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78.87% Surviving the Multiverse with a Warhammer 40k System / Chapter 183: [True Federation] Last Gasp of Defiance (Part Two)

Chapter 183: [True Federation] Last Gasp of Defiance (Part Two)

(A/n: This is what happens if you fight against the two powerful races without Ultramarine Plot armor and they are freaking fast , and what happened on other parts of mars..)

(Day before Air Day)

A Admiral sat upon his bridge chair as he stared at his pocket watch, thinking about the current matters of the state.

"Why did it have come to this..." He muttered as his watch slowly ticked away as if something in his guts told him it was a fatal mistake...

He is one of the admirals that took part in the rebellion and tasked to invade the Necron Territories... There were several more that was sent to attack the Eldar.

Sure he have some disagreement with the Director of M.A.Rs policies but... A outright rebellion in a election? Especially on Alexander favorite holiday?

If the rebels won, they would have sue for peace among the Xenos they attacked and the matter is swept under the rug by making the attackers as simply rogue agent of the states... And if they lost... He shudder what happens if they lost. But somehow he believed that the alliance with the Xenos is not so straight as it appears... As if they followed the Director than the Matters of the Sky Marshal...

His thoughts ended as they arrived in the boundaries of the Necron Territories.

The fleets arrived in the vicinity in the territory of the Necrons and their mission is to find the mainframe in one of these planets that controls the machines, by doing so, they would plant a virus and make them subservient to the Federation...

But as the crew watched the glowing green planet shown before them, they felt a chill in their bones.

The admiral shook of the fear and order his crew.

"Crew of the Ohio, get the M.I off this ship and ready for drop!" He barked orders.

Many of the crew returned to their station as they landed troops on the glowing planet below...

"I hope my instincts is not wrong..."

(Some time later)

"Sarge, this is giving me the creeps..." Said a Private as he held his rifle close as if giving a sense of comfort.

They were a scouting party for the army waiting for them to scout ahead...

"Shut up, we must find the mainframe of controlling these soulless can of metal." The Sargent hushed as he watched a Necron complex through his binoculars.

"Lieutenant, find anything on the Auspex?" The Sargent turned to his lieutenant.

"Negative sir, this Metal in this planet is making us unable to pierce what is in that facility... And it indicates that there is no one in this facility..." The soldier shook his head.

"We are going in blind then. Alright, Squad Alpha move in. We reconnect with the rest of the squads at the center of the facility."

As the soldiers sprint in tandem into the gates leading into the depth of the facilities and took whatever cover they could possibly find.

Necron glyphs was written across the alleyways and roads.

Each of them felt something was definitely wrong as what the records that Alexander given to the Federation is incomplete...

"All the reports said from the traitor is, "they are simply metal cans that gain artificial intelligence and they are friends to humans." I sense bullshit smelling from the report!" One of the officer yelled.

(Necron Side)

A Necron Lord was overseeing the intruders of his planet through the Overseer orb.

Them scuttling like insect on his magnificent planet brought him fury to no end.

He was furious that such lowly creatures attempting to invade his world.

"PEST" the monotone voice of the lord have tinged of hatred in the tone.

A monocular Necron approached him.


The Necron Lord swung around and gave his orders.


The deathmark nodded as it teleported away from the chamber.

The Necron Lord looked at the messenger scarab and sent a message to his neighbouring lords..

His scepter of command glowed as he gave his orders.


beneath the surface of the planet, the Necron furnaces starting to grow brighter and hidden Necron monoliths trembling to break free.

Billions of Necron Warriors eyes glowed as they heeded their lord orders. They marched in tandem to the surface above. Endless swarm of scarabs swept past the feet of the Necrons, as if the Necrons was walking in a field of living metal.

The Necron Lord surrounded by his Lynch guards marched alongside with his subjects.

(True Federation Side)

The soldiers felt tremors on the planet.

And the auxpex went haywire as energy signature is climbing through the roof.

And the Planetary defenses came to life and opened fire at the traitors. Gauss weaponry of green death spread across the streets of the Necron killing the unlucky fools to stood in their way. Giant Pylons activated and aimed at the orbiting fleet above with their Gauss beams lighting up the deary sky.

"Shit, what the hell's been happening?"

"Sir, this place is coming alive! It's a trap*Urk*" a Necrodermis claw pierced the traitors throat and ripped him to pieces.

The Squad he was in, scream In fear as the Necron Wraiths towered over them.

Their stolen weapons didn't deter the silent Necron as they was ripped in shreds.

