Immediately after the 7 sages asked to speak about the strategy to protect the ritual, Ignira stepped forward confidently. Before speaking she took out her fiery whip dancing like a living flame around her, her red hair coiled tightly like a dancing flame.
"Revered Sages, there is no one alive who can match the speed and precision of my fire spells. With each wave of my whip, I can summon an unending torrent of fire spells that will rain down on the demons. Not a single foul creature will come within a hundred feet of the sacred fire.
My pets, evolved in the heart of the Eternal Volcano, will guard all four directions with impenetrable vigilance." She announced in a confident tone.
She then turned her sharp gaze to Kent, smirking. "I will take my place in the skies, wielding my power as a daughter of the Fire God. While I'm in the sky, who can approach the ritual? My name alone strikes terror in the hearts of demons. Who better to defend your sacred ritual?"
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