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79.26% Surviving the Multiverse with a Warhammer 40k System / Chapter 172: *Static* Legend of the Golden King and the Fallen Prince

Chapter 172: *Static* Legend of the Golden King and the Fallen Prince

(A/N: Number Backstory?)

Long ago in a kingdom of gold, sat a King, he was filled with wisdom and hope for the future that people gather to his Golden Palace to heed his words, he gathered many allies in his ascension to the throne.

The Silver dragon from the dessert kingdom in the north, the wise elven sages from the west and the Jester from the depths of the night that was his friend. Peace and prosperity reign that the only enemies were the Barbarians of the South.

One day He pondered.

"A kingdom wouldn't be perfect without a queen...I hereby declare that there would be a perfect wife to be by my side." He order a such decree of desiring a maiden for his own.

Maidens from all over heed his decree.

From mere mortals of distant kingdoms their looks would bring men to be a heartbroken slave to godlike beings descended from the heavens that charmed the very stars themselves attempted to sway the King heart.

But none moved him.

But one day a hooded figure approached his throne.

"Greetings your majesty, I have bear great tidings. I have come to heed your decree.."

Many of his court was appalled.

"Why do you not remove your cloak infront of your majesty?" One noble asked.

"I am simply just unable to show my face as it will bring disgrace to his Majesty court." The figure hesitated.

The king rose from his golden throne and stepped down.

"Reveal yourself"

The figure hesitated and revealed a feminine figure that somehow touched his heart...

Her hair was as crismon as the blood of warrior, her eyes is like starlike of the void... And the skin was as porcelain that was freshly created from a artisan hands.

The woman looks have gained envy and hate from the women in the court. For none could even made the King stepped down from his throne.

"Why did you hidden yourself from the start?"

"For I fear my looks will not attract your gaze Lord."

"But you have already done the task you fear..." He raised her chin and examine her looks...

A wedding was held in a extravagant Church and a week long festivities was held... Many mortal gave their cheers and gods have blessed their gifts to the couple...

A thousand sons were born between their love...

Some become Generals to command the king neverending Armies, others become Advisors to the throne, alchemists to unlock the secret of Magic, Blacksmiths to armed the soldiers to defend their homes and brought hope, Artisans to bring joy to the people.

Upon the heir to the Throne was declared by the King, many of the Sons began to do what was needed to gain the seat of the Throne.

And out of the Thousand, Thirteen remained for the top contender to the throne.

The Sage that led by the Magicians, The Gladiator of the Coliseum beloved by all, The High Artisan of Metal and steel, The Dragon Knight that commanded the skies, The Alchemist of the Mist, The High Admiral of the Fleets. Necromancer of the Dead, The Bard that travelled and charmed all that came across his path, The General that led the king vast armies. The Merchant that traded even the devil himself. The Paladin of the Church order. The Apothecary that healed thousands with just his gaze alone. And the Scholar that kept the history of the kingdom.

And the crown prince was chosen among the Thirteen and the General was Chosen, the star themselves descended upon the kingdom to fawn upon the Chosen. The kingdom rejoiced for having a successor to the throne.

As the chosen grew to become a capable heir to the throne, he lead Armies to fight against the Endless Barbarians of the South that invaded the kingdom.

But in a single forest in his rage against the dammed his fate...

As he led his troops in a forest that gave chase to the fleeing invaders. He came across a old hut in the middle of the forest. And the inhabitant was a old lady. She warmly welcomed him and his men Into her abode. Where she gave a feast to the Crown prince... He thanked the woman of her hospitality not knowing that she placed curses and poison into the very food she gave.

The Prince cried out. "Why do you do this?!" As he was gasping for breath. He looked for aid from his soldier but they succumb to the poison leaving him the last...

The woman cackle as her eyes became void of life.

"I was supposed to be your father consort, until that wretch of a woman took my dreams away from me!" She snarled as she grabbed a knife and stabbed the prince...

Through his dying gasp, a great evil descended the dying prince.. and revived him. Powers of darkness now flooded into his very being, his very soul was corrupted beyond redemption.

