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30% TBATE┃The Long War. / Chapter 2: LW - 2.

Chapter 2: LW - 2.


In a forest covered with green luscious tall trees laid a boy with snow-white hair and beautiful pale skin, the boy's eyes were closed as he laid on his back taking in slow deep breaths, almost like he's sleeping.

A cold gust of wind came crashing through the air and the boy's body visibly shuttered before his eyelids opened to reveal pitch-black pupils that seem to suck in all the light that shines into it.

"Ugh..." Groaning, the boy slowly sat up as he looked around and sighed, he stood up and made his way to a tree, before he suddenly swung his head towards a certain direction.


'Seems like I was just thrown into this world with no real back story... It not like it would hinder me actually it would help me since I wouldn't need to worry about leaving behind parents or a sibling, and it seems that my name stayed the same as well, but I don't have a family name so I'm now known as just Osiris. Not bad...' I mentally mused as I made my way towards the sound of running water.

Stepping over small pits and sharp rocks wasn't the hardest part of my journey, the hardest part was trying to figure out how to use my powers, I wanted to at least learn how to start training my darkness manipulation...

'Huh? What if I just try and manipulate the shadows from the trees? That should work right?' My eyebrows furrowed as I reached out my right arm to try and move the shadows.

"Erk!" I started sweating from the hard concentration I was needing for just trying to move the shadow even a little bit, but I felt like I was getting somewhere...

I stopped my walk towards the running water and sat down in the shadows of a tree, my head was raised towards the sky as I was greedily huffing for air.

"Haah, Haah, Haah, What the hell? I didn't think it would be this hard to just move a shadow! I really hope Ice manipulation would be easier..." I said aloud, not really looking for an answer.

I sat in the shadows for a few more minutes to fully get my breath back and steady my heartbeat, getting up, using my knees as support I slowly stood up letting out another sigh as I continued making my way through the humid and stiff forest.

I decided that I would keep making my way towards that source of running water I wanted to take a bath and maybe camp out there since I don't have a permanent home, and I don't really feel like building one since I'm most likely going to be traveling around.



The sound of running water entered my ears as I neared the river, I noticed that the trees starting getting greener the closer I went but didn't think much of it. Making my way towards a tree stump, I sat down while letting out a sigh of relaxation.

'Ahhhh, it feels good to relax a bit... Although I barely did anything, Ah! That reminds me! I need to test out Ice manipulation, it should be easier for me to practice on water...' I thoughtfully determined.

I got up from the stump and made my way over to the water, lowering my head to look at my reflection what I saw stunned me a bit.

My reflection was that of a kid with dark lifeless pupils, but I had a dark squiggly tattoo that starts from my right eyebrow and ends on the cheekbone of my right cheek.

(Think of Meliodas's demon mark but it's just the line.)

My appearance is what you would call extremely cute, and my white hair that fell on my forehead seemed to amplify that.

(Think of ken kaneki's white hair but shorter since he's only 6.)

I lifted my left hand and placed it on the black marking that was on my face, I don't know why, but it felt... weird? I don't know it just gave me this indescribable feeling, I don't know if it's because I think it's cool or because I don't like it? Haaah, I just can't figure it out...

I sighed before shaking my head placing my right hand on the water, I closed my eyes as I concentrated on turning the water to ice, and my surprise, I felt this feeling of power rush through my body starting from my chest and moving towards my right hand.


I opened my eyes widely as I stared at the frozen water along with the frozen trees in the back, I don't know why but manipulating ice is a lot easier than manipulating darkness...

'Maybe since I got ice manipulation first I can use it better? It seems like it responds to my call whenever I need it, and it doesn't seem to take all that much out of me...' I mused, I nodded my head before holding out my right hand, palm up.

I closed my eyes as I concentrated on my right hand, I visualized a standard knife from earth and willed the power I felt before into that shape.


I opened my eyes and smiled brightly as I looked at the knife in my hand, it was pure ice but I didn't feel it, it felt like I was just holding a stick almost, it kinda felt warm... I don't know but it was weird, it probably had something to do with my control over ice.

I gave the knife a few good swings before walking over to a tree and slashing at it.

'Wow... That's pretty good for my first creation, though it could use some work, I don't have any experience with swords or daggers and that will most definitely be a major weakness for me...' I noted mentally.

I looked up and saw that the sun was basically just reaching the top of the sky, so it's at its highest point indicating that it's around noon.

'So I have about, maybe 8 hours? or so until I need to start worrying about shelter... That's more than enough time for me to be able to test out my newfound powers.' I inwardly chided, excitement and determination were the only 2 feelings that were rushing around my gut at the moment.

Having 3 well technically 4 abilities that one could only dream of filled me with a desire to get stronger, I wanted to be the best but I didn't know why. It felt like I had to be the best or the reason I got these powers would be in vain. Now I wasn't a lazy kid during my days on earth, I was actually quite active and involved with things along with my peers.

I dated and had friends just like any high schooler would do, I drank and I got high, I smoked cigs as well, but that was mostly just because I was getting stressed out over relationships and some school activities as well, grades were one of those factors that led me down the path of smoking cigs for stress relief, my parents weren't the kindest you could ask for.

