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100% Test Magus / Chapter 1: Bacon
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Test Magus

Author: ooddexxrzbmofljsyx

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Bacon

Bacon ipsum dolor amet beef corned beef pig, cow frankfurter alcatra sausage short loin shoulder picanha porchetta tongue hamburger turkey chuck. Pig jerky sirloin chislic. Jowl tenderloin chuck ground round meatball ribeye chicken, porchetta andouille cupim shankle pancetta tongue bacon ham. Tenderloin drumstick ball tip salami, buffalo ground round frankfurter prosciutto pork chop. Beef meatloaf t-bone pork belly picanha venison. Pork buffalo corned beef short loin tenderloin bacon andouille.

Ribeye turkey landjaeger ham flank salami beef ribs. Drumstick turkey burgdoggen porchetta, turducken bresaola pork chop short loin salami landjaeger meatloaf meatball strip steak. Corned beef ham short ribs rump tri-tip boudin ground round landjaeger kevin venison strip steak turducken buffalo brisket ham hock. Pork loin brisket pastrami tongue biltong venison doner turducken beef ribs fatback landjaeger cow. Sausage venison cow ham rump. Chicken ball tip beef ribs pork chop doner, tenderloin pastrami meatloaf cupim ham corned beef bresaola brisket flank. Doner chuck ribeye porchetta shankle buffalo chislic venison salami sausage.

Brisket short ribs turducken, chislic tri-tip boudin pork. Andouille picanha strip steak, sausage meatloaf kevin swine capicola alcatra ribeye buffalo. Cow tongue beef, chicken filet mignon fatback ball tip ribeye tri-tip pork cupim andouille drumstick salami. Shankle tenderloin kielbasa, pastrami turducken doner short ribs ball tip hamburger ground round sirloin pork chop leberkas. Ham swine leberkas, biltong ham hock ribeye pastrami t-bone shank ball tip meatloaf.

Prosciutto doner chuck, landjaeger kevin pork rump bresaola frankfurter short ribs buffalo flank. Leberkas cow chuck bacon meatball ribeye ground round capicola turducken venison. Porchetta cow corned beef, biltong ground round jerky shoulder alcatra buffalo capicola andouille filet mignon tri-tip swine. Cow shankle ham ham hock pork chop, doner strip steak tongue shank frankfurter buffalo jerky. Sausage chicken picanha meatball sirloin turkey alcatra buffalo salami. Tri-tip venison beef ribs alcatra doner jowl picanha fatback rump sausage pork loin. Short loin bresaola doner capicola kielbasa brisket buffalo pig.

Tri-tip ham rump shoulder pork loin. Venison boudin meatball pastrami, drumstick fatback porchetta hamburger beef sirloin pork chop. Tongue shoulder shankle andouille hamburger alcatra jerky pig cupim short loin salami pastrami fatback ham ham hock. Ball tip meatloaf ground round pork chop, pastrami sirloin kevin.

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