/ Realistic / Ten Black Roses For Your Wake

Ten Black Roses For Your Wake Original

Ten Black Roses For Your Wake

Realistic 3 Chapters 2.9K Views
Author: Lyla_Clarkson

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Tough Inspector Dale Clarkson, nicknamed 'the Demon', hated nepotism with a passion- in his mind, true detectives are those who proved their mettle through hard work and sheer determination. So, when young, posh, Ivy-league Patrick got admitted into the precinct through sheer connections, he swore to himself that he would chase the brat off.

As fate would have it, however, his plans put to a halt when a mysterious serial killer appeared- leaving cult-like murders, trails of seemingly random victims in their wake and a single rose for each murder. With mysterious letters beginning to appear in his mailbox that hits too close tp home for comfort and the ghosts of his pasts re-emerging throughout the case, would Detective Dale Clarkson be able to win the race against time to save the reputation of the precinct from the vulture-like press, or would he instead lose his already wavering grip on his sanity?

Warning: Dark, Not for the faint-hearted.

Parents Strongly Cautioned

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Author Lyla_Clarkson