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Tensura system in the Multiverse Tensura system in the Multiverse original

Tensura system in the Multiverse

Author: SleepyTrashPanda

© WebNovel

Chapter 1

Jack awoke to find himself in his dirty room that was filled to the brim with junk. He had meant to clean it but had never gotten around to actually doing it. Now unwashed laundry lay strewn about in piles that he avoided as he walked to his desk. He grabbed an unopened bag of chips as he sat in his gaming chair and pressed the power button for his computer.

His chair bumped his overflowing trash can as he stretched his arm in the air. Old chip bags and empty soda cans spilled across his floor. Jack stared at the trash can, trying to decide if it was worth the effort. Deciding to ignore the inconvenience he simply turned back to his computer and started to read one of his favorite light novels.

Jack imagined himself as a protagonist of a trashy fan-fic, where he was chosen by God to be some almighty warrior. A feeling of tiredness washed over him as he continued to scroll through the light novel until he reached its end. By that time he could barely keep his eyes open. His body slumped against his computer as he finally gave in to the temptation and slept.

Next to Jack's bed was a bottle of sleeping pills. The label on the bottle stated clearly that only one pill should be consumed per day, next to that was the date he had received the pills, December 24. When he had received the bottle the previous day there had been 60 pills inside, now the bottle was empty.

. . .

Jack opened his eyes, confused. He couldn't tell how much time had passed, nor where he was. Darkness surrounded him as he tried to stand up, but when he went to push off the ground there was none. Looking down he could see that he floated more than stood, in fact, he didn't even have a body.

It took him a moment to gain his bearing in the vast emptiness of the void he found himself in. Soon he grew accustomed to his new surroundings and sighed. Decades passed in the blink of an eye, but still, Jack remained alone in the void. He just stood, unable to move, unable to sleep as time passed.

Then something changed. Jack had long ago lost track of how long he had been in this void when he saw it. A light descended from above and came to float in front of him. The light illuminated the body of a boy who looked to be around 7 or 8 years old. The boy's skin was tanned as he had piercing glacial blue eyes that seemed to see right through Jack's entire soul.

The boy made a gesture with his hand and two chairs suddenly popped into existence. He seated himself in one while gesturing for Jack to take the other. Jack sat and stared at the boy, unsure of what to say or do. Luckily for him, the boy spoke first "You're being reincarnated today." the boy said in an amused tone that seemed out of place in the void.

Jack looked at the boy quizically before speaking "Why after all this time? I've been here for well over 3 decades at this point." He asked, confused by the long wait. Jack had come to accept his situation after all this time, but with the new knowledge that he was going to be reincarnated, he couldn't help but ask the question that plagued his mind.

"You seemed to have been mistakenly cast into the depths of the void by me upon your arrival," the boy said "I am fixing that now. Due to my mistake though I will grant you 3 wishes of your choice." Jack nearly choked when the boy spoke. This was the situation that he had always dreamed about long ago. His time in the void had almost completely erased his memories of before his death, but not yet.

Jack finally spoke after thinking for a while "I want a Tensura styled system along with being reincarnated with my memories fully intact." he spoke in a confident tone. Tensura aka That Time I got Reincarnated as a Slime was one of his favorites because of its interesting world and power system.

(A/N: Wish 1 = System, Wish 2 = Reincarnation, Wish 3 = Keeping Memories)

The boy looked thoughtful for a moment, then he nodded and waved his hand once more. Jack felt his body split into a million pieces before rushing off to a different location in the universe. Jack wasn't sure how he was still conscious as he flew at breakneck speeds across the void. Eventually, he saw a crack open up in the fabric of the void ahead of him. He closed his eyes as he slammed into the crack and disappeared from the void.

. . .

Once again Jack awoke in an unfamiliar place, except this time he was greeted by a voice.

[Unique Skill: Rulebreaker acquired]

[Error! Error! Error!]