The first victim of his journey of madness was the one that slayed him and her corpse was to be his trophy and he raised a army of darkness, he razed the barbarians and turned them into slaves and looked towards his father kingdom...

The kingdom was in turmoil as the Crown prince came back not as a victor but as a invader...

His brothers became divided as they both fought each other, some owe their loyalty to the fallen Prince and some remained loyal to their father...

Their blood spread throughout the kingdom, armies of flesh and metal clashed on every plains, skies and sea.

Plague, misery and death was in every corner. And what the King painstakingly build was brought down... Many of the Allies came to his aid and their lands was turned to ruin. People scattered across the winds.

In the Golden palace a couple was saddened by the fallen prince actions...

The king summoned the jester.

"My dear old friend... Please take the youngest of my children and take him away from this place."

And the order for him to get his youngest to escape from the falling kingdom... Broke the King and the queen heart.

The queen now held the last remaining son that was still alive from the horrors of war, who is still a baby in her arms unaware of his brother deed and she wept as she softly sang a lullaby of her homeland....

"Sleep my son...May you be protected by my mother blessings." She gently gave a kiss to the sleeping prince and wished a blessing of Hope upon her child. And the King gave a blessing of Duty to his last son. And a necklace was given to the child as a last gift of his heritage.

The Jester took the last son and fled from the burning palace towards the sea of stars.

And the Crown prince along with his traitorous brothers and their ilk crashed into the Golden palace. The last defenders fought with all they had, until they fallen and revived by the powers of the dammed.

The crown prince confronted his father and his mother... His sword dripping with countless of innocence. He looked as if nothing happened and he expected a homecoming. But the king was furious and fought back... But he was overwhelmed by the sons that joined the fallen prince and his body was ripped to pieces and tossed into the ashes of war.

And he was done with killing his father, he turned to his mother and he walked towards her with the same bloody sword that taken the king. She cursed him.

"You are no longer my son, destiny and fate will condemned you to eternity." She looked at him as a stranger.

"Then I shall enslave that very same destiny and fate you foretell Mother." He snarled as he rushed towards her to deliver a killing blow.

She evaporated into mist and fled, leaving another curse to the fallen prince.

"Then you shall fall by your brother sword and even the depth of hell will never welcome you. Hope will never in your grasp, only despair remains." Was her last curse as she enter into the world of mist.

The Fallen prince became a king of a country of Ruins. His paranoia have cause a falling out with his remaining brother that remained loyal to him and he killed them with him, tossing their souls into the void. But he noticed among the dead was the youngest managed to fled from his grasp. And he order from the remaining citizens to chase after him...

The Jester fled across the stars as far as he could, among realities that was untouched, among realms that was guarded by deities... But he noticed he was chased by pursuers loyal to the fallen prince... He evaded as much as he could... But he was forced to tore a bit of the youngest prince to throw off pursuit... Until it was left was but a soul in his hands...

He enter a reality that know only war, in a kingdom that worship a lich king... As he passed by a town, exhausted and weary of the journey... He came across a woman that wished a child of her own... Seeing the last of the youngest prince in his hands... He gave it to the woman and covered his existence with his very blood... And the necklace was imbedded into the child soul...

"Rest in peace little one..." As his existence turned to dust...

The lich king noticed the interloper and watched him with interest... A blessing he gave with a price so steep.

"Duty bound till the end and shall I shield you till you return to your rightful throne."

The Fallen prince began a invasion no other, every realm the jester fled into was turned to ruins, every reality destroyed and the inhabitants that had noting to do with the escape prince was enslaved and the corrupted people joined his banner of the never ending army to search for the missing Prince that escape his grasp and end the curse his mother gave him...


(A/n): I know I am late. Farming is getting harder now. I am currently busy at the moment. So writing is in a back burner currently. Dengue and Malaria is back on the menu.

Some lore about what Alexander is facing?

A hint of who is Alexander actual mother that make Khorn keep his promise to. What did she represent?

Guess who is the jester (and hint: Bazinga)

He was well aware that the soul that inhabit in Fulgrim clone is not the original but yet similar. And he could traverse realities.

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