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37.5% Teen in Teen Wolf / Chapter 3: 003- Full Moon and Party

Chapter 3: 003- Full Moon and Party

At lunch Beau and Issac talked more about him being a wolf, Issac was astounded hearing this and there seemed to be a little envy in his eyes that Beau caught. He didn't say anything else about it though after they talked though he promised that he would tell him the pros and cons.

It was still his first day of being a wolf so he didn't know what to really expect, his first thing was to see when the next full moon was. From every movie and show it always talked about how werewolves lose control during it, from the little loss of control this morning he was a little scared.

Now leaving on his way to his Swimming practice he was checking for the next full moon, his eyes went wide seeing that it was actually the day of the party. Well that might be a problem, or not, he really didn't know he was alone and going through all of this blindly in the first place.

With a rub over his face he went into class changing into his trunks, unlike everyone else who was in a speedo he didn't wear those unless he was at a meet. He smiled and threw a wink to Abby they girl who has been flirting with him since freshman year, at the moment he was just relaxing in the pool on his back

He was already the fastest person on the team so he didn't need to worry about it much, with his strength gain from his new wolf side it should be a whole lot easier for him.

After school Beau walked to the parking lot to see Allison and Lydia leaning on his car, Jackson was no where in sight but he was most likely already gone somewhere with Danny. "Well hello there pretty girls, why are you on my car? Did we have a shoot or something cause I am sure you should be in Bikinis for that."

"Har Har you are so funny, you couldn't afford me." Lydia said while slapping his arm, "No we are giving Allison a ride home."

"Thank you again Lydia but it is fine I can call---" Allison was cut off by Beau who smiled at her.

"Don't worry about it Allison I got you, hop in." He clicked his car key unlocking the door, the last thing he saw before sliding in was the same guy from practice in the tree line. He could swear he has seen they guy before but he couldn't remember where, shrugging it off he headed towards Allison's.

After dropping off Allison, Lydia made him get her some food before they went home, thankfully their parents gave them a sizeable allowance ever since the divorce. Lydia always spent hers on new clothes or something she hid from others that usually dealt with her genius, while Beau usually spent his on Lydia who would hang off his body until he agreed.

When they finally made it home their mother told them dinner was take out for the night before going into her home office, Lydia went straight to her room to text Allison and do homework. With a quick kiss to her cheek Beau went into his own room to get his homework done.

"You are different." Someone said the moment his door was closed.

Looking over it is the man who has been stalking him since this morning, "Ahh well if it isn't the brooding stalker, how am I different though? I can't tell my scent different from yours and that McCall kid."

He actually looked shocked hearing that, "You are progressing faster then I thought you would too apparently. Show me your change."

"Tell me your name first. You can't just come into my room and demand things without explaining yourself first." Beau said with a glare setting down his bag, suddenly he felt his sixth sense of danger go off and dodged to the side. He turned to see the guy looking at him wide eyed. "The hell man."

"Names Derek Hale." He says before attacking again, this time Beau moves more fluidly seeing the attack come at him, it was like time slowed down for a moment as he dodged. Unknowingly the two fight for the next five minutes before Beau is out of breath pinned to the wall. "You really are different."

Beau felt everything speed back up and he got back to himself but he was taking deep breath at the moment so he didn't answer him, "Change for me so I can see why you are so different, in return I will tell you anything you want to know." Derek says releasing him and backing away.

It is only moments hesitation on Beau's part before he starts to change fully, bad idea for him though seeing as he was tearing his clothes as he did it, there goes his favorite pair of shoes. Now in the place of him was a four foot solid black wolf with glowing green eyes looking at a shocked Derek.

"I still don't get it you are the same but a little stronger then me but you still have a different smell. Those eyes also give you away there is no wolf that should have them, what are you?!" Derek looked frustrated as he talked to himself, since he couldn't answer Beau sat on his hind legs and tilted his head. "Alright you can change back now. Hurry and ask your questions I still need to check on the other one."

Beau shifted back and he was naked, it got awkward real quick for both of them, even more so when the next moment Lydia barged in and saw the situation. She looked stunned as Derek quickly escaped out the window, well that made the situation even more awkward.

It took a moment for Lydia to come back to herself but she nodded to herself then walked over to Beau, "It's okay even though you are gay you are still my favorite person in the world, look at it this way we can now talk about cute boys together."

"What!!! Lydia I am not gay!!!" Beau said with wide eyes grabbing her arm when she went to walk away, sure he was naked and in front of his sister but he didn't want her thinking he was gay.

"I already said it was---" she was cut off.

Beau knew she was stubborn and that nothing would make her stop thinking that, without a thought he leaned in and took her lips kissing her hard. They both froze after kissing each other for ten seconds, Beau finally came back to himself and realized what he had done to her.

