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40% That Time I Became The VOTW's Favourite / Chapter 4: Ch-4 Bullshit Of The Child Genius

Chapter 4: Ch-4 Bullshit Of The Child Genius

[Cid POV]

I was currently laying comfortably against Adelinde, who was currently holding me gently while smiling weirdly at my exhausted mother, sweat trickling down her face. 

"Mrs. Kagenou... Stop whining about this.." Said Adelinde with a deadpan expression on her face. 

Adelinde's hold on my was secure and protective but also very comforting. I liked it. 

And as for why my mother was lying on her back with an exhausted, almost dead look on her face, incapable of moving her body... That's on me. Tehe! 

"Why...? Why is this so hard...? It was never like this with Claire. Why is Cid so different ?" She asked while staring at the ceiling with half-closed eyes. 

Adelinde stared at her, her smile slightly awkward, as sweat dropped down her face. 

Suddenly, the front door burst open and my idiot of a father barged in the room. 

"I will have to–!... What are you doing ?" He asked, his face turning into one of complete confusion upon seeing his wife in such a pitiful state. 

"Are you kidding me ? It's been three weeks and you notice now?!" She yelled in anger. I'm surprised she has the strength to yell. 

"So... Why do you look so tired ?" 

"I don't know! I was just breast feeding Cid, and after that I collapsed on the bed! My muscles worn respond to me! It's like I've been drugged or someone's sucked my energy out of me or something! Like seriously, why is this happening ? All I did was feeding Cid! And it's been like this for three weeks! I mean... Not every single day, but it's a little concerning, y'know ?" 

She then threw her head back down and let out a loud groan while also rubbing her sensitive chest. 

"Cid is such a greedy boy... He takes meals multiple times a day and even then, he takes so long to finish and I always feel tired after it!" 

Adelinde on the other hand, turned her gaze down towards me and smiled. "Greedy indeed... Though I would also like to add the word, 'sly'". 

I also looked up at Adelinde. So far, since my time at this world, Adelinde was the only one I've been unable to outright deceive like I could my parents. Nothing gets past her. 

As weak as she is, she seems pretty gifted in terms of perception and she's very knowledgeable about magic and it's properties and functions. 

Adelinde noticed what I was doing.

She noticed how I was turning the breast milk into magicules while drinking them. She noticed how I conducted magicules through her body and into my finger tips to absorb them slowly. She noticed how I balanced out my magicules intake and nutritional intake. 

I'll have to give props to her. My mother hasn't noticed this yet, and she's the victim of this experiment of mine. 

I turned towards Adelinde and pulled on her collar, making her turn her attention down to me completely. 

When I arrived at this word three weeks ago, I learned a lot of tricks. Magicules are actually very easy to understand and manipulate. An action such a creating a telepathic link by simply sending a bunch of mangicules with the desired thoughts, is very easy to execute. 

Or... You could just form a telepathic bridge. 

• {Telepathic Link} 


Staring up at Adelinde, I made my intentions clear. 

<<Take me to... Library...!>> 

And as for why I don't use full sentences, it's because I'm three weeks old and Adelinde is under the impression that even if I am supposedly a once-of-a-kind genius, I shouldn't know how to speak full sentences as I have yet to even learn the alphabets of the world. But it's easy for me to pass it off as mentioned picking lines up by hearing the people around me. 

Adelinde: << you even know how... To read ?>>

Despite this question of hers, Adelinde smiled and began to leave the room, but not before bowing to my parents and excusing herself. 

As she took me to the library, I began to contemplate and think. 

Existence Points, Energy Points, Existence Value, or just EP for short. It is the numerical value given to determine a person's physical, spiritual and magical strength and power. The amount of energy they possess. 

Right now, I'd say my EP value is around 63,000-71,000. Now, I am unsure of whether that's low or high, but considering how low the EP of the maids and even my parents are, I'll assume it's a high number. At least, for a three week old human infant like me. 

Throughout these three weeks, I've been learning the functioning of this world and also mastering my skills. Because skills are unlike magic. I can't just master them on a whim. Skills are different. 