Their bullets and rockets rained on the Wraiths. As the explosion ended, what they saw that the damage is slowly repairing and the half faced Wraith descended upon them, and Splatter of blood splashed on the Blackstone road.

Screams of pain and pleading spread across the once silent planet.

One part of the facility, they found a group of four legged metallic Necrons bearing a Blade, they believe themselves to be more superior as the Necron should bring a Blade to a gun fight is pure idiocy. The Four Legged creatures moved fast as their eyes could see and in a swift slice, they died miserably as even though they were sliced in half, they feel the pain of the Gauss effect on them as they disintegrate.

One part of the planet, Another group of soldiers were chased by a sprinting Necron Flayers, they lost their morale as their own soldiers that died by these monsters took their time and scraped ther skin, wearing it on their faces and it was the only time for them to breath until another Necron took their place.

Another part of the planet the rebels faced a challenge into escaping in a labyrinth filled with the Necron Snipers Deathmarks who is taking their time as they whittle the Human slowly but surely making them have a breakdown. Many times they fought back, shooting at the location where they believe sniper shot, only to find out that they teleported to another location and took a life among the ranks of traitors.

The forces was whittle down as they forces to evacuate the facility but unable to do so as the gates they entered is blocked. How many of them clawled their way at the Necrodermis door as their death slowly walked behind them....

(Outside the Necron Complex)

In a makeshift base, a scream and foul mouthing occured.

The commander leading the forces was frustrated as he smashed the comms into a table..

The grim news of the soldiers fighting against the Necrons and the bio signatures of the soldiers that entered the complex is disappearing fast and they could not even reached a servers to spread their virus..

"Shit, We evac now! The operation is a bust!"

"Sir, receiving news from flagship Ohio. The Necron fleets is attacking them! They are unable to evac us!"

The commander looked at the sky and scream out.

"Fuck you, you pieces of shit! You dammed us to this hell!"

The planet rumble once more as Monoliths burst from the ground and their weapons open fire at the base. And in the crevice of the monoliths, Necron troopers marched out in large quantities. Forcing the Commander to respond to what left of his forces.

As command took command to repel the attackers much of his dissatisfaction.

His soldiers fought valiantly for the wrong reasons.

Every step the Necron take, a soldier was disintergrated to pieces. Their artillery took out several of the Necrons, making some of the soldier morale rise in a bleak desperation. Only for the Necron Lord raised his resurrection orb and negating the loss of life.

They arrive at the walls and a monolith crashed into the walls as if it was nothing there and unloaded a swarm of Necrons inside the base.

The commander shuddered as he looked at his side arm as if thinking of taking a way out.

And only he met was silence in the room... He looked about and saw his soldiers fallen on the ground and there was these mechanical creatures sticking on their necks, they slowly rose up and the images of them burned brightly in his mind as their eyes turned white as they attempt to grab him, he pulled the trigger,. splattering his brains across the floor.

The commander found out that he was still alive and there was a Necron Chronomancer weaving his time nearby, forcing him to relieve his death over and over again. Until the Necron Lord personally took his life.

The remaining soldiers was swarmed by the endless Necron Scarabs as they overwhelmed them and disintergrated them with their beams.

And what remains of the rebel base was deconstructed in a matter of minutes. One of the scarab screech a Necron words that simply translated as


The Necron Lord looked beyond the skies and stared silently as the war in the Necron tomb is over in a flash.

(Tf Side)

The admiral looked at the surface below with weary eyes. It was over he thought.

The Necrons is not to be taken lightly and several of the Necron defenses on the surface below shot through their ships, despite it was made by Mars they never realized that the perks Alexander blessed them is no longer there. A Acclamator envelope into a green glow and disintergrated, a Venator suffered heavy structural damage.

And make matters worse, the Necron fleets now active, is descending upon them. The operation is a bust thoroughly.

The admiral kept hearing the same comms from the fleets that attempted to lay siege on the planets held by the Necrons.

"*DEATH IS UPON US*" As their communication slowly went radio silent. He knows it's better to cut losses and take what remains of the fleet and retreat from this space.

"Helmsman, get the ship into hyperspace, we need to inform our brothers, it is a failure!" The admiral ordered but found his pilot of his ship sweating profusely.

"We can't sir! Hyperdrives and Warp drive is unable to activate!"

As the admiral about to berate the poor officer about the situation... A Planet shadowed behind them...

"What the Fuck is that!" The admiral yelled.

A Planet bigger than the ones they sent to infiltrate loomed over them, the surface of the planet is filled with weapons that leave any fleet that have sense of rationality running for the hills.

