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28.57% TEEN WOLF - Born Alpha / Chapter 5: Chapter 5 - Tensions

Chapter 5: Chapter 5 - Tensions


I drove up to school the next day, it was lively, teenagers talking and laughing as they got out their cars and met their friends, the height of youth as some old timers would say.

I parked my car in my usual spot next to Stiles's jeep, grabbed my bag and got out to head inside when Danny came up to me "Hey Jake!" he greeted, "Morning Danny, you rest ok?" i asked as Danny had a nasty hit yesterday during the game, "I'm good, just a dull ache on my left shoulder " he said as he stepped around me to gawk at my car,

"Damn dude, i didn't know you drove this" he exclaimed as he ran his hands over her, "Oh right.. well you guys never asked what kinda car i drove so i didn't tell" i shrugged my shoulders, "You gotta drop me off today, i'm kinda already sick of the bus" Danny said as he looked at me hopefully,

"*sigh* Fine, but what gives? i thought you said taking the bus gives you eye candy with all the hot guys who are usually on it?" i asked and raised an eye brow at him as we walked towards the school, "Yeah but i can still get some eye candy tomorrow" he shrugged his shoulders, "Jake, Danny wait up!" someone called us from behind making me and Danny stop and turn, walking towards us fast was Allison,

"Hey morning guys" she said as she smiled at us, i saw her blush a little as she locked eyes with me, "Morning Allison" both Danny and i said, we turned and made our way into school, Allison was chatting with Danny whilst i just listened and answered anything that was directed my way.

We walked into school and i could smell it, a faint scent of blood and anger, Peter was here at some point, maybe the day before. I also felt someone's anxiety, it was palpable, "Hey i'll see you guys at lunch i got math for first period" said Danny and turned to go to his locker, "So you excited about today?" Allison asked as she turned to me,

"Excited? about what exactly?" i asked her back, "Well you sort of single-handedly won us the game last night, you could ask any girl at school out and she'd definitely say yes" she said as she rolled her eyes at me, "Oh? is that jealousy i hear in your voice?" i asked her teasingly, "N-no! i-it's just concern, t-they might just be using you or something" she flustered and punched my arm making me chuckle, "Hehe i'm grateful for the concern Allison, but i'm not some love-sick puppy like Scott" i said, just as she was about to reply i pulled her back as Scott came barreling blindly backswards,

almost hitting her from around the corner, "Wha! You scared the hell out of me" said Allison as she looked at Scott who turned to see us and took a deep breath, i could feel the anxiety on him, "Your ok" Scott said, he was looking at Allison all worried for some reason,

"Once my heart starts beating again, yeah" Allison responded as she massaged her heart, "You ok Scott? your breathing kinda heavy there" i said as he nodded my way, "I am, just a little flustered, there was another animal attack last night, it was here, at the parking lot behind the school" he said as he tried to control his breathing.

A few seconds after Scott finished speaking the school speakers turned on and the principle informed everyone about the attack and that classes would still be on, Allison than turned to Scott "So save me a sit at lunch?" she asked Scott who had a relieved and stupid grin on his face,

"Yeah" he replied breathlessly as Allison and i walked toward French class, i had Econ which was just down the hall, "See, love-sick puppy" i whispered to Allison as we left, she glared at me and gave me another punch to my arm,

"Hey it's true with that goofy look he got on right now", which made Allison turn to check, and low and behold Scott looked like a love-sick puppy, i chuckled which made her more mad as she punched me again,

"Hey, you know i bruise easy right?" i said stifling my laugh, "No you don't, after all i saw you naked, you didn't have any bruises after the game" Allison then froze as she realised what she just said, her ears turned red as she hid her face in her hands and ran off to class leaving me standing in the hallway with all the freahman girls gawking at me since they clearly heard her,

'Shit, the gossip and rumors are gonna go wild by lunch' i thought, and made my way to class ignoring the girls that where checking me out, 'Horny teenage girls are hard to talk to calmly' my inner monologue continued as i entered my first class of the day.

