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61.9% TEEN WOLF - Born Alpha / Chapter 12: Chapter 10 - Allison's birthday & Moving on

Chapter 12: Chapter 10 - Allison's birthday & Moving on

(Erica POV)

We arrived at school, myself, Sarah and Jake where in Jake's camaro, Stiles and Danny arrived in Stiles's jeep, i could see Danny was abit annoyed at Stiles, i mean he was a pretty sweet guy, but he tends to ramble on if he feels nervous, the only ones of us who he doesn't ramble to much around is Sarah and Jake, they also find him funny, and i have to agree he's fun to be around,

"Hey i see Allison, Sarah let's go, we'll see you boys later" i said before me and Sarah gave Jake a kiss on the cheeks before hurrying over to follow Allison into the school, myself and Sarah had a little meeting after she was bitten by Jake,

she had confessed to being attracted to Jake, i mean who wouldn't, he was tall, handsome, very well built, like you can tell, even though we knew Allison had seen everything he had, we didn't feel jealous, because, we had a deeper connection to him than her, and if Jake did turn her, we would all have to figure out how to be with him,

We found Allison walking towards her locker, "Hey Allison!" Sarah called out to her, causing her to turn around to us, "Oh, hey guys" she replied with a smile, she'd been avoiding Jake for a couple days now, well hiding would be a better word, but after a day she had already wanted to talk to him,

but anytime she saw him, she'd run off or try to hide, than get mad when he would not follow her or check on her, like come on girl, you asked for space and now your wanting him to chase after you, Jake's not like that, plus he has me and Sarah, 'why would he want to run after someone else when he has two beauties always by his side?', i thought to myself,

"So excited or anxious?" i asked Allison making her jump abit, "About what?" she asked carefully for some reason, "About the Parent-teacher conference, what do you think i meant?" i asked her while looking at her curiously,

"Oh! right, yeah... i'm indifferent i guess, my grades are great" she said with a shrug as we stopped infornt of her locker, Sarah on her left, me on her right, i saw Scott tryna walk over to us and quickly tapped Sarah's arm, making her turn to see him as well,

with our two pairs of glowing golden eyes glaring at him, stopped him in his tracks, and he turned and walked away, we didn't really like him that much, he was dumb, always complaining, not in control of his emotions, always sulking or brooding, like your a werewolf, accept it and move on, but no any little chance he gets he blames all his problems on being gifted the bite,

if he was in our pack we would have begged Jake to kick him out, or get rid of him, "OH!?" Allison's sudden surprised voice made us turn our attention to her, and in from of her were balloons, birthday balloons, she hurriedly tried to hide them but failed, luckily Sarah was quick on the uptake and helped her stuff them back in her locker before anyone saw them, Allison took a card that was inside and read it, i leaned over to see what it said as well,

"Oh wow, it's your birthday?" i asked excitedly, "Ah-no-no-eh-...yeah, please don't tell anybody, they'll just make a big deal out of it" she said pleadingly, "Why wouldn't you want anyone to know?" Sarah asked, "Because i don't want people to know.....because.. i'm 17" Allison whispered the last part and looked down,

"Oh, your 17?" I asked with a dumbfounded look, "That's the reaction i'm trying to avoid" she said with a huff, "No, no i didn't mean it like that""We get it, you probably moved around alot and had to repeat a grade" Sarah added helping me finish my sentence, "Thanks, your the first ones to get it right" Allison replied with a geniune smile,

"So how are we celebrating?" Sarah asked her, "Um..i-i don't think..." Allison tried to deny, "We're not taking no for an answer, hhmmm, oh the apartment, we can celebrate there, come on" i grabbed Allison's arm before she could say anything and headed back out the schools front doors, Sarah skipped out after us with a smile,

Jake and Danny were on their way in and bumped into us just outside in front of the school building, "Woah, where are you 3 off to in such a hurry?" Danny asked us, "It's Allison's birthday, we're skipping the day to go celebrate at the apartment, come on you 2 let's go" Sarah answered and pulled Jake and Danny along with us as we went over to the camaro,