The World Engine now appeared before them and now raining gauss weaponry upon them, those ships that is near it is crippled by the gravitational force of the Moving planet, crashing their hulls against the Necron shields.

With the fleet besieged by all sides and they are unable to retreat to human Territories, they do drastic measures, some commit suicidal ramming attacks with their wounded ships, the last ship where the admiral sat as he sat down despondently as the World Engine fire its weapons at his flagship. Some attacks even eclipsing his own ship.

His last thoughts as the bridge was being disintegrated to molecular pieces...

"We shouldn't have attacked them..."

The World Engine thrummed with power as it floated away with the fleet to assist the other planets that under attack.


The Task force that were sent to attack the Eldar were no any better.

As soon as they arrived in vicinity of the Capital planet of Eldars, they were attacked by the Cosairs of the Eldars. Hundreds of them moved swiftly as if they were doing a art of a play, Any attack on them were seemingly avoided as if they seen the future.

Macrocannons shot in their direction was envelope into the warp and slung back to their ships, warp rifts induced by the Eldars have sent ships that had their gellar shields disabled into the warp. The rebellious crews died before they could even attempted to launched a Anti-Matter Bomb.

Farseer Caerys watched as the last ship was being boarded by the Banshees and Rangers to obtain the evidence of the misconduct of the "humans" as Alexander worded it, but seeing the future of these monster that attempted to blow up their maiden world?

They are just monkeigh, not humans.


A Fleet was being sent in the warp, lead by a ambitious captain that sat on one of the stolen ship, She grinned as the journey towards the Devil's planet or that's what she preferred, slowly inched its way to their destination, if those fools on the surface failed to unleashed their Anti-Matter bombs, then the Cyclone Torpedoes that is stashed in the ship would, such thought filled the traitors mind, until they found that there is a abnormality in the warp..

"Helmsman, report!"

"Ma'am, this is beyond anything I ever seen! "

A Tremor was felt in the Emperor class ship.

"Gellar shields down by 30%! Captain there's something in this realm is attacking us!"

"Get the security teams ready, if there is a enemy they would dare face our path, destroy them! Keep the Gellar shields active!"

Every second, the crew in the rest of the fleet tried the same to keep the Gellar shields active and preparing for the incursion, until the damage from outside made it broke. A Psychic blast have rammed into the besiege fleet that it overloaded the Geller shield generator and hell came.

Large amount of radiation is pumped into the ships halls and those that was unable to get a hazard suit was the first to feel its effects, boils and pus now leaking out of their orifices as their internal organs is slowly turned to mush and their DNA is being wiped clean. And they were the lucky ones as the denizens of the Warp now gleefully feasted the unlucky crew as they warp the crews form to twisted abomination with their glee. The captain of the fleet watched in several screens that show the internal of her ship is being blocked and those that do, still operating shows the security teams fought against a wave of demon.

She clutched to her cross, she never believed In God, only the benefit of the chucrch...and the Church that Alexander propped up, preaching that demons is real, it never occurred to her mind that a atheist in the Warp is the most delectable treat for the demons?

The demons swept in the Emperor class Ship like a tidal wave, every Intercom is filled with screams and despair. She breathes coldly in one of the few remaining video feed that show the dead littered on the ground in the hallway that lead to the bridge, she watched in horror as the dead slowly stood up, those that had their heads smashed, or their torsos ripped off, they all looked at the screen, smiling with whatever left of their faces and they mouth the words that she knows

"YOU ARE NEXT" Before the feed was cut.

She turned around and all of their crew looked at her, dazed and muttering with their bodies constantly twitching.

She knew something was wrong and unholstered her gunpowder pistol at them.

"Stay Back, I warning you!"

They didn't heed her warning as they walked towards here. She aimed and took one shot at her helmsman in the shoulders, only to find out he was not stunned by the shot, and was ignoring the blood dripping down from the bullet holes. They slowly converge towards her...

A Astartes Fleet was in the middle of the Warp Storm, Runic tomes streak across their hull signifying their allegiance, The Thousand sons watched the enemy ship bridge showing a flashes of getting gunfire, until it stopped. They didn't stopped the storm, only to intensified it to the point the enemy fleet is dragged into the deep warp, never to be seen again, once the last of the fleet is dragged to the abyss, they slowly mend the warp rift. The Fleets that supposed to save the day will never come to the traitors, even if they managed to fleet to realspace, the Astartes fleets that is orbiting mars would end them. So in a sense, it was mercy killing.

