Maxton jumped and ran for Hunter's phone. Sadly, Hunter got there first. Slowly, a grin spread across Hunter's face.

"What is it?! What is it?! Tell me, Tell me!!!" Maxton pressed Hunter.

"It's nothing twerp." Hunter replied, swatting at Maxton.

"Hunter!" Their mother scolded. "Watch your language!"

"THAT'S WHAT I ALWAYS SAY!" Maxton said, with excitement bubbling up inside of him as Hunter groaned and rolled his eyes at his younger brother.

"Mom, please don't encourage him!" Hunter begged.

"I am going to my room, don't bother me again Max." Hunter hissed stomping out of the kitchen.


"Don't slam your door Hunter." Their mother scolded, through the banged up door. "We've talked about this."

"FINE." Maxton watched as his mother pursed her lips

"It's ok mother he is a moody teenager, NOW THEN you shall take me to thy park!! I must be with my most loyal followers!" he said, pulling his mother towards the door.

"Don't be rude, they are called friends! Not followers. "HUNTER! I am taking your brother to the park." She explained, grabbing the keys off the key rack as Max pulled her out the door.

~Hunters POV~

"Of course she's taking MAX to the park!" Hunter grumbled, "She didn't even ask if I wanted to come! All she ever talks about is Maxton!" Ever sense Hunter's dad had passed, Hunter had tried to take on the role of father figure to Max. Max however, did not appreciate it. Their mother had been more attentive to Maxton than ever. Hunter felt that she barely gave one thought about his well being.

"Ding" Hunter's phone cried. His hand automatically shot down. It was Evelin. Hunter suddenly felt another grin spread across his face. His sower mood quickly transitioned to a happy, grinning mood. He and

Evelin had met over Instagram 2 months ago, and talked everyday. She had just asked if they could meet today. The thing was however, his mother had disapproved of Evelin. She said that people you meet over social media aren't always what they appear to be, so Hunter had been talking to her only in his room. When Maxton had gotten his phone. Hunter was afraid that their mother would figure out he was still talking to her.

Hunter decided that the only way to escape unnoticed was to go late at night.

He messaged Evelin back saying, TOTALLY! How about tonight at 11:45? He knew that Evelin wouldn't mind since she had told him she liked to be a rebel and disobey her parents. The next message he got from Evelin was a smiley face and an all caps YES!

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