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83.56% Tachyon: Rise to villainy / Chapter 54: Chapter 54

Chapter 54: Chapter 54

Snow was so pissed with no scratch that she was about to explode in pure rage after taking over Caitlin's body and gaining her memories. Robbing the IRS, destroying the city, and starting a war with THAWNE of all people! Antagonizing Barry for no reason. It was like his inner child was set loose in the world.

Just what on Earth happened to him to make him this deranged?

And now here he was standing without care of what he did. He gave her the smile that she had grown to love in her previous life. "I'm only going to say this once, hon. Stand down." Ooh, that was badass, though she could have delivered it better. Her eyes narrowed when she saw him hold back a laugh. Bastard.

"Hello, Snow," Myles said with a nostalgic smile before remembering the situation he was in. "So I know this is bad." A strong breeze then hit his body as ice covered his body, turning him into a frozen statue.

Cage, watching the match between exes about to start, quickly grabbed Barry before he would get caught in the crossfire.

Snow waited from the top of her ice slope; she could hear Caitlin's voice inside her head, yelling that she had overdone it. But Snow ignored her host for now, knowing that Myles wouldn't take that hit unless there was a reason.

"Jeez, girl, did you have to freeze my afterimage that hard?" Myles asked while admiring his frozen afterimage. Though one can see that there were small patches of ice on his clothes, despite his calm demeanour, his eyes spoke of another story.

Originally, Myles planned on tanking the hit and phasing through it but as soon as he saw how fast it was freezing the surrounding area despite having no contact with the blast, he shifted gears. Yet, to his shock, he was starting to freeze before the blast could even hit him, forcing him to travel forward in time just to avoid being frozen.

He frowned. Killer Frost didn't have that much power last time he checked. Sure, she could freeze the sun if given enough time but... This was the Arrowverse so he was honestly surprised by the firepower he just witnessed.

"I'll do more than freeze your sorry ass." Snow growled, readying to fire another ice beam. In response, electricity danced around Myles body as he slowly walked forward. 

"Kinky..." Myles teased before easily avoiding another beam and rushing forward to Snow in a blink, only to be surprised when ice started to form around him. He skidded to a stop and retreated. Okay, now that's new. Since when can Killer Frost freeze people without being at least 3 feet away? And how was she bypassing his immunity to ice!?

Did she have some access to the Primal Force? Wait a minute... That could be why. Snow and him belonged in the Primeverse, which meant that Snow was a piece of the Primal Force. With his omniscience, he had already figured out that every person that died and devoured by the Primal Force left a piece of themselves that was then distributed to their dopplegangers across the multiverse and manifested in different ways, such as talents, dreams, idealogy, theories, etc. Some of them even surpassed it and basically made it a 'canon' event horizon. Like Isaac Newton discovering gravity. Heck, even the term isekai somehow became a 'canon' event horizon.

Which means the majority of Snow's energy wasn't distributed across the multiverse. Hence, her powers were this strong, bypassing his immunity to ice. In simple terms, Myles ice powers were light years behind Snow's own. Which was just ridiculous for him.

This was a Mary Sue vs. Gary Sue situation.

Wait, didn't she need heat to live too? Shit, if he doesn't do something, Snow's going to die again and worse of all, he had the means to stop it.

Meanwhile, Snow was terrified and cautious over her boyfriend's next move. Her entire life was stuck inside Caitlin's after she realized she had reincarnated as a replacement for Killer Frost, which was slightly depressing. She had the option of simply dominating Caitlin's persona and having complete control but she was satisfied with being in the back seat and just watching the show unfold. It didn't mean she wasn't going to explore how her powers work, which are now doing wonders for her.


Caitlin was in the back seat, offering advice on what to do, which she appreciated. She wasn't like Myles, who could use her powers as if they were a damn part of their lives. She had to use his notes when he talked about the applications of KillerFrost's power and what to improve.

She had joked about him being the real-life Deku if he was a psychopath.

Myles hummed in thought. Killer Frost's powers were drawn from heat, which meant if he covered the entire world in ice, she wouldn't be as powerful but... that kill the ecosystem and planet as well. 