[Unique Skill: Rulebreaker has forcefully evolved into the Ultimate Skill: Lord of Anarchy]

Jack just blinked while listening to the voice announce his new skill. It was at that moment that it really sunk in, he wasn't in the void anymore, he had been reincarnated. Quickly he glanced down at his new body and found that he had scales covering his body along with two long fangs in his mouth. He still had a humanoid body, but it was the size of a small child. He guessed that he had to be around 4 or 5 years old, but he couldn't be sure.

Glancing around he saw that he was in the middle of a clearing that had a path running straight through the center. Then all thoughts of where he was going out the window as he looked at a system window that popped up in front of him. It was just a classic blue window, but Jack had never been more excited in his life.

[Name: Jack

Race: Beastmen (Serpent)

Ultimate Skills: Lord of Anarchy (Subskills: Exponential Growth, Limit Breaker, Skill Harvester, Dimensional Travel, Debuff Immunity, Communicator, Instant Action)

Unique Skills: None

Extra Skills: None

Common Skills: Poison Fang, Poison Breath

Resistances: Poison Resistance, Paralysis Resistance

Arts: None

Magic: None]

He couldn't help but whistle when he saw his skill sheet. The common skills were a good start, but nothing fantastic. It was his Ultimate Skill that was the real show stopper. He had only had the system for about 2 minutes and he had already gained an Ultimate Skill that was completely broken.

Jack felt the skill affecting him and knew exactly what each subskill was active and what its best use was. Since Ultimate and Unique skills were directly tied to the user's soul he already had full control over them and could use them to their full potential. He went through the subskills one by one, already imagining how extremely op he would be in the future.

Exponential Growth did what was expected, it made him stronger a lot faster. For example, if your average person had to work out for 1 minute to get 1% stronger then at first it would be the same for Jack as well. When 2 minutes rolled around that average person would be 2% stronger, but Jack would be 4% stronger. After 3 minutes he would be 9% stronger and so forth. It would also decrease the amount that he would need to train with magic or arts before mastering them.

The next ability went hand in hand with Exponential Growth, Limit Breaker. Limit Breaker effectively removed the limits of his body and soul. That also meant that Jack could have a theoretically infinite number of skills as well as infinite magic and strength. In many ways, Limit Breaker was the most important subskill of Anarchy.

Skill Harvester was another self-explanatory ability. It allowed him to harvest the skills from others, though they had to be dead first. In Jack's opinion that wasn't much of a downside at all. Though he wasn't too sure how skills would work in a world that wasn't the Tensura one. He would have to cross that bridge when he came to it.

Dimensional Travel allowed him to travel across dimensions and access parallel or completely different worlds. This would be the ability that would let him explore all the anime and light novel worlds he desired.

Debuff Immunity was a very nice ability to have. No matter what restrictions were imposed on him he would be able to ignore them all. Jack already thought of ways he could use this to his advantage. He could eat multiple devil fruits in the One Piece world or ignore nen restrictions that he placed upon himself in the future if he ever made it to the HunterxHunter world.

Communicator was another important ability that was extremely useful to have. It essentially gave Jack access to all languages in existence. It even went as far as to let him speak with animals that had sufficient intelligence.

Last but not least was Instant Action. Instant action allowed him to perform any Skill, Art, or Magic instantly as well as completely eliminating the cooldown for said action. All that mattered was the amount of magicules or stamina he possessed.

Jack was still a little in awe of just how powerful his abilities were this early on. One thought kept him from celebrating too early though, sure he had a lot of powerful abilities that would help with growth in the long term, but he didn't have any strong short-term abilities. He had no defensive skills and barely any offensive skills. He was still a long way from becoming an op god himself.

Having thoroughly explored his abilities to his liking, Jack looked around to try and identify what world he was in. Soon he found his answer as he saw a man with blood-red hair approaching him. Well, it looks like I'm actually in the Tensura world thought as he faced the primordial demon Rouge, aka Guy Crimson.

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