They wanted the best for me and nothing but the best, so the feeling of needing to be the best I could for them was jammed into my everyday life. Even if it was just a random game that held no meaning, I would always try my hardest so I could make them proud, I studied hard and got good grades at first but as time went on and I entered high school my parents wishes just got harsher and harsher.

I wouldn't say it made me depressed and stressed, as I wasn't really the one to get depressed over something like that, but I was definitely stressed, I got sick multiple times from the pint up stress that I ended up spending 2 weeks in the hospital at one point, it was that bad.

My parents of course cared, but they were mostly upset because I was missing school

but hey!

It wasn't my fault I got sick right?

So I didn't see the need to worry about it.

My thoughts were proven wrong, because as soon as I got out of the hospital and was cleared of my sickness my parents upped the pressure they put on me.

Oh yeah! I didn't tell you what my parents did for a living, my mom was a lawyer and a really good one too, my dad on the other hand was a really successful game developer.

Yeah, I know.

Crazy huh?

Their jobs were totally different yet they both pressured me to become the best of both worlds, it wouldn't make sense for my dad to push me that hard since being a game developer takes a lot of time and energy, but for him, he had a lot of free time as he had a team to handle most of the heavy lifting, he did his parts too but he was mostly the one who went through everything to make sure everything was right and nothing would ruin the game, he then would submit the idea's or whatever game developers do to release a game.

I never really cared that much about my father's job, but whatever...


I rambled on enough about my past life, I'm in a new world with no restrictions! I can basically do whatever I want!

'Hehe! I'll live the life I want with no one bossing me around! No pressure on my shoulders either!' I mentally decided while clenching my fist into a ball.

I let out a sigh of determination as I spent the next 6 hours practicing my ice manipulation, but it seems like it's more of the ability to literally do whatever I wanted with ice like I could generate ice from any part of my body, but I noticed that it would dramatically drop my bodies temperature resulting in me letting out a breath of icy cold air that's visible.

It was pretty cool in my opinion.

Though I spent 6 hours training my ice ability, I tried to explore different methods of possibly getting my darkness manipulation under control, but no matter how many times I tried I only was able to form a shadow into a chair, but it wisped away a second later.

The next 2 hours I spent solely on darkness manipulation, I wanted to focus more on the ice side of my abilities since it's easier to control, which means I'll be using it more often.

I'll definitely train my darkness manipulation whenever I can since I will need It in the future, I don't know much about darkness but I know it's definitely stronger than ice, I just don't know by how much. The gap is probably huge since it's so hard for me to even start manipulating shadows.

And now that you're all caught up on what I did for the last 8 hours, I'm currently sitting under a large tree, taking shelter from the pouring rain.

'Wait, couldn't I just make an igloo? Why the hell am I sitting under a tree...' I stared off into the distance in disappointment, I sighed before shaking my head and generating an ice ball around my body, it was just enough so that I could lay down and stand up.

I wasn't tall, I was about 4'1 since I'm only 6 but it's whatever, I don't really mind my height.

"Ahh, this is much better, I'm lucky I can't feel cold or anything of the sort, it's honestly a lucky side effect that came along with my ice manipulation... Now that I think about it, the main story of The Beginning After The End should start soon right? Or did it already start and I'm just not even in the mix?" I questioned.

I kinda want to be in the mix of the canon since the story up to the part I read was really interesting, but I'm definitely not following Arthur around, that sounds boring as hell... All the fun shit would be left with him and I would just be forced to watch, nuh-uh!


I flopped down on my back now having my gaze lifted towards the roof of my igloo.

"Haaah, I really wish I knew what part of the timeline it is..." I flipped over my body so I was now laying on my right shoulder, I closed my eyes to get ready to sleep but was jolted out of my place by an ear-piercing scream.

"KYAAAAAA! HELP! HE-mff!" My eyes shot open as I formed a hole big enough for my eye only, I peeked out of it using my right eye and I couldn't see anything but trees.

'What was that? It sounded like a girl... Should I help her? Hmm...' I removed my eye from the hole and put my left hand on my chin as I sat down cross-legged on the floor, thinking about my options.

'It could be Tessia, but if it isn't then I'm going to end up meddling in something I don't want to... Argh! This is so difficult! Haaah, whatever I guess I could just go a see...'

I stood up, put my left hand on the wall of the ice igloo, and willed it to melt and melt it did.


'Ah, that was pretty loud... But they don't seem to have heard me, so let's go.' I jumped up towards a tree, and yeah I could do this without using mana since I have an enhanced body. I realized that I don't have a mana core, at all. I don't know if it was because I haven't formed one with age or it's because I didn't land on the option that said, {MANA}, I mean it would make sense but I thought I would naturally get it since the world I was sent to uses it as it's the main source of power.

My inner thoughts were soon forced to the back of my mind as I neared the location of the scream, and much to my surprise, it was actually the situation Arthur saved Tessia in.