(MC POV End)

(Stiles POV)

At lunch, myself and Scott got our lunch order and sat at an empty table, "Dreams aren't memories" i said as i sat my tray down, "It wasn't a dream, something happened last night and i can't remember what" Scott clarified intensely and sat down,

"What makes you so sure that Derek has all the answers?" i retorted while biting a sandwich, "Because, during the full moon h-he wasn't changed he was in total control, while i was running around in the middle of the night attacking some totally innocent guy" he said in one breath, "You don't know that" i expressed and waved my hand, "Wait, what about Jake? he could help you with this werewolf control thing right?" i asked as i remembered Jake was Derek's brother,

"No, Jake isn't a werewolf, he doesn't smell or feel like us, he seems normal like you, plus he hasn't seen or spoken to Derek since he got here" Scott said shaking his head, "Well he might know about werewolves, you haven't asked him, so how would you know?" i said as i chewed my food,

"I don't know, he seems like an ass" Scott said almost forcefully, "How so? he is actually kinda cool" i said to my friend, "He pushed Allison into the pool at Lydia's party and then he threw me in as well" Scott almost yelled, "Oh! well that wasn't his fault, she did dump ice water on him, that's what i heard anyway, don't tell me your holding a grudge because of that" i stated flatly, "*sigh* fine i'll try ask him later if he knows anything" he said.

Lydia came out of nowhere and sat beside Scott right after he stopped speaking,"Knows anything about what?" Lydia asked, "Ah-eh-wha.." i couldn't get a word out, "Just-ah homework" Scott saved me from stuttering like an idiot, "Why is she sitting with us?" i whispered to Scott as i leaned towards him, all he did was open his mouth and shake his head, "i-i-ah don't know" he replied. Danny, Allison, Jacob and a girl and guy from Lydia's clique sat with us as well,

Jake sat beside me opposite Allison who was next to Scott, and Danny sat on my other side facing Lydia, Jackson shooed the other guy away as he took the sit at the head of the table, i turned and smiled at Jacob while nodding my head, "Sup Jake" i said, "Sup Stiles" he repied with a nod of his own, "So i hear they're saying it's some type of animal attack, probably a cougar?" Danny informed us,

"I heard it was a mountain lion" said Jackson as he leaned back in his seat, "A cougar is a mountain lion" Lydia corrected causing all of us to look at her, "Isn't it?", "Oh i hope it's a cougar, heard those milfs are pretty hot and can claw a guys back off" Jake joked and bit an apple, Lydia and Allison glared at him, "Haha pretty funny Hale, you have experience with grannies than?" Jackson said smirking as he leaned on the table to look at Jake,

"Yeah if your mom counts as one" Jake said, causing Danny, Scott and myself to stifle our laughs, "pfft-.." Scott slipped, "Something funny McCall?" Jackson asked aggressively to Scott, "Oh looks like the lovers are at it again" Jake quipped beside me sarcastically, Lydia had a slight smile,

Allison had her hand covering her mouth, Danny was smiling and shaking his head, and i buried my head in my arm so that i would not laugh, i mean Jake was pretty funny when he wanted to be. "Shut up Hale!" Jackson growled angrily, "Haha, hey i'm just joking, no need to take it personal" Jake had his hands raised in the air.

I took out my phone and said "Hey i found out who it is, check it out" as i played a video about the attack. "I-i-i know this guy" Scott said taking my phone, "You do?" asked the girl who was sitting beside Allison,

"Yeah when i used to take the bus when lived with my dad, he was the driver" Scott looked at me with worry and fright while i couldn't wrap my head around it, "Ok, anyway can we talk about something more fun please like, Allison, what's this rumor i hear about you seeing Jake naked?" Lydia asked out of nowhere causing everyone at our table and the one behind us to go silent,

Allison had a look of shock and bewilderment on her face as she choked and coughed uncontrollably, Jake didn't seem to care as he took another bite from his apple, Danny and Jackson looked at Scott and than focused on Allison, while Scott, well Scott looked like someone killed his cat if he had one.

"*Clears throat* Excuse me what?" i asked as i looked at Scott, than Lydia, Allison and finally turned to Jake who just shrugged like it was no big deal, everyone kept alternating looks between Jake, Allison and Scott. "Oh don't get your panties in a bunch, she didn't see me naked, i was wearing a towel, she just walked in on me after i took a shower in the changing rooms" Jake said like it was nothing important(he's covering for Allison), "When did this happen?" asked Scott as he looked at Jake and than Allison.

