Well, well, well, who could have predicted that I would reach this point at all. Given the amount of readers, I got according to my statistics─certainly not me.
At the moment, I am not speaking to you as the "author" burning his whole story down, but as Fearmongering the real Author. First of all, this whole chapter will not contain anything other than some background info and me saying thank you to the people that helped me create this story.
Before I start, this chapter will definitely be the end of this story for now. Of course, as with the other dropped stories, this did certainly not imply that it is truly finished. Just for now, I have told all the things that I wanted to.
Novel Recommended
Your book System for Dummies is recommended on the New Novel block of New Tropes in the Featured tab on 00:00 Jul 25, 2022.
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an hour ago
Novel Recommended
Your book System for Dummies is recommended on the New Novel block of Editors' Choice in the Featured tab on 00:00 Jul 28, 2022.
The current recommendation position may change at any time, and the specific recommendation position is subject to Webnovel's display.
Just kidding; this story has not been milked just yet. I still have a few worlds that I want to explore and you guys deserve some extra chapters.
But anyhow, on with giving credit where it is due.
Do forgive the lack of any flash verbiage or sentence structures because one would definitely not find those here.
My thanks, in no particular order, go out to:
NobleQueenBee for making sure that my plot and my phrasings would not get me cancelled. Helping me with grammar and proofreading some chapters of mine. Also, I appreciate the brainstorming sessions, since they saved me quite a bit of trouble and time.
If you guys have some time check out her Novel Empress of the World and The Guardian of Rynnlee. Both offer quality writing, for the low, low price of your invested lifetime spent reading it.
In other words it's free.
SlowpokeChaos for giving me a stupid review, actually reading my stuff...one of the few that did that. Credit to him, due to giving me a lot of topics to rant about. His expertise in the tastes of WN readers served as a good inspiration. And in general for being a good bloke.
Keep an eye out for his stories, since from the bits I have seen so far it will be a great story.
SelfProclaimedNerd for literally nothing at all. I am joking. Thanks for leaving a good review and looking at the excerpts from time to time. If you want to read a story which resembles my style the most, go with this guy right here. It's coined "sophisticated dumbass" for obvious reasons.
Roo77 for helping me gain insight into the depths of insanity that is Romance novels. Furthermore, also for test-reading some paragraphs to ensure they had been dumbed down enough for the Wn audience.
SageYash for the occasional proofreading and suggesting some ideas to me to make fun of.
Big thanks to, he who-shall-not-be-named, or as everyone knows him Eking_James. Thank you for giving me that many ideas to write about, leaving suggestions in my comment section, giving me a few powerstones, actually reading the story and last but not least not killing anyone while getting your driver's license.
Speaking of powerstones, at the time of writing thank you to all of these people for giving me so many of those.
Fearmongering150 Votes
MiaSilver22 Votes
Eking_James8 Votes
XimenoideX7 Votes
Little_bamboo6 Votes
slowpokeChaos2 Votes
NobleQueenBee2 Votes
KGB_Chan2 Votes
immortalyxssine1 Vote
Christian_Gonzalez_80961 Vote
Roo771 Vote
Of course, as my biggest fan, the biggest thanks for writing this story would go to me. Clearly, no one deserved this support from this handsome author than the author themselves. Okay, now let us get back to the list of thank you's I owed my audience.
Thank you to Buella and his hatred for all WN readers that inspired this story to come to be in the first place. May your hatred for all things living continue to serve as a beacon of hope for aeons to come.
Thank you to MiaSilver for constantly giving me powerstones and for the following my stuff throughout the years.
Thank you for XimenoideX for handing me some reviews to poke fun at, for evaluating some stuff, giving me ideas and first impressions about the stuff I had written. Also, thank you for giving me that masterpiece of a review. Oh and if you want me to insult any other of your dumb readers─you know where to find me.
To Gacob, thank you for teaching me strategies on how to attract more readers to my story. Although I did not do a single thing you told me about just yet. Maybe, the dao of shameless advertisement will find usage sooner or later.
Thanks to you imprecis; my favourite lecturer about third person narrative and the one with whom I have argued for what feels like years over my sentences.
Thank you for the first recommendation that gave me a total of 1 collection(s); what would I have done without that kind of massive support?
In the same breath...thank you to all the energy drinks that made it easier to write this stuff. I could always rely on you to support me whatever I do. You might not be healthy for my body, but Wn was not healthy for the mind.... and I still wrote on this website.
Also thank you to the statistic page. To you 51.70% male readers, to you 2.84%female readers and to you 45.46% unknown aliens that come to study the human culture through my novel.
And of course, let me honour the countries that loved me the most.
First place goes to the 17.6% of readers coming from the USA. Murica, everyone.
Second with a value of 8.51% come our Indian brothers and sisters. A round of applause for them.
Third place has been reached by the Philipines with a whopping 5.67%.
Of course, not on the podium but still with mighty numbers were Indonesia with 3.97%, Nigeria with 2.27%, the UK with 2.27% as well. Malaysia with 1.69% South Africa with 1.12% and Sri Lanka with 1.12%.
Last, but not least with 55.71% ─all the secret agents whose location could not be known. You guys are the backbone of my supporters.
And, shoutout to potatoes. They are amazing. One should not forget them. Don't look at me someone from the WN writer discord wanted me to say that. Speaking of which shoutout to the novel-discussion channel.
It's my second home at this point and although you guys ask quite a bit of stupid stuff, it was still great to talk to you.
As for the people of the general channel; would you mind turning the horny not up to 11th all the time? Thank you in advance.
Before anyone complains, How dare I write this chapter thanking other people...you know, I actually want people to read this. If I put it in an auxiliary chapter nobody would even read this. And lets face it, that's another great way to get the word counter higher.
And last but not least, thank you to you few readers as well.
Have a great day/night whatever and I will see you guys in the next chapter about a brand new topic─I have yet too choose.
Till then I bid you guys adieu. That means goodbye; FYI.
Chapter is still being worked up; so patience once more.