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22.72% Taiyou clan the enemy of the Otsutsuki clan / Chapter 3: 3- the betrayal and the fight

Chapter 3: 3- the betrayal and the fight

[Adrian's pov]

After leaving our cute and lovable children behind as we started making our way towards Sunagakure, I had a bad feeling about this whole trip.

I am at most a genin level person while my wife, from what I know could very well be a kage level if not higher.

It still perplexes me that she chose to come and live in a remote village in the middle of nowhere and even more by accepting to marry me and even carry my children.

I mean, I am not bad looking, but I am way weaker than her and I am sure that there are way better looking men than me out there, but who am I to complain right?

Anyway, I'm getting side tracked.

The feeling that I was getting was quite ominous and for some reason it was not only coming from the village we were heading into, but also from our own village too.

Looking at my lovely wife, I could see that she was also feeling the same, since she had her beautiful eyebrows knitted together and a worried expression was present on her face, tainting the lovable face of hers.

She then looked at me and asked, "Do you think that one of us should at least stay behind with the kids? This feeling that I have is really making me nervous."

Snickering with a face full of confidence I said, "Don't worry honey, our son is as strong as a genin and the threat of bandits in the area is non-existent for him. He can deal with them no prob. And if you are still worried, Toukka is about the same strength as him too so they both can handle whatever comes for them."

My voice and expression were full of confidence but my eyes could not hide the worry and dread I was feeling.

Noting that I was feeling the same way as she was, she sighed and said, "At least you could have tried a bit hard to hide your feelings from your eyes." She then giggled and said, "But it is true that they are both at genin level in strength and the level of threat from the surrounding mercs is not that high. Having said all this, the feeling that I am having at the moment is just too abnormal and I can feel that it is not for those mercs around our village. The threat I am feeling from Sunagakure is also way more intense than the one from Summer village"

[A/N: summer village is the name of the village that our protag and his family live.]

Nodding, I looked at the direction Suna was in and said, "If we are to be ambushed by them I think I won't survive. I can be trained, but I am not strong enough to fight a whole village."

I felt my wife looking at me worriedly but I just shook my head and said, "Don't worry we do have the mark our son put on us and it will protect me from any surprise attack and after that I can at least try and give some fight."

Keeping the worried look on her face, she was about to say something when I stopped her and said, "Let's just focus on finishing all this and come back home to our kids, ok? It could just be some tension in the village and some mercs fight and have nothing to do with us."

Doing so although reluctantly, they kept making their way.

The trip to Suna takes a day from their little village and they would usually sell everything they have in two days before coming back home.

Before long they had already reached Sunagakure and they could see that the guards and shinobi were kinda tense and restless.

They went to a hotel to rest for tomorrow as they paid attention to every move the ninjas made.

They were in the middle of a desert and so the day is usually really hot and the night really cold, and this night was no exception to that rule.

But even though that was true, we could still feel that something was going on.

Before they could think any more than this their room was barraged by explosive kunai.

The protection from the mark protected them from it but it broke apart almost immediately after.

Me and my wife entered our fighting mode and started our lives, while trying to get away.

As we were running away I saw a monk commanding sand and after that everything went black.

[Maiko's POV]

I heard an explosion behind me and when I looked in its direction I saw blood everywhere.

I started looking for my husband but was unable to find him anywhere.

Dread started building up inside me as I then looked at the pool of blood and stared at it for some time.

The longer I stared at it the larger and bigger the flame of hatred was growing inside me.

I felt some annoying ninjas coming at me and then everything went black.

[General POV]

Seeing her husband being killed in such a brutal way, the woman started trembling in fury.

Some ninjas seeing an opening tried to capitalize on it and attacked her but she suddenly disappeared and started going on a rampage.

Some spider legs came out of her back and started attacking anyone close to them.

Spider webs were being used to kill or incapacitate multiple people at the same time and the woman even summoned a huge sydney funnel-web spider atrax robustus, that is hailed to be the most venomous spider in the world.

The huge venomous spider went into a rampage alongside its owner and after a few minutes hundreds of ninjas from suna laid dead on the ground.

It needed a joint attack from both the kage and the jinchuriki for them to be able, not to kill her or her summon, not to seal her and her summon, but to push her outside the village.

The fight went on for one whole day before the woman regained her consciousness and retreated with the mangled body of her lover that she recovered right after coming to her senses.