Unlike magic, which you can just be good at, in the case of skills, I need to learn how to utilise them properly to bring out their full potential and let them shine brilliantly. 

"We have arrived, Cid-sama. The library." I heard Adelinde say this and my attention shifted. 

We were in the Kagenou manor's library/study room. Brilliant. 

As I imagined the various things I would be able to learn while I spend my time in this room, I reached for a book. Activating {Metaphysical Comprehension}, I scurried the library and made a mental list of all the books here. 

I reached out for a book about spells, charms and other magic. It was quite high up, so I had to use the magicules around me to facilitate flight and lift me up to the top of the shelf. I then took the book out and oh boy, was it heavy! 

I mean, I am an infant so that makes sense. I literally need to use magic to augment myself to hold the book properly, while maintaining my flight. 

While I did this, I flipped through the pages of the book and memorized whatever I could, completely forgetting about Adelinde's presence as a whole. 

Woah! This book is filled with spells! How lovely! 

I see so many different types of magic here! Though, they're all common and very much used by a lot of mages. But that makes sense. I picked a beginner book first so I can learn basic spells and magic before going onto more advanced things.

Fire magic seems interesting. 

But I don't want to use it here. I wouldn't want to burn the library down, as all the books are made of paper and the shelves, of wood. 

So, I decided to switch over and flop to the water section. 


Hydro Sphere.

A very basic tier-1 magic spell. All you have to do is channel your magic to form water and concentrate it into a spinning ball of water and then shoot it forward at high speeds, making sure the ball keeps spinning all the way. 

You know... despite being a beginner level spell, you can easily make this more potent based on how much force you decide to use for the spin, momentum and concentrate. 

Let's try it! 

I stretched my hand out, closing my eyes for a second and smiling as I made a short mental chant. The magicules in the air began to converge and turn into pure liquid water before I slowly shaped it into a ball, making sure it spun all the while. 

As the ball continued to spin faster and faster, I grinned and decided to fire the spell, applying force on one end of it to shoot it off. 

<<Hydro Sphere>>

After shooting the spell, the ball of spinning water went flying through the room and crashes through the window, breaking it and crashing down on the ground beyond it. 

I moved my hands up and down, feeling all giddy as I did this. Yes! This is magic! 

Weak, yes... But still! 

Now then... let's increase the power. 

The next attack, was sharper, smaller, and it spun ten times faster. 

Then, again! And again! And again! 

Come on! Faster! Bigger! Faster! 

The next attack, I reduced the size to the size of my infant palm, but the spin was so crazy it looked still. I could feel the air around it getting sliced up because of the spin. 

I also decided to modify said spin by causing a fluctuation within the almost still sphere, causing it to bulge in certain places and I sharpened it, making almost blade like extensions from the ball. But because of how insanely fast it was spinning, it looked like a normal ball of water with water flying out of it. 

With an unnatural grin on my face, I reeled my hand back and threw the attack towards the destroyed wall, which was devastated by my earlier attacks. 

<<Aqua  Lacerabis>>

Within the next second of the throw, the entire walls got shredded to the point of absolute annihilation, the force of the attack caused a guest of wind that blew the books off the shelves and made the room crack and fall apart. 

The ball of water flew through the air, creating cuts on the ground below it before finally hitting the ground several metres away from the house, creating an explosion of water, soil and grass and even steam! The ground got shredded and torn apart, plants uprooted and an torn crater was formed there. 

The force from the impact shook the ground, causing the entire Kagenou manor to literally shake. And it was just a basic tier-1 beginner level spell! And it's still under development! I can still make it so much more powerful. 

Grinning in satisfaction, I almost missed the scream from Adelinde when I did this. 

Oh... She's still here...

I forgot...


[No one's POV]

Mr. Kagenou was sitting next to his exhausted wife, who stretched herself on the bed, a loud sound rang through the manor as the entire structure shook. 