As the Planet is engulfed in war, several divisions were scattered across the planet. Some committed to sabotaging as much as possible before they been discovered. Others took to the population centers and wreaked havoc.

One such division arrived at the Mars scholar Progenium.

"Alright Men, we must either kill Horus and Apprehend Johnny Rico son to serve as a hostage! Kill everyone that gets in our way. We got inside help to make way for us, so make it count!" The officer yelled to his group in the Apc as the vehicles rushed in the controlled ecosystem embroiled in war.

"What about those Mechs guarding the Scholar Progenium?" One of the soldier asked a very important question in their minds.

Vehicles they can handle it, but Mechs?

That is in a different ball game.

The officer grinned as he gave the answer that the higher-ups told him to.

"Most of them is just outdated mobile suits and AC's! Don't worry about any titans, we got the advance Armor Cores the Market can buy." He laughed off the question as he pointed several mechs swept past the vehicle convoy to fight the mechs guarding the Scholar Progenium.

But is it really the best things money could buy? One of the soldier question...

The convoy smashed past the Guard post and into the battlefield that is caused by the fighting of the Mechs. The student city is in flames.

Factories and Workshop that trained students knowledge for their adult life is destroyed, and the expanse farmlands was burned down ruining months of work of the children that earn the hardship about life. Even Cafes and Restaurants for Chefs In training is riddled with holes.

The convoy didn't bother of the giant Mechs fighting in the city, they drove deeper into the center of the city. Soldiers unloaded from their vehicles and marched into the Dean's Office, the ruined lobby that shows a brief history of its founding is riddled with cracks and it is filled with dead staff that littered across the facilities, they ignored the dead headed towards the dean office.

And what they met is not their target...

Facing them is a Giant man sitting by the desk of the dean tht overlook the city inside the scholar Progenium, reading a book and wearing power armor they didn't recognize. They raise their weapons at the figure.

"Who are you! You are not Horus Lupercal!" One of the soldier yelled out.

The Giant closed the book he was reading and looked at them with a slight disappoinment.

"If you are looking for my gene father... He is not here. And if you are asking my name? Garviel Loken, Captain of the Sons of Horus Legion's 10th Company at your service." The Giant introduce himself.

"Kill him!" One of them yelled.

"Sigh... Humans never change a all..." He unsheathed his Sword Mourn-It-All as he rushed towards the attacker with swiftness.

Many of them panick of such a speedy giant rushed towards a hail of bullets that crashed into the Ceramite armor. The casings on the floor was flooded shows how much of a terror existence of a Astartes against a group whose mindset is still stuck in the 21st century tactics against humans.

As Gaviel turned towards the last one left, the soldier quickly surrendered.

"Please spare me!"

The Astartes watched him for a brief moment and chuckle.

"You are free to go... Now begone from my sight..."

The soldier gave his thanks and as he left the premises, Gaviel return to his reading, and there was a scream in the distance...

A night lord cling to the escapee skull whose facial features still shocked of what happened, with his power claws still dripping with the blood, the Night lord Asked Gaviel.

"Why do you let him escape?" The Night lord asked.

Gaviel chuckle as he gave his answer.

"I allowed him to escape from me, but he never clarify how he wants to escape, hence he ran into you. And it is the Orders from above that none escape, and I trust that you were already capable of it?"

The Night Lord nodded as he melded into the shadows seeking a new prey, leaving Gaviel alone in the Dean's office... He stopped reading again and turned towards the window that saw the battle ongoing...

A brightly colored mech swept by the office, and Gaviel noticed it was one of the Mech that was secretly smuggled into the city. And it was supposedly General Rico Son mech, joining the fight.

"I didn't believe the High Lord Alexander saying that you been redeemed father...I will be the judge of that father..." He mutter as he closed the book once more as he headed out and kill the traitors...

The battle turned to the worse for the True Federation as Astartes now join the defenders, with their legends spoke by the soldiers that was recruited by Alexander system, that they are the Emperor Angels of Death, they rip and tear into the invaders. Every shadows that is in the crevice of the ruined city is a Night lord ready to drag their unfortunate victims into the dark, whose screams is like a ringing of doom. The Sons of Horus, once hated by Humanity, now took to the stage once more as their Regal bearings and commanding aura, gave the defenders a decent chance, giving them a belief that they could not be defeated...

The Task force that attacked the Schola Progenium is defeated but many still stubbornly fought. The Castigator titans walked among the streets with ease taking out the enemies with precision.