'Huh? Is he not here yet? Or did I just get here too early?' My face formed a frown as I thought about all the possible situations that happen now. I mean Arthur should've saved her by now unless I got to her as soon as she was kidnapped by those humans...

'Speaking of humans.' My gaze landed on a smiling bald man that had a perverted grin on his face as he stared at the crying and struggling Tessia.

(Tessia Eralith.)

I'm scared, I'm truly scared right now! I don't know what happened as everything happened too fast. I was running around in the forest chasing a small blue bird when I was suddenly snatched by a big man with brown hair, he had a mustache too!

'It's those perverts!' I struggled in his arms as I tried to break free but it was to no avail as 2 more big men came from behind him.

"Oh? Boss, you got an elf?! She will definitely sell for a high price! She's young and still a virgin, plus she's quite the looker!" I heard one of the big men say, he had long black hair that reached his shoulders, but he had a beard that covered his disgusting teeth.

"Back off Duke, don't touch her at all, and don't let Howard have his way either, Elves go for a high price in general and we don't want to screw this up just because you can't keep your dick in your pants!" The man said as he threw me into a carriage, there were chains and random clothing and trinkets in here.

"HELP! PLEASE HELP ME! HE-mff!" I shouted for help at the top of my lungs, my eyes started getting blurry as tears flooded them, my chest sunk as I watched the bald man gaze at me with disgusting eyes.

'Grandpa! Mom, Dad! Someone, please help me!' I pleaded in hopes that they could read my mind, my chest sunk even more when I felt the carriage started moving and heard sounds of barking.

The tears in my eyes couldn't stop running down my cheeks, the hallow heavy feeling in my chest only grew the more I felt the carriage rock.

'I'm sorry Grandpa!' That thought was the only thing that came to mind, the sounds of my sobbing reverberated through the back of the carriage, I was losing hope and fast, I thought I would die and be eaten by the perverts.



My eyes widened, I looked towards the giant wave of ice that appeared out of nowhere and encased the land in front of me.

"MMMFF! MMMMM!" I squirmed in hopes of getting whoever's attention, but the sounds of fighting filled the air and towered over my cries.

(Meanwhile, Osiris.)


I created tiny knives and threw them at each of the slave traders, I only got one which was the bald-headed one from earlier, the other hit a man with long black hair, the knife hit his Achilles-tendons successfully disabling him.

The last one though was blocked by a sword, the man had short brown hair that was slicked back, showing off his forehead and eyes, the man had a look of seriousness and annoyance as he stared up at me.

I was squatting down on a tree branch that was above the carriage, I tried to take them all out in one go, but my aiming sucks since I've never practiced such things before.

"Tch, I should've practiced throwing these things before coming here..." I muttered out loud, the man in front of me never took his eyes off of me as he scanned the area, his gaze landed on his dead bald friend, before making its way over the long-haired man groaning in pain as he held his foot.

"Hehe, a mage this young? And a deviant!? HAHA! You'll definitely sell for a lot of money!" The man spat as he swiped his blade downward, my facial expression never changed during his little speech, I kept my eyes on him as I focused on willing the darkness around us into chains.

'Come on! Come on!' I pleaded, a bead of cold sweat ran down my forehead, the man seeing this smirked and dashed towards me at fast speeds, but before he could even reach me he was suddenly stopped mid-air.

"Wha! What the hell!? What's going on you brat! What are you doing to me!?" The slave trader shouted in anger as he tried to free himself.

Not wasting any more time I formed a spear of ice and chunked it at him, the spear cut through the air and pierced his heart, making him cough of blood.

The man didn't even get to say any last words as his eyes dimmed with lifelessness and his body slumped, I turned around a threw up hearing him cough up blood, seeing the 2 dead bodies and the one injured man is more than I've seen on earth in fact, I've never even seen a real dead body let alone kill someone!

"Ugh, that's disgusting..." I muttered while wiping my mouth with my sleeve, ah yeah, I never mentioned it but I was wearing a long black sleeve with white pants, my shoes were white as well.

I jumped down off of the tree branch after releasing the slave trader's dead body, I then made my way over to the limping long-haired man.

"W-what do you want!? Do you want money? I can give you all the money you want! Just please let me live!" The man pleaded, he looked directly into my pitch-black eyes, his face slowly turned to horror the longer he stared into them.

"Where did you come from? Who do you work for?" I asked with a stern voice, my pale complexion that would've normally been seen was nowhere to be found since my skin is naturally pale as hell already, so the paleness from me throwing up wasn't even showing up.

"W-we came from a town near Xyrus City! It's not well known, but it's on the map! W-we came from Blackbend City!" The man informed, I nodded my head before place my hand on his head, his eyes widened as he lifted his arm to move mine, but it never made it.

I froze him solid before creating an ice hammer and smashing him to pieces, I got rid of all the ice before making my way to the scared and terrified Tessia, once I got there I saw that she was tied up with a band or something wrapped around her mouth, he eyes widened when she saw me appear at the back of the carriage.

I smiled before speaking raising my hand towards her.

"Don't worry, I'm not here to hurt you."


3.5k words.

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