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63.01% Tachyon: Rise to villainy / Chapter 39: Chapter 39: Upgrades

Chapter 39: Chapter 39: Upgrades

Chapter 39: Upgrades

Myles felt a sharp pain in his back as he was punched again by the Primal Force. He groaned and tried to ignore the angry voice in his head.

"Stop hitting me!" he shouted. "It's not my fault you got sealed inside me!"

The Primal Force ignored him and continued to vent his frustration on his avatar. Myles sighed and looked at White, his demon friend who had just appeared next to him.

White was a creature of the Primal Force, a demon that Myles had met when he was trapped by the Speed Force inside his own mind. He had helped Myles escape and become a speedster, and since then they had been allies and friends.

White frowned and put his hand on Myles' shoulder. "Myles, what are you doing here? You know you're not supposed to enter the Primal Force's domain without permission."

Myles rolled his eyes. "Oh, come on, White. You know I don't need permission. I'm the avatar of the Primal Force. I can do whatever I want."

White shook his head. "No, you can't, dumbass. You're still bound by the rules of the Primal Force. And one of those rules is to respect its will and its space. You can't just barge in here and do whatever you want."

Myles shrugged. "Well, I already did. I needed some materials for my new armor. The Godkiller."

White raised an eyebrow. "Godkiller? That sounds... ambitious."

Myles grinned and pointed at a pile of metal plates that he had collected from the Primal Force's domain. "It is ambitious. And awesome. And necessary."

White tilted his head. "But why do you need more power? You already have the Primal Force. Isn't that enough? You are a god among men."

Myles shook his head. "No, it's not enough. There are three reasons why I need this armor. One, it will protect me from the side effects of using the Primal Force at full power. You know how it could burn my body and mind if I overdo it. Better safe than sorry."

White nodded. He had seen the backlash of the Primal Force before and it wasn't a pretty sight.

"Two, it will make me look awesome. I mean, look at this design." Myles showed White a sketch of his armor on his phone. It was a sleek and futuristic suit that covered his whole body, with glowing lines and symbols that represented the Primal Force and its aspects.

The Primal force scoffed. "You look like a cat wearing a thong and trash bin and condom all at once."

White whistled. "That does look cool."

"Right?" Myles said. "And three, I hate tights."

White blinked. "You hate tights?"

Myles nodded. "Yes, I hate tights. They're uncomfortable. Like everytime I run, it feels like I'm touching myself in public."

White chuckled.

Myles smiled and turned back to his work. He ignored another punch from the Primal Force and started to assemble his armor.

White sighed and looked at the Primal Force with a sympathetic expression.

"Please forgive him, my lord," he said respectfully. "He doesn't mean to offend you or disrespect you. He's just... impatient and impulsive."

The Primal Force snorted and glared at Myles."I know," it said in a booming voice that echoed in Myles' head. "He's my avatar after all."

White nodded. "Yes, he does. But he also has some good qualities that you don't see often in humans."

The Primal Force grunted and looked away."Like what?" it asked.

White smiled and gestured at Myles."Like his courage, his creativity, his loyalty, his humor..."

The Primal Force interrupted him. "His arrogance, his recklessness, his madness, his cruelty... psychotic and let's forget obsessive."

White shrugged. "Those too," he admitted.

The Primal Force sighed and shook its head. "He's a paradox," it said.

"He is indeed." White agreed.

Myles looked up from his work and smiled at them. "Hey, are you two done talking about me?" he asked.

The Primal Force and White looked at him and smiled back. "Yes," they said in unison.

Myles chuckled and resumed his work. He was almost done. He couldn't wait to show it to Barry Allen.

And then beat him to an inch of his life. Then drag him to the day of his mother's teenage years and fuck her senseless and get her pregnant. Should he do it one or ten times? That window cost a whopping $62,000.

His mind decided he was going to for twelve bundles of joy. He'd have to also send those kids to private school too. Hey, his psychopathic villain, not a deadbeat madman, just because he wants Barry to suffer doesn't he's gonna treat Nora Allen and his kids like trash. He's a professional and professionals have standards.

He also had an idea to make a gun that shoots lasers. The lasers are harmless and just cause an itch every 5 seconds that move somewhere else when it's going to get scratched.

An image of pregnant Caitlin appeared and Myles giggled. Oh, he's gonna get her one day but he'll take it nice and slow.

Both White and the Primal force just shook heads. They knew about Myles's obsession with Caitlin Snow, and they why he is obsessed with it.

After Caitlin's personality resembled Myles' first crush on his psychiatrist. The woman who managed to make Myles aim his psychopathic urges to murder people undeserving of life by accident and made him embrace his true nature.


Myles stepped out of the portal and into Central City. He felt a surge of power and excitement as he looked at his reflection in a nearby building.

He was wearing his new armor. The Godkiller.

It was a masterpiece of technology and magic, forged by the Primal Force and his own genius. It was a bulky and large suit that covered his whole body, but it didn't hinder his mobility or speed. It was a cross between Savitar's armor and Venom, with sharp edges and tendrils that moved according to his will. It was the inverted palette of his costume, with black as the dominant color and white as the accent. It had glowing lines and symbols that represented the Primal Force and its aspects.

It was beautiful.

It was terrifying.

It was perfect.

Myles smiled and flexed his muscles. He felt the armor respond to his every movement, like a second skin. He felt the Primal Force flow through him, enhancing his abilities and senses. He felt unstoppable.

He decided to test his armor.