Allison was trying not to look at Jake, but was failing at it, "Oh just look at him already Allison" i yelled making Allison blush violently, and Jake look at us confused, "She's been tryna get you to talk to her since yesterday Jake" Sarah added while opening the doors and pushing Allison in, she and i got in right after, and sat at the back with Allison, whilst Jake and Danny sat up-front,

"Well, we can afford to miss one day of school, i mean, we're like the top of the class" Jake said and looked at Danny, "Fine by me, hey! let's stop at the mall and get a few things, i don't think Allison wants a big party, so let's do something simple" Danny added, "Pool and barbeque?" Jake asked, "Exactly what i was thinking" Danny said and fist-bumped Jake,

"Alright birthday girl, looks like we're gonna be hanging out at our place" i said and hugged Allison, who was speechless at how we just planned an impromptu birthday party, "Hahaha don't worry, you'll get used to how fast we think and move" Sarah laughed added with a smile, and with that we left school and headed for the nearest mall.

(Erica POV End)

(Stiles POV)

I was in Chemistry class when i received Erica's text saying that they had skipped school today, she just said that they had gone back to the apartment to have a party, i sighed inwardly and looked around class, Scott was sitting up-front getting an ear full from Mr. Harris,

probably about how bad his grades are, Jackson was next to me, he looked pale, he gave me a glare and ignored me while clenching his jaw, 'Haha not so smug now are you, maybe i should slam him against a wall more often' i thought to myself proudly,

"Just a freindly reminder, parent-teacher conference is tonight, student below a C average are required to attend, i won't name you because, the shame and self disgust should be more than enough punishment" Mr. Harris said and looked at Scott, "Has anyone seen Jake Hale, Erica reyes, Danny Maheani and Sarah Maheani?" he said and looked at me,

"Mr. Stilinski?" he asked and looked at me expectantly, "*Sigh* Well it's not like than need to attend tonight's conference" he added before walking off, "Psst, Jackson... douchebag... prick... dingleballs..""WHAT!" i kept calling Jackson names until he answered with a yell, before taking a deep breath, "Hehe,... where's Lydia? i didn't see her at homeroom today" i asked,

"No" he replied flatly, "How was she last night?" i asked with some concern in my voice, "I don't know ok, i got my shit to deal with" he replied with anger, i didn't force the topic and continued reading and doing some revisions.

After class i cornered Scott, "Hey dude, Lydia's totally MIA, Jackson looks like his got a time bomb inserted into his face, another random guys dead and we still have no lead on the alpha" i huffed everything out in one breath, "Well what do you expect me to do about it? Why don't you get your alpha to sniff him out" he replied annoyed, "Yeah look, Jake's kinda busy teaching us about how to be werewolves, he's got no time to deal with this" i said with a shrug,

"He shouldn't have bit you guys in the first place" he said matter-of-factly, "What? You think your the only one that deserved the gift?" i asked sarcastically, "What gift?, it's a curse, it's done nothing but make my life harder" he answered back strongly,

"You know it's getting real freaking annoying with you always complaining about being gifted the bite, and blaming all your problems on being one of us" i said firmly and my eyes flickered golden before returning to normal, "How'd yo-How'd you do that?" Scott asked with a look of shock,

"Jake has us practicing, Erica and Sarah have better control than me and Danny" i stated proudly, "Hey.... isn't that Derek?" i asked and pointed to Derek who was headed to the boys showers, "What's he doing here?" Scott asked with apprehension, "Come on let's go" i replied and dragged him along.

(Stiles POV End)


It was around 12:30 pm, i left the apartment and headed to the old Hale house, Allison was talking to me, if only with a little embarrassment, but it was better than nothing, i had gotten a call from Derek telling me he wanted to talk to me about something, so i told Danny to let the girls know and i left.