And he wasn't motivated to jump into reality and kill his ex over a squabble. He could control her mind but that would also tear up his relationship with her completely. The relationship was already on thin ice.

He already made up his mind to only use his speedpowers and sealed away the rest of his abilities unless he's facing Darkseid or Trigon power levels. As he continued to mull over how to approach the situation, Caitlin and Snow were also busy talking to each other.

"Why isn't he attacking?" Caitlin asked.

"He's looking for a way to subdue us without causing much harm," Snow answered. 

"Why is he so obsessed with you!?" Caitlin asked, her curiosity peaked. 

"I don't know!" Snow yelled. "Just because I was his psychiatrist and girlfriend doesn't mean I know how his head works 24/7." She wasn't going to say something cringeworthy as true love because she knew damn well that Myles was going to kill her on their first meeting until he changed his mind.

The sound of thunder caught their attention and they saw Myles with his arm stretched out before fusing the lightning bolts into a lance. The amount of heat it was emitting was insane, as the entire surrounding area would have melted if Caitlin wasn't siphoning off the majority of it.

From their earpiece, they could hear Cisco calling them frantically as they tapped the device. "What?"

Back in S.T.A.R. Labs, the monitoring room was filled with tension as Cisco, peering at multiple screens, typed furiously on his keyboard. "Snow, we've got a serious problem. Myles is tapping into an unprecedented energy source, and it's off the charts."

Joe was looking at the news report as thousands of lightning bolts were raining down to where Myles was. 

"How bad is it?" Snow's voice echoed in the room.

Cisco begins to type fast until a display shows an energy waveform reaching unprecedented levels. "He's gathering energy at a rate I've never seen before. If he succeeds, it could wipe the entire city off the map."

Joe must have had superspeed with how fast he turned his neck around in shock as he asked. "Define 'wipe off the map.'"

Harrison took a deep breath, trying to find the right words. "Imagine the energy released by a nuclear explosion. Now multiply that by a thousand."

The majority of those who heard Cisco had their eyes widen with concern. Except for Thawne, who had exited the time vault, he was ready to expose his identity but when he saw that the original timeline was appearing once again, he decided to wait for now and offer the best help he could to Killerfrost, who was acting oddly from the original.

Cisco proceeded to continue to hammer in just how much danger the city was in. "We cross-referenced the energy readings with historical nuclear detonations. Myles is gathering enough energy to rival or even surpass, if we stretch it, a thousand nuclear bombs."

"That would obliterate the whole city!" Joe yelled in horror.

Back with Snow, she stared at Myles and said, "No, he's not going to wipe out the whole city." She knew him well enough for that, which puzzled everyone.

Snow wouldn't admit it but she was a bit touched that her lover still remembered one of Killerfrost's flaws from the comics and was willing to wipe out a city to keep her alive. Sadly, she was less thrilled with the consequences. 

Myles had three reasons why he created the lance: one was to keep Snow alive, while the other was to test his theory on just how overpowered Snow's heat absorbtion was compared to the comics.

Then, in a blur, Snow's eyes widened as Myles remained unfrozen despite being close to her and easily pushed several blocks as she skidded across the ground before righting herself. This was the third, to keep himself from becoming icicle as soon as he got into Snow's range of absorbtion.

Skorde - TUCA DONKA 

Why is she taking a kamehameha stance? 

Myles didn't wait long, as a large beam of freezing ray was sent towards him. Pointing the lance at the beam, Myles unleashed the needed amount to halt the attack, causing a huge explosion as one side of the city became frozen while the other melted completely. 

As the dust settled, Snow stood unharmed and unsinged from the heat; in fact, the attack made her stronger, while Myles body remained standing yet suffered severe injuries reduced to bones and burned flesh from the heat and cold. Yet, as always, Myles healed and resurrected again. Yet if you look closely, you can see there was a small scar on his ear.

Cage, who had been watching from a safe distance with a pair of binoculars, was sweating bullets. Barry wanted to help Caitlin but Cage had put him in his place and literally forced him to sit still by breaking his legs. If Barry joined the fight, Snow would be at a disadvantage as she would be too busy keeping Barry alive.