This sudden sound and shaking startled both of them, who jumped from the bed and looked all over, sputtering and looking at each other as if wanting to know what was happening. 

For the next two or three minutes, many more such things happened again and again. 

Finally losing to his curiosity and annoyance, Mr. Kagenou stood up from the bed and walked out of his room, sporting an annoyed face. 

"Okay, what's going on?!" 

The only response he got, was the window shattering right in front of him, making him scream in shock and panic, before jumping back.

"D-Don't tell me... An ambush?!" 

"Lord Kagenou!" A maid rushed over to him. 

His wife was still on the bed, staring at her husband talking to the maid with a growing expression of concern. She was simply to exhausted to fight, which is bad in case they're actually being attacked. 

"L-Lors Kagenou! I-it's Cid-sama.. he–"

As if possessed, Mrs. Kagenou threw herself off the bed and dragged herself to the maid, grabbing her shoulders forcefully and staring into her intently. She forgot all about her exhaustion when the possibility of something happening to her baby boy was brought up. 

"What happened?! What about Cid?!" 

"H-he... He..." 

Another explosion was heard outside the manor. 

"He's using MAGIC!!! AND HE'S FLYING!!" 

Excited giggles exited the mouth of the energetic, flying baby as he fired another spell, this time a fire spell, down at the ground, creating a large explosion. 

The two Kagenou parents both stood outside the manor with shocked faces; eyes bulging and jaws slacked, unable to believe what they were witnessing. 

Their three week old baby son, was flying in the air! He was holding a spell book almost bigger than him with a heartwarming smile on his face as he changed more spells. 

Meanwhile, down at the ground, Adelinde was seen chasing after the flying boy, though unable to catch him as he was flying and she didn't know how to do what he was doing. 

"Cid-sama, please! Stop this at once and get down here! It's too dangerous!" 


Upon hearing this command, the sky turned cold and a white and blue magic circle appeared on Cid's little fingertip. 

His breath became frost and a beam of ice shot out of his hand, freezing the ground to below zero, which also forced Adelinde to move away so as to not get accidentally caught in that spell. 

"Cid-sama, please!"

<<Ice Spikes>>

Unfortunately for her... 

Spikes made of sharp, cold ice formed in the air around Cid, before they were fired down at the ground at high speeds, impaling the boulders he threw them at. 

...Cid was too caught up in the moment to bother listening. 

Everything else was tuned out for him. He only focused on firing one spell after the other, while also perfecting and improving each spell each time. 

<<Solar Flash>>

<<Air Nova>>

<<Pyro Wave>>


<<Air Bolt>>

<<Static Burst>>

<<Heat Haze>>

These were all beginner level spells Cid dishes out one after another. 

And go say Adelinde was shocked was a major understatement. 

Even court mages have difficulty casting so many spells at once! Granted, they are beginner spells, but still! Cid's THREE WEEKS OLD!!! 

"CID!" His mother called out for him. 

"Cid, please come down! It's too dangerous that high up!!" 

"My son!! If you can really read and cast spells, then cast one right now!" Yelled his father, managing to grab his attention this time. 

"Don't encourage him! He can actually do it!" Exclaimed Adelinde, but it was too late. 

Cid giggles playfully and lifted his hand in the air. 

<<Fulgur Scindo>>

The sky turned black and a crack of sparkling electricity struck down from the heavens, in the form of lightning. But this lightning was potent and sharp, ripping and rearranging the terrain around it as it dig through the ground and hit Mr. Kagenou. 

A few seconds later, his body fell down on the ground with a loud thud, smoke coming out of his burnt body. 

Without waiting another second, Cid turned the other way and flew away from the Kagenou Manor, deep into the forest, ignoring the pleas of his mother and babysitter. 

For the next couple minutes, he threw several dozen spells one after the other, over and over again. He made sure not to use any flammable spells though, and if he did, he made sure to put them out. 

His experimentation literally rearranged the geography of the land around him, changing the altitudes of soils and trees, creating rights and ledges, erasing trees and creating caverns, etc. He even made a whole new pond, on accident! 

