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100% Surprise...Baby&Problems / Chapter 1: Date!?
Surprise...Baby&Problems Surprise...Baby&Problems original


Author: Kira_Hanif

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Date!?

Kimberly Jones has been working at World.INC for the last three years as a personal assistant, and in those three years she has helped the company reached new heights but all at the same time keeping her growing feelings towards her boss hidden. Walking down the hall to Mr. Matthews office Kimberly opens the door ten yards away you can see Mr.Matthews sitting at his oakwood desk in his black leather chair turned towards the windows. Without turning around he speaks "Miss Jones?", sometimes it really freaks out knowing how good he can sense her "Well sir I just came to tell you that you are meeting with the Korean contractors next week". Getting up he slowly walks over to her "and the interpreter?" Sucking in a breath Kimberly is a little afraid to answer, she starts playing with the parents in her hands not looking at her boss. James rounds his desk talking a seat on it looking at his assistant "well?" Glancing up at him Kimberly can see him staring at her with intimidating eyes. Looking back down she speaks "Um well sir I called the agency you insisted on using, and they said they don't have a Koran speaking interpreter available for that day" "what!?" Flinching at his sudden outburst Kimberly looks wide eyed at her angry boss. "Damnit Kimberly we have to have an interpreter for this meeting, this is important this is our next step!" Unknowingly upset Kimberly just nods and leaves "yes sir I'll um try and get an interpreter for you". "Try!? No you will!". Kimberly leaves as fast as she can to her office trying to avoid people and their stairs, memories sad and terrible memories flooding her mind.

A minute after Kimberly left James office he started to feel guilty, how could he have yelled at her like that, how. After yelling at her James felt terrible, how could he yell at her for something she couldn't control, sucking his teeth he curses himself "damnit James are you serious, how could you have treated her like that". Little did Kimberly know James was keeping his own little secret, when ever he sees her he sees a goddess a woman who he believes he could live a happy life with. The fear in her broken eyes breaks him every time he yells, he wasn't even really mad at her his mother keeps bugging him about finding a wife because a man needs someone to come home too. Asking about grandkids and things like that, little does she know his eyes are already set on someone she's thick, smart, and beautiful plus he believes they would have beautiful babies.

As Kimberly was going back to her office she walked past three other employees, these women where whispering but not all that good they where still able to be heard. "Don't you think he should have a much slimmer, eye catching assistant" "yeah like one of use" "and like come on how smart can she be, all her people ever do is sell drugs and strip right?" "please seeing her strip, who would want to see all that shaking around". Hearing how these other women talked about her saddened her, she could here them laughing after saying all those terriable things about her it hit her hard. All her life people talked about her weight, about her skin color, saying she's too fat, too ugly, just a tool to be used and boy was she used. She started crying sitting in her office going back in her mind remembering the past and what she had to go through. "Don't cry Kim your a grown women, who cares what they say, or think" but she couldn't stop crying, no matter what she tells herself this felling will never leave. The feeling of being too fat, too black, unwanted, used...all of these feeling these insecurities just break her more and more, who ever said people are like fine glass they where right because if not handled with care they will surely break.

Leaving his office to apologize to Kimberly James walks past three of his employee's who where gossiping, about what he doesn't know. Glaring at them with the devils stare, they ran knowing he wanted them to get back to work time is money he didnt hire them to waste time and they knew that. Walking into Kimberly's office James sees her crying, noticing the door opened Kimberly shockingly turned around in her seat. "Oh Mr. Matthews im sorry, is there something that you needed?" Stuttering she asked wiping her tears. James has never seen her cry before this was the first time, James didn't like to see her like this so he just stood there staring at her. With out a care Kimberly just continued to speak wiping away tears that kept on flowing "you know, I never had friends growing up I was either too fat or too quite, people even called me ugly... They still do". James just stood there as she looked into his eyes with her teary brown ones "I'm sorry sir your probably not here to listen to this". Sniffling Kimberly wipes and cleans her face "how may I help you?" Looking at her James sees she looks so torn but still she puts a smile on her face, damn this woman is strong "look I wanted to apologize for how I treated you a while ago, I yelled at you for something you can't control". With a little smile Kimberly turned around in her chair "oh no sir Its alright I already forgive you for that, out of everyone in this building I know how stressful your position is". "You know a devil like me doesn't deserve someone like you working for me" laughing James sees that broken look in her face leave and be replace with the glow of a Nubian godess seeing this glow James smirks "Ms. Jones how would you feel going out to dinner with me?"

