The next day, the trio of Ichiro, Emi, and Akihiko returned to school, witnessing the slow but steady progress of repairs. The once chaotic scene of destruction was now being transformed into a semblance of order, with workers removing the monstrous remnants scattered across the school grounds.
As Ichiro surveyed the scene, his curiosity drove him to investigate the arena where the monsters had appeared the day before. However, to his surprise, government officials were now on the scene, cordoning off the area and taking control of the situation.
"Ichiro, look at this. The government is taking over," Akihiko remarked, a hint of frustration in his voice.
Ichiro frowned, realizing that the investigation he had planned might not be as straightforward as he had hoped. Turning to his friends, he initiated a conversation, "We need to find out what's going on, but it seems the government is getting involved. How do we get inside that hole and figure out the mystery?"
Everyone ^_^ Thank you for the support and the Golden Ticket