"*Cough!! Cough!... Yesterday after the game, i couldn't find you so i went to check the changing rooms" Allison clarified as she drank her juice to clear her throat, "Awww kinky, must have been one hell of a body to make Allison here tongue tied" Lydia teased as she giggled and looked at Jake like he was a juicy steak, Scott turned to look at Jake abit angrily.

"Oy mate, don't look at me like that, it's not my fault your girl thought it was a good idea to walk into the boys changing room without knocking" Jake said as he shook his head, "Wha-ha- huh?" Scott couldn't string a sentence. "Wait she is you girlfriend isn't she?" he asked Scott with a raised eye brow, "I-i-ah" Scott babbled as he turned to look at Allison,

"Wait, you haven't even decided if your an item yet? than why are we even discussing this? she's single, it's fine, she can look at any naked guy she wants, after your officially together than maybe you can talk more about it" Jake deflected and made everyone look at him with thoughtful expressions,

"Ah, Jake kinda has a point, you guys only went out like once, so this doesn't really mean anything" i added to which Danny nodded, "haha McCall almost got cucked" Jackson laughed, earning himself a couple glares from both Allison and Lydia.

"Anyway enough about that. Oh! where are we going tomorrow night?" Lydia asked changing the awkward subject,

"You said you and Scott where hanging out tomorrow night right?" Allison swallowed her drink and looked at Lydia and than at Scott who looked confused, *Sigh* 'He really can't keep up with the conversation' i thought to myself. "Ah.. we were thinking of what we were gonna do" Allison said flustered, "Well i'm not sitting at home watching anymore lacrosse videos, and if the 4 of us are hanging out, we're doing something fun" Lydia stated matter-of-factly.

"H-ha-hanging out? like the 4 of us?...You wanna hangout like us and... them?" Scott asked shakily and looked at Allison, "Yeah, sounds fun" replied Allison as she looked at Jackson, "You know what else is fun? stabbing my face with this fork?" Jackson said grabbing a fork for dramatic effect, i rolled my eyes at his behaviour while Jake chuckled beside me, "It's gonna be a disaster" he whispered to me, i could only nod at that, cause he was right.

"How about bowling? you love to bowl" Lydia tried to persuade Jackson with her puppy dog eyes, "Yeah with actual competition" Jackson replied offending Allison, she was scowling pretty hard, "How do you know where not actual competition? you can bowl right?" Allison asked putting Scott in the spotlight, and my boy just froze like a deer in headlights, "Hehe, hey Stiles, he doesn't know how to bowl right?" Jake elbowed me slightly and asked, i just nodded my head since no one was paying attention to us.

"S-s-sort of" Scott said not so confidently, "Is it sort of or yes?" Jackson challenged Scott, "Yes, infact, i'm a great bowler" Scott replied confidently making me to look at him like he was idiot and Jake to stifle his laugh, the rest of lunch was just the 4 of them planning out their date, myself, Danny and Jake just sat at the side listening.

(Stiles POV End)


Danny and i didn't have classes after lunch so we left school and headed to the parking lot, "Alright mate, were too?" i asked Danny as i clicked the unlock button of my keychain, "Can you drop me off at Beacon Hills Memorial?" Danny asked, "Sure hope in". We drove for 15 minutes and got there, "I'm here to see my grandmother, she hasn't been feeling well this past week" Danny said as he prepared to get out of the car, "Hey, need company?" i asked, he gave me a nod and a smile in response.

We entered and Danny went over to talk to the receptionist, she gave us the ok and Danny led me in through the corridors and elevator, we found her room and entered, an elderly woman was sitting in bed pointing a tv remote at a tv hanging on the wall opposite the bed, "Abuella! Your looking better" Danny said and went over to hug her lovingly, she did the same and patted him, "Ay mejo, you and your parents worry to much it was just heart burn, i'm gonna be alive till i'm 97, don't you go babying me now" she said making Danny chuckle,

"Oh? Hello there, and who might you be? Ay mejo this one is quite handsome is he your boyfriend?" Danny's grandmother said and reached her hand out, which i took and shook it while chuckling at what she said, "Abuella! This is Jacob and he's a friend, and he likes girls" Danny said making it clear for he's grandmother, "A pleasure to meet you Mrs.Meheani" i said, and smiled at the 61 year old.