(Solair residence)

After the Attack of the terrorist was sounded, the estate was under lockdown and the family is kept safe in a bunker in the depth of the estate, it was one of the many targets that the True Federation have sent on a frenzy attack. If they couldn't get Alexander family as hostages and gather what incriminating evidence they could slander agaist Alexander, they could eliminate them if capturing them is a hassle.

A large group of Mechanized Infantry arrived at the estate not with the intention of evacuation...

The soldiers invaded the mansion and found silence in the halls. Statues of soldiers littered across the estate...

"Move men, spread out and search for clues." Said the Operator that is in a Hidden Van that oversee their operations.

Every team went their separate ways, some even barged into the family bedroom to search for any documents but found nothing.

"Damnit, we are running out of time! Kowalski, Status report!"

"No signs of the family sir! We are receiving report that Alexander have now entered New Texas!"

"That makes our job easier, since one of our objectives is to flush him out from his headquarters... But we need incriminating evidence... Lest they hang us all!" The officer was having mixed feeling about this.

"Captain, we found something downstairs!" One of the soldier found something in the basement.

The soldiers began to converge in the basement that revealed a enormous underground cathedral that held many statues in different postures on pedestals, images of a single man wearing golden Armor and there is a holy ambience in the air..

"Holy hell, that Director is either a narcissistic for wanting a guy or is he a cultist?" They examine the Revelation statues that held swords, that show different expression of Pondering about the future

They found amongst them is a Lone statue stood out from the copies and they examine it.

"Macaldor the Hero, Died in 31st millennium of saving the Imperium of Mankind, Friend to the bitter end"

They took pictures as a way to say that Alexander fell into idolatry and begin to think of a charge to implicate him of wanting Imperialism.

It was going well until one of the soldier decided to blow up Macaldor statue as a general Fuck you to Alexander.

As the Statue of Alexander friend was blown to pieces, the Church holy ambience turned to hostility...

Before the commander could reprimand the moron that blow it up, the Emperor statue came to life and stepped out of their pedestal and began attacking the group. The first one to die was the man who blew up Macaldor statue, he was impaled and ripped in the middle. With his blood splatter on the statue face along with their mastercrafted swords.

"Calm down, remember your training they are just statues!" Barked the operator.

They opened fire at the statues, chips of marble flew out and they saw what's inside is just merely ceramite skeletal framework that is impervious to their weapons.

"Get away from me!"

"Shit! Why don't they die, why don't they die!"

"Retreat to the surface, and aid the soldiers we are under attack!"

The remains of the soldiers rushed out of the cathedral with the Statues of the Emperor slowly walking behind them, and as they arrive outside the mansion, they found that the statues around the estate came to life and immediately attack the living.

The observation van watch in horror is what fell on the teams outside. They hear the voice of death now so close to them... They tried to escape but the tires is broken,

"What have we done..." The Operator spoke softly as several swords pierce the van, and it was tossed aside and came blood flowing from the rear doors.

The last of the group that attack in mars the headquarters suffer the worse fate, they had the largest amount of division sent to invade the headquarters and invade the rumored subterranean city beneath it.

Upon reaching merely 221 km away from the Headquarters on a mountain pass that is the only way, as they exited the mountain pass, they were rained by constant bombardments that had no end in sight.

"What the Fuck it this! It's like we are in a Warzone!" The driver dodge as much as possible as the shells rained down from the skies. Then suddenly it is subsided. Bringing some relief to the soldiers.

"What the Fuck just happen Jacob! Even the Federation headquarters don't have that type of defenses!" A Soldier grab the scruff of the officer neck.

"I only got information form the higher-ups about the situation and they told us that all Alexander forces have been sent to the AQZ."

"Well tell that to my lying eyes! They already marching towards us!" The soldier scream as he pointed out the walking behemoths that is walking their way and a endless swarm of Red hooded men with their glaring red optic eyes hidden beneath it gave the invaders a chance of no hope.

Mech rushed out from the battered group was met with a scores of Plasma shot and Mega Bolters rained on them. A armor core they smuggled into Mars have not been graced by the blessings of the Omnisiah have enraged the techpriests to no end.

Skitarri Legions march with their vehicles that held the Priesthood of Mars.

"Just how many are there!"

"Medic, where are the god-damned medic!"

"My arms !"

A rumbling was heard from behind them and as the survivors looked behind them, the two mountain that they pass through slowly dissipate and revealing two Imperator Titans waiting for them.

"May god have mercy on our souls." The soldier helpless watch as the Volcano cannon glowed and opened fire, the last sight of the traitor was a blazing light that fried their nerves and killed them instantly...

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