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17.64% Teadium Vitae

Chapter 1: Gotta Catch Them All?

Author's note: Please read Auxiliary chapter, if you don't want to here's a TLDR

This will be very barebones, I will explain some things but most will just be understood. Ex: Nobody will question where MC came from or why he's getting a Pokémon from Professor Oak (I'm boring that way)

also I'm going to use a mix of anime and the games for the encounters. Ex: in the show when he's running from the Spearow flock you can see some Mankey and Sandshrew, but in the game there are only Pidgey and rattata when you first leave Pallet.

Maybe later stories he'll be put in that world with a backstory, but for now he's just reincarnating into the world. Hope you understand, thanks for the read


Well, it seems even death couldn't keep me away from life. After getting hit by that truck, I thought for sure I could finally be done with everything. I used to be religious as a child, but as I got older I slowly stopped believing in a higher being. So unless I'm in a coma just dreaming, it seems I was wrong and for whatever reason they don't believe it's my time be done. However I guess this could be my hell, subjected to living over and over again, just starting a new life after every death.

That reminds me, if this is just actually how life works and we just reincarnate after death then why can I remember everything? Maybe it's just another part of my punishment. I couldn't be reborn as a clean slate and get a fresh chance at life. Oh well.

Though I guess I could have gotten a worse world than Pokémon. Also it looks exactly like the show, I'm literally an anime character now haha. Gotta say thanks for that, i don't know what I would have done if I had to look at realistic Pokémon battling each other.

Anyways when I came to I was already standing there listening to Oak give explanations about the Pokémon. I could see Gary and a girl in the room with me, I'm not sure who it is though. I would have guessed Green, but it's like a certain base set of information was put into my brain to let me know that this is the same timeline as the anime. Oh well, it looks like we're about to get our Pokémon.

Gary got Squirtle just like the show, and the girl, whose name ended up being Grace picked Bulbasaur. Which "left" me with Charmander, oh woe is me I had to go last. Though I must say I couldn't care less which I got.

"Well Alan, it seems you get Charmander. I wish you luck on your Pokémon journey, here's your Pokédex and Pokéballs." Said Professor Oak.

"Thanks." With a brief nod of thanks and a verbal thanks almost too quiet to be heard, I grab Charmander's Pokéball, dex and the extra balls, turning towards the door. Even in a new world and younger body it doesn't get easier to talk to people. I was in my twenties when I was first killed and now if I'm sticking with the anime I'm currently 10.

Wait, does that mean I also will never age like in the show? I don't know if I should be happy or mortified. On one hand I won't have the responsibilities that came with being a 20 year old, but I'll also have to stay 10 years old forever. Sigh. Oh well, that's a problem for potential future 10 year old me to face.

Time to start my journey to become a... Pokémon master? Maybe catch them all? Hmmm. I'm not the main character I don't really have any reason to do all that. I could technically just travel around and do whatever. Maybe try to beat all the gym with just a Charmander/Charmeleon/Charizard. I also came to this world with strange stipulations on the money I have.

It's infinite, but I can't just buy whatever I want. It's almost like a cap in how many Pokéballs you could have in the games. Looks like I can have the best best camping/cooking equipment, but I can't buy a car or a house... What's the point of infinite money if I can't laze around and do no-... Ahhh that's why. Looks like whoever put me here wants me to actually do stuff. Sigh.

Looking at my Pokédex I find my info page.

Alan Vitae

5 Feet tall (it said Ash was 5ft on google)

White skin

Shoulder length straight black hair

Bright Blue eyes

Wears baggy black hoodie

Black pants and shoes

From Pallet Town

Starter: Charmander

Walking down the steps I see Gary's entourage is already starting to pile up to greet him. Using my experience of going unnoticed in my past life I weave through the crowd. Now that I think about it that may be why I got hit, everyone always told me that I seemed to sneak up on them out of nowhere. And I was a tall dude 6 foot 3, but I guess that just how little presence I had. It's probably amplified now that I'm over a foot shorter, not sure if that's good or bad yet.