Before she left she looked at the kage and the monk jinchuriki and said in an ominous tone of voice, "You have bought a fight with someone that you shouldn't have Sunagakure, and you will regret this ever happened. And if you attacked our village and my children were killed during that attack. Just pray to god that he has mercy on you…Cause I won't."

After saying that she disappeared.

The kazekage didn't know what to say or do.

He had never thought that such a monster lived in that village, if he knew he would have tried to win her over and then take over that little village for them, but it was too late for that, he just hoped that her children were not killed.

[Toukka's POV]

After playing and training some more in the afternoon we took another bath and then went to a makeshift bed inside a makeshift tent that we have made this afternoon as we played around.

Sol is blind yes, but I can depend on him to do anything.

He is everything I could have ever asked for a brother.

He is cute, strong, dependable, charming, good hunter, handsome, good cook and so, so much more.

I hope we stay together for ever and ever.

That night we slept while hugging each other.

The night was calm and serene and I just loved the warmth that Sol-chan transmitted to me from the tight and strong hug for our age.

The next day though we woke up to a horrifying view.

It all started as normal, with us hunting and fishing and then training for a bit.

But when we started to play Sol suddenly looked in the direction of the village and frowned.

Seeing that I asked, "Sol-chan? What happened? Why are you frowning?"

He looked at me, then at the village and then started thinking.

After a minute or two he said, "Someone is attacking the village. I want to help, but I don't want to put you in danger."

Frowning I said, "I am almost as strong as you are so I don't need your protection. Let's just go and try to help the villagers."

Nodding we started running to the village.

We ran to our house and took the kunai's, our tou-san kept hidden from us and headed outside to fight the bad guys.

We started killing everyone that was attacking the villagers and leading them to the village leader's house that had an anti-invasion seal that was set up by kaa-san, and to our own house that also had the same seal.

I have not trained as much as Sol-chan has and that was showing in this fight since I was having more trouble in fighting these bad guys than he was, but I still was getting better and better as I fought.

As we were fighting an angry man made himself heard in the battlefield, "What you have been having trouble defeating some brats? And you call yourself Sunagakure nin? Ha, you don't pass from a bunch of pussies that is what it is. Give way, I'll deal with them."

The voice came from way back in the forest but it rapidly came into view who was talking.

The man who talked was a bald, tanned, muscle head, man that had many scars spread from his body.

The man looked strong if the muscles on his topless body could prove something.

He walked to the front of all his troops and looked at us with a haughty look on his face.

I don't like being stared at like that but I could feel the difference in strength between the both of us.

I started trembling uncontrollably and looking at Sol-chan.

I found him looking in the direction of the big man with a big frown, as he was about to say something the man continued, "Wait, wait, wait, one of the kids is blind and you all still fell like bugs on his feet? Really? Hahaha you are all so useless, you should just kill yourselves. Well, since he is blind and, I think I will start with the cute girl. She is kinda cute so I won't kill her just yet as I want to have some quality time with her. AOh, wait, just thought of something fun. Whoever manages to kill the boy will have the girl after I am done with her. What do yall say?"

Every bandit screamed upon hearing that and started to attack Sol-chan.

I don't know what quality time is and I also don't know what they mean by playing with me, but I just can't let him fight so many people alone.

I was going to go and help when I felt a strong arm envelope around my waist and being pushed against the chest of the big man.

I felt a big repulsion towards this and tried to free myself but his strong arm didn't move even a millimeter from its position.

The man started to smell and lick me around my neck and the feeling of repulsion only grew.

I started tearing up as I looked at Sol-chan.

[Sol's POV]

I didn't hear what the man leading this bandit group said because I was too focused on how to defeat this many people while trying to keep nee-chan and the villagers safe.

What I do know though is that they all were screaming and running in my direction full of killing intent.

As I started fighting them, I felt my sister being taken by the big man as he started doing weird things to her.

Becoming mad at that I started fighting with everything I had.

Alas there were at least 20 of them and I was just a kid with genin level strength.

They slowly started to overpower me the longer we fought.

My mantra cut the damage I was receiving by a big portion and so I was not that hurt, and even if I did get hurt I would heal shortly after, but I was starting to tire out and fast.

I was right in front of the village chief's house when one of the men came at me with one a katana and tried to pierce my heart, but I dodged to the side.

