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100% TBATE┃Ghoul. / Chapter 1: Ghoul - 1.
TBATE┃Ghoul. TBATE┃Ghoul. original


Author: DhRuV

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Ghoul - 1.

"Peace... Something that everyone wishes for, but never comes close to getting... It's sad, you know? Never being able to reach something that seems so close! But ends up being farther than you were led to believe... I hate it, I know you hate it... And it's all because of those bastards... Those God-Complex having bastards!

I'll show you... That Gods do exist! Ones that are so unbelievably powerful that you could only wish to achieve their strength!" Hiveo shouted. His eyes wielding a crazed look.

He began searching for something, something that would bring him what he wished for. But looking through all the notes, and fairy tales, and legends... Nothing seemed to lead him to the right answers.

His lab within the Beast Glade was small, but homely. It wasn't the best but it was enough to get the job done. There was a bed, and multiple tables and shelves all filled with books and notes, notes he took on Gods and their favors.

"One thing that always seems to be within these books, is that you only get one chance... One wish to be granted... But I can't find anything that DOESNT TAKE BLOOD!" Hiveo shouted, his nails digging into his scalp as he flopped on the floor, dragging stacks of papers with him.

The sounds of books hitting the hard stoned floor as well as papers being thrown into the air sounded through the room. Hiveo was on his last straw. He spent his whole life searching for answers, something that could help him bring peace to this world.

He's gotten close multiple times, but every. Single. Time. He was one step away, the basilisk of a bastard, Agrona, interfered. He would manipulate the people of Dicathen and cause strife once more, making Hiveo's goal seem unreachable.

This kept happening, over. and over. and over again, and Hiveo's had enough.

The pulling of his scalp had stopped, his panted breathings calmed down and the crazed look in his eyes returned to clarity and hardened, as if he had come to a decision.

"Fine... Fine, fine! If it's blood you want, then take it!" He shouted to no one in particular, he abruptly stood up and made his way to the middle of his base. Painted on the floor with white chalk was a circle that housed an enormous triangle.

Within the triangle housed two more triangles, each one having a different satanic symbol. Around the origin circle were five more small circles, three at the top, two at the bottom, and just like the triangles, there were symbols as well.

Hiveo grabbed a knife and stomped his way to the middle of the circle, throwing rationality out of the window, he started chanting words that he had read from within the fairy tales and myths. Hoping that this would be the correct answer.

As he chanted, he slit hit right wrist, letting the blood flow to the ground and onto the giant ritualistic circle. The blood came into contact with the chalk and it immediately lit up with a deep dark red, something that surprised Hiveo.

Keeping his focus and along with his new found confidence and relief, he completed the chant. His wrist was still bleeding, however, but he didn't mind.

"Heh, hehehe, HAHAHAHA! Finally! It worked!" He shouted, gazing at the glowing dark red circle. The runes lit up and floated off the ground like a projection, the symbols, triangles, and circle started to spin as it condensed.

Hiveo's eyes held that of wonder and craze, he watched on with impatient excitement. But that soon turned to horror as he struggled to breath, he was forced on his knees as he clawed at his neck.

His eyes teared up from fear and confusion, his life wasn't in his hands anymore, it was now in whatever he summoned hands...


Dark Dimension, or otherwise known as... Hell.

A pitch-black impure soul had been sitting within the flames of hell, his eyes were cold and empty, even as he burned, he never once showed any signs of pain. It was as if he was detached... Feeling no types of pain.

The soul was that of a boy, no older than fourteen... It's sad thinking about it, but no one is safe from the weight of their own sins... Not even a child.

As the boy stood in silence, listening to the crackling of the blackish red flames and the constant screams of pain that filled the realm of hell from the other inhabitants. The ground underneath him suddenly lit up...

A deep red circle spinning underneath him. The boys head looked down and tilted to the side. The boy didn't move from his spot as he was engulfed by the light, and once the light dimmed, he was gone.


"W-what are you!? Are you here to grant my wish?" Hiveo struggled. He was able to somewhat breath now, but it was still difficult to stand. It was as if the boy in front of him is trying to kill him with intent alone.