But that didn't mean they couldn't offer her support. "Barry, I'm going to teach you how to share superspeed, so listen carefully and do as I say," Cage said with a serious look, earning a nod.

With their superspeed, Barry was able to at least get it right; while he didn't master the art of giving speed, it will be enough for what Cage had in mind. "Remember what I said, you don't want to fry Caitlin's brain cells," Cage said with a serious look.

Barry nodded as he rubbed his hands together before sparks of electricity started to form and created a bridge once he spread his arms as if he were holding a bow. With a deep breath, Barry released it into the sky, while Cage chased after it as he ran in the air. Once he reached it, Cage immediately hurled straight at Snow before throwing a javeline made of lightning. 

Back with Myles, the king of Central City was about to reengage his fiance in the fight when he saw two bolts of lightning coming straight towards her. Now, he wouldn't lie, he did panic a bit when he saw it but with his senses still enhanced, he was able to get a feel for the lightning bolt's true purpose.

Snow, who noticed his behavior, turned and saw, just in time, two bolts of lightning hitting straight on. Yet instead of being harmed or anything, she felt a rush of adrenaline, and everything around her started to slow—no, she was going faster. Her perception, her heart, her breathing—everything was accelerating too quickly yet she remained unharmed.

Cisco and Joe, who were watching on whatever cameras were left in the city, were curious about what happened. One of the bolts was clearly from Barry so they were curious about what happened. Only Harrison knew what Flash and the child did and he was a bit proud and miffed at the same time.

Myles couldn't hide it any longer as the excited grin creeped into his face as the temperature dropped even lower as Snow received the speed boost. He had to shield his eyes for a sec when Snow let out a whole ice age, freezing a quarter of the city in a blink and it was slowly spreading from there. Myles cackled in pure joy as he watched Snow take a seductive yet heroic pose.

In response, Myles summoned all the storms and thunders and struck his body, causing more bolts to strike him down as if some form of divine punishment as he struck a pose similar to a wild animal waiting to pounce.

Snow couldn't bear it and gestured for a come-hither motion and Myles graciously complied. Snow immediately ran off, starting the game of tag as Myles chased after her to the docks. Snow suddenly jumped into the air while Myles went past her and used the crane as a spring board to gain higher ground.

The two then released a stream of ice and lightning, causing a massive clash in the air as they tried to outdo each other. Myles took the lead and hit her with a shockwave of his fist, yet at the same time he could only grunt as Snow released a pillar of ice from her foot.Snow shook her head before creating a slide to stop herself from becoming a paste by the fall while Myles righted himself mid-air and gathered electricity again at the feet, releasing it in an explosive manner, propelling him forward.

The chase was back as the two made circles around each other while launching blasts of energy. Until Myles managed to outmaneuver Snow with an afterimage and almost tackled her if she hadn't jumped in time and punched him right in the face while releasing an explosion of ice.

Myles ended up being tossed across the city with half of his body completely frozen. Snow wasted no time and appeared right behind him, the finishing blow ready, only for her to cough up a slob of spit as a palm struck her abdomen.

She gritted her teeth as she had been duped into attacking a copy while the original hid behind her. Her eyes widened as Myles was about to touch her, only to pass through as her body became like a mist and froze his entire body.

As her body solidified, Myles broke free from the ice after vibrating his entire body at lightning speed. 

The two lovebirds stared into each other until Snow's eyes landed on the lightning lance that was keeping her from passively freezing Myles. Despite Myles already figuring out what she was planning to do, he is still proud of his lover, who is looking for ways to defeat him.

Myles eyes widen as a large fist made of ice and snow manages to strike him from the back, sending him straight into Snow. The King could only grin as Snow bombarded him with a constant beam of ice.

The madman weaved left and right as the beam passed right by him, only to notice something leaving his grasp and see Cage holding the lightning lance and dispersing it. Whether it was blind rage or shock, Myles had gotten distracted, which gave Snow the chance she needed to end the fight.

Without any hesitation, Snow grabbed him by the shirt before kissing him. Myles eyes widened in shock before he savored the sensation of her lips and their taste. Even as the ice slowly formed around him, the madman continued his kiss. Snow was his poison and he would gladly take a sip.