It took me under 10 minutes to arrive on foot, running at full speed, it was a 15 minute drive with a car from my apartment, when i was only a couple metres away from the house i spotted Kate and two other hunters, walking around the house,

"He wants us to wait""So i've been reminded" a hunter with a pump-action shotgun said before Kate replied, "To death" Kate added and rolled her eyes at the shotgun wielding hunter, "That means were not allowesd to kill him" another hunter with a crossbow added, "But it doesn't mean we can't say hello" can't said arrogantly and they all moved towards the house,

i felt the anger boil inside of me, but i managed to swallow it, and not let it control me, my eyes turned scarlet red, and the fog started forming, at first it was haze but as they moved closer to the house, the fog became so thick and heavy they could barely see their own hands infront of their faces,

*GRRRR* i growled as i stalked them, "Wha-what was that? where did this fog come from?" the hunter holding the shotgun asked nervously, "Stay calm, it's just a scare tactic" Kate said firmly,

"Are you sure?" the other hunter asked, "Yes, now keep moving" Kate said, "`I'd StOp If i WaS yOu" i whispered in an other worldly voice, right in her left ear as i ran between them, all the two hunters who were following Kate saw was a shadow, "HUH? Wha-" Kate reacted and turned while pointing her gun behind her, what she saw made her skin crawl,

the two hunters that followed her, had their throats removed, in it's place, was a bloody hole, a large piece of the throat was missing, and they were on their knees, holding their necks, with eyes wide open with fear,

Kate turned frantically from left to right, i could hear her heart pounding, "`ThIs iS wHaT hApPeNs tO mUrDeReRs" i whispered in her right ear this time, and vanished in the fog, "SHOW YOURSELF COWARD!" Kate shouted and fired of a couple shots wildly,

"`NoW wHeRe'S tHe FuN iN tHaT?" i ran by whispering, this time she felt my breath on her ear, and she shivered, "AARHH" turning and screaming as she fired off shots in every direction *BANG**BANG**BANG*, "WhAt A wAsTe Of LeAd" i whispered again and took the gun from her hands, and disappeared in the fog, before she could register my presence,

her body started quivering with fear as she stumbled backwards, she came across the shotgun the other hunter dropped before dying, and grabbed it before she aimed around, "Wha-WHAT A-ARE YOU?" Kate shouted loudly, "I'm VeNgUeNcE InCaRnAtE" i whispered behind her while grabbing the back of her neck and lifting her up,

she tried to shoot me with her shot gun, by turning it backwards and firing*BANG*, i moved to the side as the wolfsbane laced bullet ripped through a tree,

with my free hand, i took the gun away from her grasp, "`NoW tHaT wAs NoT vErY nIcE" i whispered, "I sHoUlD kIlL yoU fOr wHaT yOu'Ve DoNe, BuT.. I .. sTiLl nEeD yOu.... FoR nOw" i said slowly before flinging her like she weighed nothing towards a tree behind us,

*BRUMCK* "AH!" Kate yelled in pain as she landed on the tree before falling on the ground, "`GiVe ChRiStOpHeR ArGeNt a mEsSeAgE fOr Me, TeLl HiM, FoR FoLlOwInG tHe CoDe, I sHaLl sPaRe HiM aNd HiS fAmIlY, ThE rEsT oF YoU WiLl DroWn iN yOuR oWn BlOoD!....`NoW rUn!" i whispered into her ear again,

she turned and looked around, before getting up as quickly as she could, and ran, "HAHAHAHA*GRRR*"my laugh and growl echoed inbetween the trees, Kate's fear was intoxicating, i could feel how scared she was, 'Not so arrogant now are ya bitch' i thought to myself,

Derek who had long come out of the house, walked up beside me, "Your fog control has improved runt.... but you could have just killed her here you know, there was no need for the theatrics" he said abit mad,

"Patience brother, if we want the alpha, we need it's prey, and the theatrics just made the bitch almost piss herself" i said and smirked, "Fair point" he replied before turning to get the other hunters bodies, "We bury them deep" i said and helped him clean up, the fog was still there after an hour.

