/ Fantasy / Swordmaster that was actually a Mage

Swordmaster that was actually a Mage Original

Swordmaster that was actually a Mage

Fantasy 11 Chapters 14.5K Views
Author: Kamon772

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Swordmaster Kuta 'Spellblade' Sabre

A member of the prestigious Sabre family that for generations either produced the strongest swordmasters of their era or those that were considered top tier. For if they were not peerless in their prime then they were nearly that as in almost every case.

Kuta Sabre was a unique case even within her own family where producing at least top tier users of some kind of blade was commonplace. Growing up she was a sword prodigy that master the blade at a young age. Mastery to the point where she became the youngest swordmaster to ever exist not just within the Sabre family but period. The thing she was able to do with her swords were unmatched even with her preferred style being dual wielding swords.

However little did she know just how fitting the title of Spellblade that she was given (as an inside joke for the Sabre family and weapon users in general) would be proven to explain so much about herself and who she would eventually become starting on the day she officially becomes a pre-teen

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Author Kamon772