Shocked Kimberly stares at him wide eyed did she here him right, chuckling James stands in front of her leaning down. "Yes you did, I asked if you wanted to go out to dinner with me?" Kimberly's eyes got even more wide if that was possible she thought to herself, did he just read my mind?. Once again James chuckles "no I didn't read your mind,your face is easy to read beautiful" Kimberly doesn't think her eyes could get any wider, did he call her beautiful? She pinches herself just to make sure she wasn't sleeping in her office again "ow..." rubbing her arm she can clearly see she wasn't sleeping. Sitting on Kimberly's desk he asks again "so dinner or no?" She was so into her own thoughts that she didn't answer him, but dinner with the hottest and riches man around she didn't know about that. Then something popped in my head something her grandmother always told her when she was young "to live your life baby you have to take risks and to take risks you must be brave, so never be scared hun never". Remembering what her nana told her she sucked in a breath "um yes I would love to um have dinner with you sir" happy James stood up walking toward the door "that's good well how about I pick you up at 7:30,oh and wear something fancy". With that he left her office, Kimberly was still a little shocked "wait oh my god did he just ask me out on a date?!".

Opening her laptop Kimberly decides to finish up some work, but James walks back into her office "oh you can go for the rest of the day to get ready" pausing James looks her up and down real quick "looking beautiful isn't hard for you, from what I'm always seeing". Winking he leaves her office for good this time leaving her a blushing mess, quickly packing up her things Kimberly rushes to leave the building thinking of what she's going to wear. Running past everyone including James Kimberly excuses herself and heads into the elevator talking to herself, well more like mentally preparing herself for her date. With a light chuckle Ashley the top floors receptionist looked at James "Well she's in a hurry, I wonder why?" "That's classified information, if I told you I'd have to kill you". Changing the expression on her face Ashley watches as James walks off back to his office yelling after him "hey that's not funny, it's not funny one bit!" "Neither is you always in my business, remember curiosity killed the cat and ashley...". Getting up from her seat she leans over the counter to get a better look at her boss "yeah?" "Your on your last life, nosey" with that he entered his office leaving Ashley laughing nervously "haha na he's just, he's just playing like he?.

Half an hour later James comes out of his office with all of his things "Ashley I'm gone for the day do remember to save all calls that come in for me and/or Miss.Jones" "yes sir". Heading to the elevator Ashley follows him "hey you weren't serious about earlier right?" Turning around pressing the button to close the doors James just smiks at her "good night ashley". Standing there Ashley is shook caught in her own thoughts is he joking? He has to be right?... if he doesn't off her his dark humor sure will. Leaving his building James heads to his car "take me home and your off for the rest of the night" nodding his head at James the driver drives off,looking out the window James can't help but think about Kimberly and what she has in store for him.

Looking at the clock Kimberly can see that it's already 6:30 "oh my he's gonna be here in a half hour, ok last touch ups and I'll be ready". Finishing her makeup Kimberly looks into the mirror one last time "ok I hope this is fancy enough" hearing a knock on her door Kimberly looks through the peek hole seeing Mr. Matthews. Opening the door Kimberly gasp seeing her handsome boss dressed in a nice, neat all black tailored suit with a white chinese collar button shirt, the buttons on his suit shining with his Rolex blinding I any light. "Oh my, sir you look really nice" "nice, just nice?" "oh no, no um i mean" watching Kimberly search for her words James found it adorable, gasping Kimberly forgot that they where standing in front of her door "oh sir please come in", walking into her house James waits for her to close the door and escort him in. Smiling at him Kimberly walks passed him "let me just get my purse and I'll be ready" walking back to her room Kimberly goes and gets her thing, watching her walk away James checks her out letting his eyes take a detour. Kimberly was wearing a long flowing red dress with a long slit in it that stoped at her mid-thigh,it had one sleeve showing off her beautiful brown skin and her beautiful curves. Going further down James checks out her nether regions "ok James cool it down, cool it down" hearing shoes clicking James looks up "gosh you look beautiful". Giggling Kimberly walks past him "are we ready to go?" Taking Kimberly by the hand they leave for there date, showing Kimberly to the car she stops "what is it?" "Well sir, um where is your driver?" With a little laugh James opens the door "I'm your driver tonight Mia signora". Sitting in the car James drives off "sir this is a nice 2015 Lamborghini Aventador Roadster" feeling the inside of the car Kimberly was all smiles, James looked surprised "I see you know your cars". Giggling Kimberly shyly spoke "oh well yes sir I do" Kimberly never ever thought she would be in a car as luxurious as this, drive to where ever they were going was silent, Kimberly wasn't good with silence so she started to mess with her bracelet "why so nervous?". "Oh well, believe it or not this is my first date" James was shocked "you serious?" "Yes sir I've never been on a date before so please excuse my nervousness". Hearing this James makes it his goal to make her feel like a queen "Well then beautiful tonight I'll make sure you have a wonderful night", smiling Kimberly looks at James as he drives to there destination not so nervous like earlier she can't wait to see what's in store tonight.

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