She also seemed to realize as again they both stood there frozen, clearing his throat he decided to speak first, "Sorry about that, I- Well I just didn't want you to think I was gay and it was the first thing that jumped into my head when you agreed with it so readily."

She looked dazed but nodded as she walked out his room closing the door, Beau stood there with a pained expression, he was hoping she would say something. He stood there with a hurt expression now because even if he didn't say it out loud he knew in his heart that the kiss he just shared with her was the best feeling ever.

Not known to him since he wasn't using his sense's at the moment Lydia hadn't gone far, she was standing on the other side of the door holding her chest. She escaped out of the room so quick because she felt the same, that kiss literally made her toes curl when it happened, the heavy blush on her face cemented this fact.

The next day on the ride to school, which this time they were in Lydia's car, it was quiet but strange enough it wasn't awkward but comfortable. It was Lydia who broke it first, "That kiss let me know that you really aren't gay, and don't feel bad that it wasn't that good you just aren't a naturally good kisser like me."

Beau couldn't help himself but to laugh out loud, this is why he loved his twin she could always say the right things, "We both know that the kiss was the best of your life, I just hope I didn't ruin you for everyone else since they won't compare."

The rest of the way the two laughed out loud, the whole school day was just the same as the day before, he did notice a new bruise on Issac. He felt his anger rise seeing that but held himself back, this is why he invited Issac to the parties even if they both hated them.

His father would back off seeing that Issac actually hung out with the popular kids, sighing he let those thoughts go, "You riding with me after school today?"

"Yeah, thanks again for letting me stay over this weekend." He said as the two of them were standing at his locker, they were also waiting on Lydia who was talking to Allison who was getting her things.

"No trouble man." He patted him on the back as the two of them walked over.

"Alright boys I need your help setting up tonight, also I need you to pick up Allison later tonight Beau while I entertain our guest." Lydia said taking his and Allison's arm while walking towards the school parking lot, "Hello there Issac."

He nodded at her with a small smile as they all walked into the parking lot.

Five hours later the house was all set up as Issac and Beau looked tired, Lydia made them do so much just for this start of the year party, they were both leaning back on a couch. "Come on Beau no time for rest, I need you to go get Allison now, she just messaged me she is ready and people will be showing soon." Lydia said walking into the room and patting his arm.

"Fine. Issac you can start a movie, I already got all the snacks in my mini-fridge." Beau said patting his sisters hair then grabbing his keys before walking out his front door.

After a twenty minute drive he ended up at her house, going to the front door he knocked and the person to answer was who he assumed was her mother. "Ah Hi Mrs. Argent, I am Beau friends with your daughter there is a hang out---"He was cut off.

"Party." She said for him.

"Yeah party, but I don't enjoy them. Instead I invited her to a movie night with me and another friend, do you know if she is ready?" He said smiling at her.

She looked him over for a moment before calling out, "Allison your friend is here." She then walked away without even asking for his name, he raised a brow but didn't say anything.

Seconds later he saw her, his eyes went wide seeing her although it was still a casual outfit she still looked beautiful, he would admit that she took his breath away. "Hey Beau I am ready." She said with a blinding smile, he was stunned for a moment before laughing.

"Well you look beautiful tonight. Come even if we are going to watch movies tonight I am sure that Lydia will have you make an appearance at the party, plus she will kill me if we are late." He said taking her hand.

Along the way the two actually were actually singing out loud, it was also acutely aware to Beau that he was having a lack of control, although it wasn't big it was still there. He felt his urges trying to claim him but he kept his breathing even as he listened to Allison's voice, strange enough it actually kept him calm.

He also felt Derek near him, his eyes would follow his as the sped along the road but it didn't bother Beau, he knew that Derek was there to monitor him. Though he didn't get his answers to his questions the full moon was answered, he would go crazy if something big happened he knew it would.

When they finally reached the house he nodded to Derek who nodded right back, taking Allison's hand they headed into the house, he did pause a moment seeing Scott slightly glaring at them. Brushing it off he brought her into the house, it wasn't even two seconds later that Lydia was pulling her away.

Beau laughed before following along, he knew that Issac was upstairs and he could faintly hear the sound of the movie Predators (2010) was playing. He had to suffer for twenty minutes before him and Allison could sneak up there, Issac already had a big bowl of popcorn along with five different types of candy.

"Sup man, decided to go with action first. Good to see you again Allison." He said before turning back to the movie.

Beau closed the door then walked over to his bed after taking a smaller bowl of popcorn and sour patch kids, Allison followed him grabbing M&M's. Since Issac was taking up the entire couch stretched out they needed to sit on the bed, Allison smiled as they went and sat against the headboard.

