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Tales of an Over-Powered Stoner Tales of an Over-Powered Stoner original

Tales of an Over-Powered Stoner

Author: JesterRage

© WebNovel


On a show stage a man wearing torn up pants and Burkenstocks and a plain white crew T, with long shaggy black hair walks out from behind the red curtain pushing a giant white board on wheels out onto center stage.

Walking in front of the whiteboard he pulls out a joint and a lighter. Putting the joint in his mouth, he holds the lighter up to the end and lights it.



Exhaling the smoke and looking directly at you, he spoke with a laid back tone and red eyes. "Phewwwwww.... Heyyy, what's good my dudes?"

*Muffled voice from the side*

"Huh? Oh.... Yea?...." While looking to the side and directing his attention to the voice, he still puffed on his joint while nodding. "Well too late now, I've already started puffing man. Can't stop this shit now! Hehe." He spoke with a chuckled voice, as he took another big hit off the joint.

Looking back at you, he began to speak again in a laid back tone with his other hand on the top of his head. "Sorry duudes, apparently I wasn't suppose to start smoking yet. My bad! Anyways...." He takes another puff.

"Now the reason for this little beginning to the story is because-" Takes one last pause to hit the joint, pulling it away from his lips. He turned his head to blow the smoke to the side, but the smoke stopped after a certain point and began to shift and morph into what looked like a swirling vortex!

After he finished exhaling, he flicked the roach of the joint into the vortex and just swiped his hand dispersing it.

Turning his head back towards you he smiled. "My name is Zeek and I guess you could say that I am a god.... A god of what you ask? Why, I am the God of Weed!" He roared out puffing up his chest with a laid back pride expecting applause....

*Crickests chirping in the distance....*

"...." Slumping his back and hanging his head low, he began to talk with a depressed tone. "Okay, okay.... I get it not that great right? Well boohoo to you too.... Dick...."

After taking in a deep breath, he straightens out his back.

"Well this is my tale on how I became bored and sought out another world! But I'll just let the Narrator tell my story for me." Looking up at nothing, he yelled out. "Yo Narrator dude! Go on tell it, I'm done here!"


As he begins to walk of the stage, he stopped and looked back at you with a smile. "Oh don't worry! I'll pop in every so often to explain somethings and tell a little bit about some of the characters! Bye!" Afterwards he just dissipated into a puff of smoke off of the stage.

Shortly afterwards on the giant whiteboard a projector countdown appeared on the screen.




*Everything blacks out.*

JesterRage JesterRage

Yup, short ass chapter.

Reason? Ta hell with it!

I already have the first initial chapter laid out, but what I need are ideas for characters in the story. Like a party so to speak.

Powers? Well duh, Hobbies! They can be completely stupid, or totally epic! This isn't meant to be a serious tale. So please don't treat it as such.


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