Amidst the aftermath of their successful mission, Akihiko and Ichiro found themselves in a somewhat awkward position, contemplating their next steps. The leader of the organization, Hiiragi, lay defeated on the ground, her most trusted comrade captured, and the building they stood on slowly crumbling.
Shiina, maintaining her cold and indifferent demeanor, observed the duo engaged in conversation. Her gaze shifted between Ichiro and Akihiko, silently questioning the course of their actions. Despite the mysterious man having a slim chance of escape, he remained paralyzed with fear, reluctant to face Shiina once more.
As the discussion unfolded between Ichiro and Akihiko, Hiiragi began to stir. Slowly opening her eyes, she surveyed the scene, realizing that her carefully constructed plans were rapidly unraveling. The capture of her comrade, the defeat of her forces, and the imminent collapse of their hideout spelled disaster.