He ran.

He ran faster than he ever had before. He ran across the city, leaving behind a trail of black and white lightning. He ran across the country, breaking the sound barrier and causing sonic booms. He ran across the ocean, creating waves and tsunamis. He ran across the world, leaving nothing but chaos and destruction in his wake.

He ran so fast that everything seemed to have stopped.

He laughed.

He loved it.

He stopped in front of the Eiffel Tower and admired his work. He had circled the globe in less than a second and caused more damage than any natural disaster combined. Oops.

He was satisfied. For now.

He heard a familiar voice in his ear. "Gideon here," it said. "How do you like your new armor?"

Myles grinned. Gideon was an artificial intelligence that his future self sent by tricking Eobard Thawne into bringing a copy of it to the past. Gideon was loyal to him and helped him with his plans.

"I love it," Myles said. "It's everything I hoped for and more."

Gideon sounded pleased. "I'm glad to hear that. Do you want me to run a scan on your armor?"

Myles nodded. "Sure, why not? Let's see how it's holding up."

Gideon complied. "Running scan now."

Myles waited as Gideon checked every aspect of his armor.

"Mobility: optimal," Gideon reported. "Power: optimal. Weaponry: optimal. Systems: optimal."

Myles smiled. "So everything is optimal?"

Gideon confirmed. "Yes, everything is optimal."

Myles chuckled. "That's what I like to hear."

He looked at the sky and stood in silence. He was bored. He spoke to Gideon. "Let's have some fun," he said. Gideon acknowledged. "As you wish."Myles ran towards the nearest city. He was going to cause some trouble.

Myles ran towards Central City grinning. He was going to cause some trouble.


Barry walked into the cortex of Star Labs and saw Cisco waiting for him with a smile on his face.

"Hey, Barry, I have something to show you," Cisco said.

Barry raised an eyebrow. "What is it?"

Cisco gestured at a mannequin that was wearing a red suit. "Your new suit."

Barry blinked. He walked over to the dummy and examined the suit. It looked different from his old one. It was more armored and had lenses on the mask.

"Cisco, what did you do to my suit?" Barry asked.

Cisco grinned. "I upgraded it."

Barry smiled. "That's nice but why did you change my suit? What was wrong with the old one?"

Cisco shrugged. "Nothing was wrong with it. But I thought it could use some improvements. Especially after… Myles."

Barry frowned. He remembered Myles, the speedster who had stolen from them and helped them several times. Myles had been taunting Cisco whenever he arrived to stop him. Always telling Cisco to upgrade the suit, always telling him to get faster so that he can catch up.

"What does Myles have to do with my suit?" Barry asked.

Cisco sighed. "Well, you know how he said he was your enemy/best friend?"

Barry nodded.

"Well, I thought maybe he was trying to tell us something. Maybe he was trying to warn us about his evil self. Maybe he was trying to help us stop him."

Barry looked confused. "How does that relate to my suit?"

Cisco explained. "Well, remember how many times Myles kept reminding me to upgrade your suit? So I thought maybe this was it. This is why he kept taunting me about how lame the suit is."

Barry nodded slowly. He could see Cisco's logic.

"So you made my suit more resistant and powerful?" Barry asked.

Cisco nodded eagerly. "Exactly! I added some features that will make you faster, stronger, and safer. Let me show you."

Cisco grabbed a tablet and started to show Barry the details of his new suit. "First of all, I added some armor plates that are made of a special alloy. It's lightweight but durable, and it can withstand high temperatures and impacts."

Barry was impressed. "Wow, that sounds amazing."

"It is," Cisco said. "But wait, there's more. I also added some lenses to your mask that can filter out any harmful light or radiation. They can also enhance your vision and display some useful information, like your speed, your vitals, or your location. Then I installed some gadgets to your suit that can help you in combat or in emergencies. For example, I added some flash grenades that can blind or stun your enemies, some smoke bombs that can create a diversion or cover your escape, some electric darts that can shock or paralyze your enemies, and some explosive batarangs that can blow up anything in your way."

Barry laughed. "Batarangs? Really?"

Cisco shrugged. "Hey, they work for Batman."

Barry shook his head in amusement. "Anything else?" he asked.

Cisco nodded. "One more thing. I added a special feature."

Barry raised an eyebrow. "What's that?" he asked.

Cisco smiled mysteriously. "It's a surprise," he said.

He tapped his tablet and the suit glowed with a bright white light. Barry gasped. He felt a surge of power and speed. He felt unstoppable.

He looked at Cisco in awe. "Cisco," he said. "This is awesome."

Meanwhile, Harrison Wells/Eobard Thawne was watching from the sidelines with a frown on his face.

He didn't like this. He didn't like this at all.

He had planned everything carefully. He had manipulated Barry into becoming the Flash. He had trained him and guided him. He had made him faster and stronger. He had done it all for one reason.

To use him.

To use him to return to his own time.

To use him to restore his own speed.

But now, Myles Walley had interfered with his plan. He destroyed his future and now he's stuck here!

Eobard clenched his fists. He couldn't allow this. He has to kill Myles if he wants to go home

He looked at his own suit. It was hidden in a secret chamber in a large tube. It was a yellow suit with a red lightning bolt on the chest.

It was his Reverse-Flash suit.

It was his identity.

If everyone is gearing up for war then so will he. He would make it faster and stronger. He decided to make it more powerful than Barry's or Myles'. He decided to make it unstoppable.

No one will stop him from going home. No one.

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