"Ay so handsome, if only Danny could find a boy as handsome as you, it would be so joyous" Mrs. Meheani said as she teased Danny,

"Oh you don't have to worry much, Danny has a few guys at school chasing after him" i replied and winked which made her laugh, "Hahaha oh i like this one, mejo, he's funny, not like the other one, so skinny and so full of himself" she said and looked at Danny, who in response rolled his eyes, "Yes, yes, you don't like Jackson, you already made it clear" he said exasperated.

We spent 2 hours talking with her, she told me stories about Danny and his cousins, how they grew up, i told them a little about me, and we got to know a little more about each others families and past. It was around 3 in the afternoon and i had to leave, i said goodbye to Mrs. Meheani, she made me promise to come visit her at home when she gets discharged, she made Danny swear to bring me for a family dinner, it seemed not even Jackson was ever invited, even though he was Danny's best friend,

"Thanks for staying and chatting with her, she rarely talks like that around strangers" Danny said as he walked me to the reception desk, "Nah it's fine, she was actually pretty cool to talk with, and i didn't mind" i said while we walked side by side,

"And i'm definitely coming for her welcome home party" i said pumping my fist, "Haha, she might try to set you up with one of my cousin sisters you know" he said as he laughed and shook his head, "Wait? Really? Well as long as she's pretty i don't mind" i replied jokingly which made both of us look at each other for a moment before laughing loudly,

"Jake? Danny? What are you guys doing here?" someone interruped our banter, Danny and i turned to the voice and saw Scott standing at the receptions desk talking to a beautiful 30 year old woman, "Oh Scott, what's up?" Danny said and walked up to him with me.

"I was just bringing my mom dinner, what about you guys?" he asked, "Wait! shes's your mom?" i asked with a shocked looked on my face at Scott, "Yeah, what's wrong?" Scott asked with confusion, "No way dude, your mom's hot.. um excuse me, i meant beautiful" i corrected myself when i saw the frown on Scott's face, "Oh well, that's the first time a young man has complemented me, i'll take it" Mrs. McCall said as she giggled like a school girl, making Scott's frown deepen, "I take it your friends of Scott's?" she asked us,

"Yeah, we're on the lacrosse team with him, i'm Danny and this is Jake, and i apologize on Jake's behalf Mrs.McCall" Danny said while nudging my side with his elbow, "I-uh-yeah sorry, it's just that your like, way to beautiful to be a mother" i said absentmindedly as i looked at her, i mean, she looked like a 28 or 29 year old, rocking body and curves, like how can a beauty like her be a mom, i thought to myself,

"Hahaha your friend's a charmer Scott, i bet the girls like you" Mrs. McCall said with a smile, "Alright well i got work to do, it was nice meeting you boys" she said as she eyed me before walking away, "Ah-s-sorry Scott got alittle carried away there" i said to Scott, who looked like he wanted to strangle me, "It's fine... anyway what are you guys doing here?" he asked.

Danny and i explained to Scott about how were visiting Danny's grandmother and that i was tryna head on home now. We said our farewells as i left the hospital by myself, i saw that my fuel was down so i drove to the gas station down the road to the hospital, to top up on gas.

Whilst filling up on fuel, i saw one of the guys i had been tracking walk by, he looked like he was following a 16 year old girl, my eyes narrowed as i tried to get a feeling off of him, and i felt it, lust, he was lusting over a highschool girl, my blood boiled as i felt his urges..., ah yes i forgot to mention, one of my abilities is empathy, i can feel what those around me are currently feeling if i concentrate hard enough another alpha thing i presume.

I quickly closed the fuel cap and drove my car to the side and parked it, i took out a combat knife i had bought recently and followed where they had both gone, just behind the gas station, it was an alleyway leading to another street that had restuarants and shops on it. As i got closer i heard sobbing and grunting,

i quickened my pace and came upon them, the guy had the girl pinned under him in the middle of the alley as he ripped her blouse of revealing her breasts in a white bra, she was struggling to fight back but he was alot stronger than her, he had a hand covering her mouth whilst the other was caressing her bosom, i was directly behind them, and had a free shot at his balls because of the way he was crouched over her,

without so much as a sound i mustered my entire strength into my legs as i took a step forward and kicked so hard i felt several things squish and pop when my foot made contact, *SQUELCH**POP* "AAAAAEGAH!" he screamed so loud i thought he might've been a banshee, my kick sent him flying high head first over the girl, he landed awkwardly about a few feet away and he rolled further a couple metres before stopping and holding and folding both legs and hands around his crotch,

"AAAAAARRRGH FUUUUCCK!!!!" he screamed, i helped the girl up and took off the jacket i was wearing and covered her shoulders with it, "Your ok now, your safe" i reassured her as tears fell down her cheeks and she started sobbing, she was blond with round dewey like eyes that made her look very cute and a pimple on her chin, as i was helping the girl, a teen couple walked over after hearing the man's screams, i waved them over and asked them to sit with the girl and call the sheriff's department.