Hiveo's eyes were full of contempt and fear as he gazed at the boy who looked no older than five. Due to the summoning and how much blood was used, the boy didn't get his old body back, so he will have to grow up again.

"... Kazeth." The boy muttered. Hiveo heard it and his confusion grew.


"... Kazeth... That is my name. Who are you?" Kazeth asked, gazing around the cave like room with no emotion. Hiveo didn't reply, he was still stunned at the fact that the thing he summoned to grant his wish was just a boy!

The pressure Kazeth was giving off started to fade as the circle fully enclosed, the weight of hell was what was pressuring Hiveo so much.

"God damn it! You're the useless thing that I summoned! I wasted so many years! So many painful, dreadful years trying to have my wish granted but all I got was some useless brat who isn't even in his teens!" Hiveo shouted, his hatred and anger burning brightly within his eyes.

As he stumbled to his feet, Kazeth watched Hiveo with the same dead eyes, but he squinted when he felt the kill intent coming off of the stumbling Hiveo who was now leaning against a stoned table.

Hiveo grabbed a butcher's knife and took in a deep breath, his eyes bloodshot as his breathing quickened, spit flying out of his mouth with each breath.

"Haah, haah, I'll just try again... I can't fail... No, I can't. I must kill those bastards and end these damn wars! So, die you piece of cra-!"


Hiveo's words were brought to a halt, his eyes trembling in fear and disbelief. His gaze lowered to his chest, the source of his pain.

When his gaze landed on the giant, blood red sharp tentacle like limb that protruded out of Kazeths lower back. His eyes widened as tears started streaming down his face. His mouth opened to let out a cry of pain but all that came...

Was a gallon of his blood that clogged his lungs...

"W-what...? H-how i-is that possible...? W-what a-re you...?" Hiveo struggled out, the life in his eyes dimming ever so slowly.

Kazeth's cold empty gaze lingered on Hiveo, no answering exiting his mouth. Instead of replying, his attention was moved towards the four blood red tentacles, they had glowing red veins that hummed with power.

The extra limbs he had gained felt like he had grown new arms, but instead of fingers and hands, he had sharp, durable ends.

Useful for killing.

"... I said it before... I'm Kazeth." He finally replied, putting his focus back on Hiveo, but he had died already. Blood pooling out of his mouth and chest even with the Kagune still impaling his chest.

Kazeth removed the tentacle and retracted all four, having them disappear in his lower back. He stood still in the middle of the cave, uncertain of what to do.

For as long as he could remember, he was burning in hell, absorbing what knowledge he could from the other fallen souls, when he was suddenly pulled to this land and put in this body...


The sound of a stomach rumbling reverberated throughout the cave, followed by an echo. Kazeths hand slowly went to his stomach before he looked around, looking for something edible. But as he looked around, an intoxicating smell entered his nostrils, catching his attention as well as making him drool.

His head snapped towards the rich, sweet aroma and saw that it was coming from Hiveo's body. Without wasting time, he ran with incredible speed, cracking the ground underneath him and blowing away countless papers.

Kazeth stood over the lifeless corpse in front of him with drool dripping from his mouth, creating a water fall on his chin. He eyed the corpse in front of him, trying to resist the want to take a bite.

'... It's a human... I shouldn't eat it; I might get sick. But it smells so good... I feel like I will go insane just smelling it... Just do what you want, what's the worst that can happen? I die again? I don't want to go back to that forsaken place though... What if someone catches me? What will I do then...?'

His thoughts froze, his eyes showing a craze desire to eat the corpse in front of him, but he wouldn't move. The only thing moving was the drool that was nonstop pooling out of his mouth, begging him to take a bite.

'... Just kill them!' He thought, a small craze smile plastered on his face as he kneeled down and lowered his head towards the corpses neck... His drool increasing with each inch.

'... If someone tries to stop me... Just kill them, no one will control me!'




First chapter, and I'm kind of pleased with it. I feel like I'm rushing the psychotic nature the MC will end up developing... (Hopefully.)

But Idk, anyways.




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