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11.11% Terra Wolf
Terra Wolf Terra Wolf original

Terra Wolf

Author: Grimm48

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: arriving in Terra Nova

Disclaimer: I don't own anything from Teen Wolf or Terra Nova.

As the 10th wave is arriving through the portal Jim Shannon arrives, running through the portal guns blazing. When he comes out in a jungle he feels light-headed and falls over, lying on the ground gun still in his hand. One of the soldiers send to pick up the new comers sees the gun in his hand and alerts his men yelling "Gun!" and aiming at Jim with his men while some other soldiers take his family into custody. Once his family is contained Jim lowers his weapon and raises his hands, surrendering to them.

"Check the pack for more weapons." The soldier orders and one of his men takes a knife, intending to cut open the back pack the Shannon's had with them.

"No!" The two parents cry out fearfully and dash to the back pack with their two children Maddy and Josh in tow.

"Stop." Scott says, standing close to the soldier and grabs the knife wielding hand in a strong grip.

"What are you doing?" The soldier yells at him enraged and tries to push him off to cut open the bag when suddenly instead of Scott being shoved away the man is flying through the air, landing a few feet away. The Shannon's reach the bag during Scott's action and open it, revealing a small girl sitting inside it with a breathing mask. The soldiers lower their weapons as the family helps the girl out of the back and stands in front of her protectively.

Once everyone has arrived through the portal the soldiers lead the newcomers to Terra Nova. Along the way they contact the base and inform them of the event.

"You heard right, two stowaways, an adult male and a 5-year-old girl." Lieutenant Alica Washington informs them.

"Copy that, continue on." The soldier on the other side of the radio answers.

"Tell Commander Taylor we're heading back now." She says and puts away the radio.

The newcomers get lead to Terra Nova, by forming a line with the soldiers guarding their sides.

"So, stowing away through the portal that must have been exciting." Scott says, walking next to the family which is lead by their mother, followed by their children and the father taking the rear.

"We had no other choice. Who are you anyways? I Don't see you wearing a uniform." Jim says, looking the teen around his oldest children's age over.

"Caught on to that huh? Well let's say I'm more of a freelancer or special forces kinda guy." He tells them.

"Special forces, is there even such a thing here?" Elisabeth Shannon asks doubtfully.

"Well with me there is, and I'm from the second wave so you could pretty much say there has always been special forces, though I'm afraid I'm alone in that category." He replies.

"And what makes you so special?" Jim asks putting quote marks on the word.

"Now there is the right question. Short answer is some rich assholes experimented on me and made me an artificial were-wolf." Scott explains but only receives doubtful looks from the family, other than their youngest daughter Zoe, who seems excited by the idea.

"I have never seen a wolf." Zoe says, looking at him expectantly.

"Hah, sorry to disappoint little lady but I'm afraid that is beyond my capabilities." Scott tells her with a grin.

"Scott, stop bothering the newcomers and make sure we're secure." Lieutenant Washington orders, walking past him.

"Man get off my back will ya. Just be glad I come along for fun otherwise you'd be up to your asses with dino's every time a new wave appears, because not that you can tell but the smell of confusion and fear the newcomers give off is like catnip to some of those things." Scott complains.

"Just do it. If you have to complain, go to the commander." She tells him.

"Ah man, looks like our little chat is over. Welcome to your new lives." Scott tells the family and takes off, running ahead of the track, leading them to Terra Nova while staying on guard so nothing comes too close.

"He's an odd one isn't he?" Elisabeth asks her family.

"I'm just glad he stopped that soldier from opening the bag." Her husband says.

"I don't know I think he's interesting, but do you think there really is such a thing as a artificial were-wolf?" Maddy asks her mother.

"Not that I've heard of, but then again we're in the past so I wouldn't put it past those in power." Elisabeth replies.

Suddenly the earth shakes and everyone hears a loud growl.

"Uhm, I'd suggest we hurry up. Cause that one I don't want to have to deal with without my equipment." Scott says jogging over to the Lieutenant who's in charge.

"Alright, hurry them up." The Lieutenant orders her men.

Maybe half an hour later everyone arrives at a huge compound encircled by a wood and steel fence with guard towers at the gates.

"Citizens of 2149, I'm commander Nathaniel Taylor but you probably already know that. Congratulations, each one of you has taken a step like I did 7 years ago towards a new beginning. Together we're at the dawn of a new civilization. No pressure. The world you left behind fell victim to some of the baser instincts of our species. Greed, War, Ignorance. We blew it and destroyed our home but we've been entrusted with a second chance. A chance to start over, a chance to get it right. Welcome to Terra Nova folks. Welcome home." Taylor greets the newcomers gathered in the courtyard and everyone applauds.

One of the soldiers approaches the Shannons and tells the parents "Taylor wants to see you, without your children."

The two adults follow the man to the commander, who then questions them why they had a third child, which is a violation of the law and Jim was a police officer before being imprisoned for two years. Taylor decides that Jim can stay in the colony and orders him to agricultural duty.

The family then gets shown their new home, a house which needs some decorating but has the bare essentials. When they are deciding who should take which room Zoe slips away and wanders outside the house. She goes to the fence where enormous dinosaurs can be seen eating some branches off trees. She picks up a few of the fallen branches and holds it up to the brachiosaurus who's right behind their home.

The Shannons start to look for her and find her when she's feeding the dinosaur.

"Get away from there Zoe." Jim says worriedly as he rushes over to her.

"Ah let her be, they are harmless." A voice says coming from outside the fence and the family, now gathered around their youngest see Scott strolling through the woods behind the fence.

"I thought we were supposed not to go outside the fence." Josh says.

"You aren't. I can do what I like, remember special forces." Scott replies cockily, getting a scoff in return from the teen slightly older than him.

"No but seriously, if you want to stay alive stay inside the fence if no trained personnel is with you or you've been here for let's say two months." Scott tells them and starts to climb the wall up and down on the other side with relative ease.

"What is it with you, are you following us or something?" Jim asks him.

"Nah, just was curious what the good ol' commander decided, so what did you get stuck with?" Scott asks Jim, not caring that Jim's at least twenty years his senior.

"agriculture." The father replies with a small scoff.

"Heh, wouldn't have pegged you for a farmer." Scott says surprised.

"I'm not, I was a cop." Jim tells him.

"I see, well either way. Welcome to your new home, if you ever have any mayor problems feel free to inform me. I'm Scott by the way." Scott tells them, handing Zoe and Maddy each a flower he picked from outside, while throwing another bunch to Jim.

"Their smell is calming to the nerves, usually helps newcomers." He tells the family before walking off.

"He just gets more confusing, doesn't he?" Elisabeth asks not being able to read what Scott's thinking.

"Yeah." Jim agrees.

"He's just trying to show off." Josh says grumpily and gets back inside.

"I like him, I just wish he could show me a wolf." Zoe tells her parents.

Maddy stays silent and gives the flower a sniff, enjoying the smell and looks at the retreating Scott, who actually is climbing back over the wall.

"He is nice, but I guess mom does have a point." Maddy says looking at him landing on the other side of the fence and take off into the jungle.

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