My bag already came packed with everything I would need; potions, Pokéballs, camping/cooking gear, sleep clothes and extra day clothes, swimming trunks, collapsible fishing pole, food and water. I guess it's silphco made or just another perk from the ROB (Random Omnipotent Being. It's just easier to write) because it seems like a bottomless bag and doesn't weigh anything extra.

Now to meet my partner for the future, Charmander. Clicking the button a red flash occurs with my newly acquired Charmander at the other side. I quickly have the dex scan Charmander, letting me know that it is actually a she.

"Charmander, I'm your new trainer Alan. I hope you'll take care of me on our journey." I softly say sticking my hand out for a handshake to the fire lizard. With a quick "Char" she reaches out and shakes my hand.

"Great, now that we know each other I'd actually like to give you a nickname. Ignea, which roughly means The Fiery in Latin. (I say roughly because I used google translate, don't hate me) Welcome to the team and to be honest I don't really know what we will do on this journey, but I'm glad to have you with me." I continue with my voice losing a little of the cheer as I went on.

With introductions out of the way me and Ignea made our trek down the route to Viridian City. In the games I always made sure I was over leveled for the gyms, so I imagine I should have a Charmeleon by the time I reach Pewter City. Though while evolving may be sort of similar even without levels I can see, surely I can teach Ignea all kinds of moves before then. I also shouldn't be locked at 4 moves, that could get overwhelming to remember when I get more Pokémon though.

So on our travels I'll make sure to focus Ignea on training ember to hopefully get flamethrower quicker than you could in the game and transition scratch to metal claw as soon as possible. There are plenty of Pokémon I could catch before here and Pewter, but I don't want to have too many Pokémon, so I think I'll only get 6 and be done with it. I don't like too much of anything, and I would feel bad not keeping certain Pokémon with me. I would rather a small close knit team. Which means I need to start planning my team now.

The info dump I had when I first got here told me this is exactly like the show, so technically there aren't any fairy types yet. Out of the gen 1 Pokémon who should I get. Charizard will cover my fire and flying. I could pull an Ash and get all the starters, or at least blastoise because I was never the biggest fan of Venusaur. Hypothetically the team I would want, that are a mix of Pokémon I like and Pokémon I think would be good to have.

Charizard Fire/Flying

Blastoise water

Alakazam Psychic

Gengar Ghost (and poison gen 1)

Venusaur grass/poison (only grass kanto I like)

Rhydon ground/rock

The only problem with these is that it's a mostly slow team, just gonna have to train them up as best I can. While I was going through all this me and Ignea had already battled several Pokémon on our journey. I think she's slowly getting used to my strategy and I'm getting used to what she's comfortable with doing. Though she only knows smokescreen, ember and scratch right now, the matches have been pretty one sided. Multiple Pidgeys, rattata, Spearow, Mankey and Sandshrew have fallen to us. I was a fan of Mankey and Sandshrew, but I've already decided how my team is going to be.

Around midday we decided to take a break in the shade of some trees, and like the show I see some storm clouds starting to form. I really don't plan on helping Ash since he doesn't really need it anyways. Sure enough not much long after while I'm cozy in my tent I hear lots of Spearows cawwing and see Ash ride past on Misty's bike.


Alright first chapter done. Highly doubt they'll all be this long. Maybe more in the 800-1000 word range. Gonna try to find a nice balance of MC being near Ash and gang but not directly involved. Remember he's kind of like Kuroko from kuroko no basket or whatever it's called. Might make that another show we end up in ;). Anyways they won't notice him all the time, and he's not going to seek them out. He's just going to be in the right place at the wrong time haha. I feel my Pokémon choices ended up being really cliche, but I honestly don't know how long I plan on sticking around in Pokémon, maybe when kanto ends I switch to a new show, or I might do all the way to kalos, since that was the last one I liked.

Not doing any movies. Most chapter won't be this in depth, most likely will follow a formula of train->battle->ash antics->gym-> finish, but I haven't decided. I'll also skip a lot of episodes I imagine. While I said the story is completely anime based, I'm obviously using the game as reference as well. Like I said before, minimal research is going into this, so I'll most likely get things wrong. Also going to use a Latin theme on all the names (google translate ftw)

Thanks for reading


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