(MC POV End)

(Stiles POV)

Stiles was currently inside Lydia's bedroom, he found that his heart was pounding, Lydia was dressed in her nightgown and laying very seductively on her bed, Stiles had come over to check on her, cause he was worried for her after last nights attack,

"What are you doing here" Lydia asked him, she seemed a little out of it, "I-ah-i was worried about you *Gulp*" Stiles replied letting his eyes roam over her body, the heat in his chest was getting almost unbearable,

he sat on her bed and faced her, "How are you feeling?" Stiles asked, "~i feeeeeeel, fantastic~" Lydia replied as she got within inches of Stiles's face, he could feel her breath on his face, and she kept glancing at his lips, "A-eh-ahem-...Woah..oh my.. bet you can't say 'i saw suzie sitting in a shoe shine shop' ten times fast" Stiles said after he saw her pill bottles on her nightstand that was next to her bed,

"i shaw shusi-.. i shaw... i saw" Lydia said confidently at first, and then the last part she said remembering something, "Lydia?" suddenly Lydia dropped her head on his lap, making Stiles's instincts shoot through the roof, his eyes started glowing and his heart rate jumped up like crazy, Stiles immediately grabbed Lydia's phone before he jumped out her window, he landed with a roll, he could feel himself losing control,

he immediately used his phone and dialed Jake, *Breep**Cacha*"Stiles? What's up?" Jake answered, "Jake! i-i'm losing control, i-i c-can't b-breathe, i'm gett-getting excited" Stiles blurted out as he took deep breaths and leaned against Lydia's house and held his chest,

the heat he was feeling was on another level, "<-Alright calm down, *GRRRROOOOAARR->*" Jake said before his roar came out of the phone's speakers loudly causing Stiles to stiffen up and the heat immediately vanish, he felt like he had returned to normal just like that,

"How'd you do that?" Stiles asked relieved, while he wiped the sweat that had pooled on his brow and was dripping down his face, "-<I'm your alpha, when you feel like your losing control, i can bring you back->" Jake said, "<-Alright, i gotta get back to the party, swing by when your done with whatever it is your up to, oh and for god's sake try to contol your urges and hormones-> he said before hanging up,

"Christ... that was close.." Stiles said to himself before climbing back into Lydia's room, he jumped and scaled the wall like a spider, and when he got to the ledge he had a big goofy grin on his face, 'Being a werewolf is fun' he thought inwardly before going back in, he wanted to finish talking with Lydia about what she saw.

(Stiles POV End)


I arrived back at the apartment, Sarah and Erica were sitting with Allison beside the pool, they were all in bikinis except Allison who was abit shy so she wore a swim suit they had bought at the mall instead, to say i was disapointed would be a lie,

she looked hot in it, it went perfectly with her milky white skin, and made her body more curvaceous, Danny was making hotdogs when he saw me walk up to the roof,

"Jake, Stiles just called, he said he found a video of the alpha on Lydia's phone, he deleted it ofcourse, but he just wanted us to know" Danny said and finished the hotdogs for him and the girls and was about to take it to them, "He did the right thing, i don't think the world is ready to learn of our kind yet" i replied before making my own hotdog,

someone came over to me, whilst i was making my lunch, "Hey Jake... um.. can we talk?" i looked up and saw Allison looking at me nervously, "Sure, give me a sec.... and done" i said whilst i finished topping off my hotdog, "So what's up?" i asked and took a bite, "I wanted top tell you about my decision... about us.." she said nervously, "Ok, go on" i replied and looked straight into her eyes,

"I-i-it's complicated, i'm with someone else right now, and your with Erica and Sarah.. and i just don't want to be another conquest for you... Erica and Sarah have said it wasn't like that but.. i-i just can't.." she said and looked down,

"oh... i see" i replied and took another bite of my hotdog, keeping calm on the outside, but on the inside, i was boiling, i took a deep breath descreetly and let it out,

"But.. it's not the same, i mean, i care about him, but it's not like what i feel when i'm around you..i-it's just too complicated right now" she said with a look of sadness, "So what does that mean?" i asked and took a sit on a chair next to a small outdoor table,

"I-it means, i-i can't be with you, no-not until i figure out exactly what i want" she said and looked straight at me, "Very well" i answered her with a smile, "Come on it's a party, no need for the doom and gloom, let's go" i added and took her hand and led her back to the others, we spent the rest of the day, eating, swimming and just hanging out,

to say i wasn't disappointed in Allison's decision would be a lie, but i knew Scott would mess up soon enough, and she would come running afterwards, i might not have her now, but i still have a place in her heart, so patience is my friend at the moment.

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