Myles blinked when he noticed that he was now in a familiar park. This was Snow's last hour together with him, both of them sitting on a bench. Myles could only blink before smiling in nostalgia and slight envy.

This was the first time he actually cried because he was happy and sad that the most valuable thing in the world was taken from him. He continued to watch his past self give Snow tender brushes on her head.

His past suddenly turned towards him. "Is it worth it?" The past asked. 

Myles smiled as he caressed Snow's corpse tenderly. "Is it worth it to love someone?" The past asked and Myles continued to ignore him in favor of caressing Snow. "Is it worth it even if you stop being yourself?"

This time, Myles stared right into his past and smiled. "You do crazy things for love," he said. 

The past him blinked and smiled as well. "Your right." The two looked down at Snow one last time.

"Myles, I'm scared... I don't want to go yet," she whispered. "I still want to get married and have kids, grow old, and complain..."

Myles heart ached as he watched the past unfold, noticing his past self fight back the tears dripping out of his eyes.

"I don't want to leave you alone. I don't want you to be alone." Snow sniffed as she continued to sob as she felt herself grow weaker each minute.

His past then hugged her as gently as he could. "Don't worry about me; I'll be fine."

"Your a terrible liar."

The past Myles chuckled. "Remember the promise I made? A Walley keeps his word by hook and by crook."

Hearing a crack, the present Myles looked and smiled.


When Snow stopped, Myles had been frozen solid down to his atoms. Yet instead of showing anger, resentment, or betrayal, Myles seemed at peace. Barry and Cage rushed over the scene, a look of disbelief as the two stared at the frozen monster in human skin.

Everyone who was watching could only stare in shock, which soon erupted in cheers as the terror of Central City was finally over. Tears were shed while cries of joy echoed all over the city.

Yet only a few didn't join in the cheering. They knew too well that Myles had something up his sleeves. As months passed, the memory of Myles terror faded away while Team Flash continued in their pursuit of apprehending rogue meta-humans and finding the killer of Barry's mom. Something Snow had a hard time fighting her desire to change the timeline. Thawne was back in his time vault, checking if the future had been restored. To his joy, the future was back in stone until he noticed something odd.

It was a message but... Thawne had a gut feeling about it yet he still played it just to satisfy his curiosity. A holographic recording of Myles in a tux waved at the screen.

"Hey Thawne, I just wanted to drop you a little note of appreciation. Thanks a bunch for the unintended favor of bringing me into this reality. You know, I was just chilling, minding my own business, and then bam! Here I am, living my dream."

Thawne's heart pounded, knowing full well something was up and he didn't like it as he listened on.

"Your desperate attempt to restore the timeline worked out pretty well for me. I gotta admit, I wouldn't have made it here without your little time-traveling mishap. It's funny how things work out, huh?" Myles laughed at the end before looking at the camera with a grin rivaling the Joker. "So, I just wanted to say a big "thanks" for the unexpected gift. Enjoy the chaos, my man. I know I will. Cheerio."

With that, the recording ended, as Thawne could only watch the future he had finally restored get replaced by one image of a crater.

"Central City..."


Thawne couldn't hold it in anymore as the rage and fury erupted from his body as he screamed like an animal as he smashed the glass holding his suit.

Meanwhile, across the city, a young man with blond hair and bearing the uncanny resemblance of Myles walked out of the alley.

As if he could hear Thawnes frustration he smiled as he looked towards the road leading to Star Labs.

StoryCraft StoryCraft

Some are asking if this is the ending. No, its not. But it is the end of Myles and Snow's relationship. While he does love her in a twisted way, he was also fulfilling his promise to her. And now that Snow is in the game, Myles is free of the promise.

Here's some original outlines of the chapters for season 2 of Tachyon. I'm just randomizing it so you have no idea which chapter comes first.

1. Myles tricking Team Flash and Zoom into helping him build a device.

2. Primal Force vs Myles

3. Myles forcing Barry to question his past.

4. Myles vs Flashpoint-break Barry

5. Zoom vs Myles vs Eobard

These are just some of the things that will happen.

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