"So this is how this works Allison. First movie goes to Issac since he won the coin toss, second you can have since you are new and then it is mine. We will keep repeating until we either fall asleep or I take you home." Beau said while getting comfortable putting his snacks between them her doing the same.

"Let's start then." She said with a smile getting comfortable in the bed.

"Shh you two the movie is just getting good." Issac said looking back at them reminding them that a movie was in fact already playing at the moment.

They chuckled lightly before settling into the bed more, Beau actually was glad for this because it was helping him control himself, he was focusing on that and downstairs. He could feel himself about to change a couple of times but then he would get a smell of Allison's scent or hear Lydia from downstairs and calm down.

He kept repeating to himself that he couldn't lose control or he would hurt them and would calm down, after awhile it would come back again, it was rinse and repeat.

During the second movie where Allison chose Titanic, there was a commotion downstairs, Beau only heard since the full moon was making his hearing greater. Getting up he quickly went down there ignoring the looks from Allison and Issac as the credits went, when the door opened and they heard the commotion they were quick to follow.

Getting downstairs they saw the back of Scott McCall as he ran out the party, looking near the pool he saw Lydia on the ground with a scraped arm bleeding, Jackson was next to her with a bloody nose. All Beau saw was red as he ran the same way that Scott did, when he was close enough to the tree line he shifted.

Following the scent he ran as quick as possible to follow Scott, it didn't take long before he saw his back, with rage he slammed right into him. Scott was thrown ten feet away before he picked himself back up growling at Beau, Beau didn't back down though and launched himself at him.

He didn't get to make it to him though as Derek stepped between the two of them, "Stop it you idiots, we need to get out of here they are coming!"

"Who is coming?" Scott asked as a whooshing sound happened, Beau had the sense to close his eyes sensing danger coming. He heard the sound of something bursting followed by the groan from Scott, Beau didn't pay attention though as he ran in a direction away from whoever it was.

It wasn't long before Derek and Scott caught up, the two were with him watching as three people came over the hill looking around cautiously. Before Scott could ask Derek spoke, "They are hunters, and if you two idiots don't get it together then they will kill you both."

Beau calmed down enough to change back, he ignored them as they turned away from his naked body, "Why are they hunting us?"

"It is what they have always done. They hunt us because they fear us, you two need to control yourself before they decide to take you both down." He said glaring at Scott, Beau knew that he was just including him but they both knew he could control himself well enough.

"You are lucky McCall, if it wasn't for Derek here you wouldn't need to worry about the hunters I would kill you myself." Beau said glaring at Scott.

"He is right Scott you need to control yourself you are going to be what ruins us all." Derek agreed.

Without waiting for either of them to say something to him Beau started to walk away, "I will be there if you need my help Derek but you still need to answer my questions."

All he got was a grunt in response before he left them, the moon and rage was effecting him but he was soon calmed down, along the way he just wanted to get back. He still needed to make sure the Lydia was okay, now that his head was clear he realized that he had been to hasty.

Making it back home he saw the party was still going, sneaking around the back he made it to his window, climbing without being noticed he made it into his room. Luckily both Issac and Allison were still downstairs, getting inside he quickly put on clothes before walking out his room.

He could smell them in Lydia's bathroom so that is where he went, going inside he saw them wrapping her arm, "Hey how are you doing BunBuns?" He asked going and crouching in front of her, he also used her childhood nickname that he had given her for her cute chubby cheeks from childhood fat.

"I told you to stop calling me that when we were kids," She said with a small pout, it didn't go unnoticed that Jackson wasn't there, "It is fine by the way just feeling a little sore."

"Well how about you cancel this party since it now midnight and finish movie night with us." He said pulling her into a hug, Allison and Issac were echoing his words to her.

"Fine." she mumbled leaning further into him.

So while Allison lead her into Beau's bedroom Issac and him went and cleared everyone out, when they made it back upstairs Allison and Lydia had taken over the bed. Before he could react Issac took up the whole couch that was in the room again.

Sighing he went to the bed and pushed them out of the way, he sat between the two started 'The Notebook' that Lydia had changed it to and pulling Lydia into his side. Allison smiled and leaned back into the bed, they all started to watch the rest of the movie, halfway through both girls fell asleep though.

Issac soon followed half his body leaning off the couch, this was one thing that Beau was thankful for, ever since he became a wolf his insomnia had been cured. He was the last to fall asleep after the moon went away some, as he fell asleep he unconsciously pulled Lydia into him, she also snuggled into his body kissing his neck as she went deeper into sleep.

"Beau." she whispered unknown to everyone in the room.

Pink_Ghosty Pink_Ghosty






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