I walked slowly over to guy who was writhing in pain and holding his crotch, blood soaked his trousers, hands and the pavement, some people had already come over and heard what happened, they stood next to the poor girl to give her comfort and support, a middle aged man walked up to me, "You did good kid, taking down trash like this, the Sheriff's already on his way, he and the officers should be here in 2 minutes time" he said as he patted my shoulder,

"Good, that gives me just enough time" i said coldly, causing the man to look at me, i didn't say anything more and strode over to the wanna-be-rapist, he wasn't supernatural, but that didn't mean i was gonna let him go because of that, he wanted to be an animal, i'd treat him like an animal.

A couple guys had surrounded the pervert, lifting him up just enough as i dashed towards him fast, before anyone could do anything i kicked him in the crotch again, *PLOSQUETCH* "GGRAAWW" he screamed and collapsed, i didn't use my full force this time because of witnesses, if i was alone i would've already castrated the bastard, he started crying and the blood flowing from between his legs was more profound, a few guys came up and held me back, "Alright kid, it's over, he won't be able to piss or use his cxck again" the middle aged guy said.

Sheriff Stilinski and officer Parrish arrived and took our statement as a couple other officers escorted the perp to the hospital in an ambulance, "Your names Jacob Hale? Any relations to Derek Hale?" Sheriff Stilinski asked with a raised eyebrow, he was probably asking since he had arrested Derek and let him go today,

"Yeah he's my older brother, but how do you know Derek?" i asked looking at Stiles's dad in the eye sporting a suspicious look on my face, "Oh we crossed paths a while ago" he stated, "Well it seems like everyone else has seen my brother except me, i think it's time i pay him a visit" i replied with a shrug, "Anyway like i said, i was refueling my Camaro when i heard a scream, so i side parked my car and headed here to see what was going on, that's when i happened upon that bastard ontop of the girl" i narrated the scene to Sheriff Stilinski,

"Ahuh, so your telling me, you kicked the guy so hard his balls popped like a balloon?" Sheriff Stilinski asked with a sceptical look, "Hey i didn't use a weapon, just my leg, you can ask the girl, she'll tell ya" i said to him as he finished writing and stuffed the little note pad into his pocket,

"The girl's name is Erica Reyes, and she's epileptic, if you hadn't arrived at the right time she might've had an episode and died" he said with a very warm tone and gave me the look a proud father gives his son, 'No way, that blond is actually Erica. Derek's second beta in the future Erica?' i couldn't believe my luck, the Sheriff seeing my face asked "You know her?" he asked and looked at me, "Not in person no, just her name, i think we have math class together" i said in realisation, "Well she could use a friend right now, if you wanna talk to her?" the Sheriff asked, "Yeah, i'd like to get my jacket back too" i said, he patted my shoulder and led me over to her.

"Hey Erica, how are you feeling?" Sheriff Stilinski asked in a friendly tone, "I-i-i'm ok" She replied softly and squeezed my jacket closely around her, "Erica this is Jacob Hale, his the one that came to your rescue, he wanted to see how you were doing" he told her, which made her to look up at me, i just smiled at her,

"Hope my jacket's warm, i don't know of you recognize me but, we have math together on wednesdays" i stated warmly, "Yes, a-a-and Econ and Chem" she said shyly, "Oh yeah, your always sitted at the back" i said in realisation, "Look if you'd like i could come see you after they check you out at the hospital, and you can keep my jacket, it'll probably look better on you than it did me" i said with a smile, she nodded in response.

After talking to Erica for a few more minutes, the ambulance took her to the hospital, i told her i'd visit her soon, she gave me a hug and thanked me before they left. I stayed with Sheriff Stilinkski and answered a few more mundane questions before i was permitted to leave, i headed straight home to check on information for any other filth that was hiding in town.

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