But then he saw something that intrigued him. 

A blob of black goo, just rolling about on the ground not too far away from him. 

Tilting his head curiously, he flew down there to see what it was. When he got close to the black muc, it tried to reach out for him and ensure him in it, but he moved away with a neutral expression. 

A hand on his chin, he raised an eyebrow. "Is that a slime ?" 

The mindless monster made of slime moved around a little, making Cid grin. 

"I haven't tried out any spells on living things yet." 

<<Exterminate Ray>>

This was not a spell from the book he read. It was one he made himself. He named it after an attack he read in a manga sometime in his past life. 

Cid used the basic spells <<Exterminate>> and evolved it into <<Exterminate Ray>>.

He summoned his {Mana Core} to do this. The Mana Core the charged and crackled, creating a small purple ball right in front of it, which then shot out as a purple beam of destructive magic that sound exterminate anything in its way. 

Cid deliberately made sure not to annihilate the slime in that single attack, making sure the attack took less then 40% of its body. 

But right after the attack hit, Cid's senses flared up and his eyes glowed, a symbol forming over his pupil. 

"What the hell...? This magic conductivity... It's...!" 

Conductivity and resistance are two opposite sides of the same coins. All things in nature, both biotic and abiotic, exhibit both of these properties. 

Conductivity is the ability of an object to facilitate or allow the movement of energy or particles from one region to another through it. 

Resistivity is the exact opposite, the ability to resist the flow of energy through its body. 

The human body has decent resistivity towards magic but also decently high conductivity, unlike rock and metals, which generally have higher resistivity than most other objects, which inhibits someone from unleashing their true power. 

That slime... It's magic resistivity is... 

It's... It's 0.2%!!! 

That means it has a magic conductivity of 99.8%! That's never been heard off before! 

As I stared at the slime with a surprised expression, I decided to test this out. 

I removed the Mana Core from the air and formed a small charge of magicules at my fingertip, before firing it at the slime. 

Just like I anticipated, the magicules passed through its slime body and it began to spasm and change shape and colour and even hardness vigorously. I've never seen such a serious reaction before! 

I couldn't help but grin. 

I'm certain the expression I'm making right now, despite not knowing what it is, is not something a baby should be wearing. 

Oh, I know what I'm gonna be doing later! 


I'm soooo going to abuse the hell out of these adorable little blobs! 

And just like that, I threw my Mana Core at the slime and watched with interest as it was slowly absorbed and stored inside as Spiritrons. 

Monsters are magicule-based organisms made up of pure magicules. In other words, if you have the necessary control, skills, power and intelligence, you can create a monster from scratch using pure magicules! 

All I have to do now, is learn the general magicule composition and anatomical structure of the slimes at a metaphysical level and I'll be able to literally just make this things out of thin air! 

Oh, now I'm coming up with sooo many things to do! I can't wait!!! 

Over the course of the next couple of months, it was just me pulling out more and more surprising shit. 

I was able to talk after just 47 days since my birth. I learned how to walk within the next three months. 

During this time, I read through every single book in the Kagenou Manor and I knew every spell and story from this mansion. 

If I wanted to learn more, I'd have to go outside and discover it. Maybe I should go visit the Royal Library of Midgar. It was a massive library within the capital city of Midgar, located very close to the Midgar Academy for Dark Knights and Science. 

During this time, my dear sister Claire red me a book about a famed fairy tale from this world. 

The story of the Three Heroes and the Demon Diabolos. 

I loved that story very much. But my {Metaphysical Comprehension} indicated that this story was altered, meaning it's not the true events of what really happened. 

Now, my curiosity was peaked and I began to wonder, why would they change the story and in turn, history itself ? No matter what I wondered, I couldn't come up with a concrete answer. 

The only viable option, was they wanted to hide something, or it was just another case of powerful people being corrupt. 

In any case, six months passed by smoothly for me. My EP had also increased significantly. My EP was now at 310,104, which is significantly higher than any human I've met this far! 

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