I coated my hand in mantra and then grabbed the weapon and punched it breaking it in half, right after doing so I took the part that I was holding and cut his neck.

I kept that small part of the katana as my weapon and parried the next man that attacked me with a kunai and with my left hand took the kunai that I still had with me and attacked his stomach area but I felt an attack coming from behind me and had to dodge.

Even though I had to dodge, I still managed to kill the man with the kunai by throwing the piece of sword that I had and by luck, was able to hit him in the head, instantly killing him.

As I fell on the ground I felt it vibrating and before long a pair of hands tried to grab me, at the same time I also had three other men near me wanting to pierce my body with Katanas.

Seeing and feeling all this I made the best option I had and jumped towards the most unguarded man that was near me and with the kunai I intercepted his katana that was pointed towards me and, by twisting my body, kicked him in the neck with a powerful roundhouse kick.

The man died from the force behind the kick but right after I kicked him I felt a huge quantity of chakra making its way towards me.

I didn't have any time nor possibility to dodge and so coated myself in mantra and took the jutsu head on.

The jutsu was a barrage of slashes of wind, a genin level jutsu.

They weren't able to pass through the layer of mantra but it did manage to weaken it several times.

After the jutsu was done I located the place where it came from and ran towards him to kill him first, since the ones that now jutsus are the most dangerous ones in this fight.

As I was getting close to him I felt a barrage of kunais and shurikens coming my way.

Clicking my tongue as I was starting to grow more and more impatient and angry, in a last ditch resort I threw my kunai at the man with all my strength and then jumped back to try and escape from all the projectiles.

I was able to hit the man in the chest, near the heart, but I was unable to completely get out of the barrage of projectiles.

Although not many were able to pierce through my layer of mantra and were bounced off, the ones that were able to pierce through hurt like hell.

I was lucky that none of them hit vital areas but if this continued like this I would very well bleed to death.

Having this in mind I took the kunais that were piercing me and used them to continue fighting.

I still had at least 17 more people attacking me and I think there is at least one more person able to use jutsus.

Trying to identify the said person I still had to keep the others in check.

It was not that hard with mantra but I had never fought this many people at the same time so I was still inexperienced.

As I couldn't stay in the same place for much longer I ran towards the group of people and used the kunais to kill as many as possible in the shortest amount of time.

I managed to kill 3 of them by throwing kunais when they were distracted and 1 other while fighting but when I was about to kill the second one I felt something coming from behind and ducked.

As I did so I saw the man I was fighting being sliced in half.

Shivering at the cheer strength of the jutsu.

Rolling to the side I then turned and sent one of the remaining kunais I had in the person's direction.

The man dodge it by going underground thinking that I would be unable to locate him but I just smirked and while keeping my tabs on him fought the others.

They were now around12 but I was becoming more tired the more and the longer we fought so I tried to preserve as much stamina as possible now.

I know that I still have to go and save nee-chan but I won't be able to save her if I am dead.

Putting on a serious face, I felt my mantra responding to my will to survive and save nee-chan and it started to get stronger little by little.

I once again tried to cover myself in mantra and this time it was closer to my skin and it was possible to see some dark thing cover my body.

The dark shine was really subtle, almost transparent, but it was still possible to see if you paid enough attention.

I also felt slightly more energized for some reason and with this new found energy I started to calm down and think rationally of how I can kill them faster.

After making a quick plan in my mind I took all the kunais that I had and marked them with my mark.

After that I threw them to various places near the men and smirked.

The men thought I was almost done since I missed them when I threw the kunais but in the next second I disappeared and one of the men fell to the ground dead.

Before they could understand what was happening I disappeared and killed another one.

When they finally came to themselves 5 other men were already dead.

With this the number of people that were still alive fell to 5.

They started to panic and without really knowing what to do they started to attack everything around them.

At this point I was already a bit away and was looking at them.

If I would have known I could do this before I would have put a teleportation mark on nee-chan, kaa-san and tou-san.

Sigh, why didn't I think of this before?

Leaving it aside I quickly concentrated to discover where nee-chan was and started making my way there.

The 5 men still alive had killed each other in their frenzy and the one underground didn't know where I was so I took this opportunity to go after nee-chan.

KuramaUchiha KuramaUchiha

Yesterday I was feeling really inspired and so was able to make 3 more chaps so your all lucky that i will post them during the week.

also this is the longest chap so far.

hope u liked it.

words count: 3160

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