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" saying that lola jumps back into her ring.

Laughing at his ai's actions baldur ,turns invisible and steps out his door,beginning his journey to supremacy.

A/N a longer chapter this time also the vuatu their planet,powers and backstory all of it is oc




2 of baldurs guards,walk up to baldurs room and knock,as it had been 15 min since they were meant to leave for asgard yet Prince baldur had not come.


now worried about there Prince they open the door finding it to be unlocked,when something from inside comes flying out,as trained warriors of asgard they dodge it easily,when they looked at it they realised it was a letter addressed to

"whoever the fuck picks it up"

~love baldur~

Sighing at their prince's antics,the guard on the left picks up the letter and starts reading it,the more he reads the paler his face gets,when he finishes he throws the letter to the guard on the right and runs to the spaceship,confused and scared the guard on the right, who reads it in a second,pockets the letter and runs after the guard who left like his life was on the the line,this is what the letter said

"Yeah so I left....the planet,imma go adventuring in the galaxy and shit,tell my parents asgard is boring and that I'll come back in a couple of decades.

Once again ~love baldur~"

Once the guards reach the spaceship,they sigh in relief at seeing it there,....that is before the spaceship bursts into confetti that Is,.... turns out it was an illusion.



Baldur was sitting in the captains chair in his new ship witch he just named the s.s sexy which stands for the super super sexy, plotting the ships course to midgard.

now why midgard you ask?,well he was stuck between two choice for the first place he should go to ,1 to planet vitneearh to learn the dark magic of the vuatu, species of dark magic users who very few know about,hell the only reason be knows about them is becouse of loki and even loki doesn't dare mess with them,they are famed for being some of the best dark magic users of the universe,and it is also rumored that once a god from a now extinct pantheon attacked them only for them to kill and devour his divinity.

allowing the patriarch of their clan to become a god himself!,the fact that they can devour the power of their enemies,even the divinity of the gods themselves! That fact alone would make baldur want to learn from them ,it is also said that they are the only practitioners on whom dark magic does not leave a taint!! Which is amazing!.

And his second option was obviously midgard to learn sorcery,he doesn't really have to worry to much about the ancient one right now as becouse of the devil she can't see his future,i mean if the one above all can't what chance does she have? The fact that she can't see his future will make her curious and wary of him but that's it,the most she will do is refuse to teach him,there is no way in hell she would be rude or hostile to the 3rd Prince of asgard just because she can't see his future.

now on the other hand if he comes to her after being taught by the vuatu in dark magic....,though they say there magic leaves no taint,he'd rather not test the ancient ones skills,as most who have done that came to regret it,hence he was going to kamar taj first.

Sitting in the captains chair,baldur closes his eyes and meditates focusing on his sea of consciousness,and on the 4 sun's inside,that's right 4 sun's now,he had gotten his 4th sun on his first night in nidevelier,he believes the cause to be the proximity to the star of nidevelier, perhaps now with 4 sun's he would be able to kiss death longer.

What is he talking about you ask? Well





baldur was in his bed,when the room darkened and its temperature fell,death came gliding into his room standing a few feat away from his bed watching him sleep

When he,turns his face to her opens the covers and says "you know you can join right?"

Stunned at the fact that he can see her,death doesn't even reply,she had her doubts as she has seen him looking at her once he was a baby but now it was confirmed! ,and usually she only came when he was asleep so she could never find out that way either but now! He was speaking to her and he had even invited her to bed! If she wasn't death herself she would've died of happiness already!

But as much as it breaks her heart to do so she had to refuse. She glides closer to him and says " my love it brings me endless joy to finally speak to you,but I cannot join you in bed as a wife should,my very touch would harm you as you are now."

Baldur gets up from the bed and steps closer to death,feeling colder the closer be gets,even though he was the fucking god of the sun!.

he was wearing nothing but silk boxers and could feel deaths gaze roam over his body and see a small blush on her cheeks made even more prominent by the paleness of the rest of her body.

he moves his hand as if to caress her cheek close but not touching " tell Me my love,why did you not speak to me earlier"

Death looks a bit ashamed and scared of his reaction when she says " I was afraid of your rejection my love,you are light incarnate,the very god of the sun,while I am the cold and unforgiving death feared and hated by all ,not to mention the fact that you can't even touch me,what sort of useless mate am I!"

"Nonsense! ,we are soulmates!, I view you as nothing but perfection incarnate!,and it is not your fault that I cannot touch you,but mine!,but worry not love for I will not always be this weak,I shall grow stronger,strong enough to overthrow your father the one above all himself!."

Death takes in a sharp breath worried about her loves ambition and becouse her father would know of it due to his omnipotence. This time baldur does caress her cheek,his hand slowly turning pure white where it touches her skin"you need not worry love,he cannot see me nor can he hear me as his omnipotence is as fake as his title when concerning me,I was born to overthrow him and become the true king,will you help me in this endeavour and become my queen"

The more he spoke the more the fanaticism,love and awe in deaths eyes increased before she practically shouted "YES!, my love yes,I shall help you in whatever endeavours you should wish for!"

"Good girl" saying that I kiss her, my lips and cheeks turning pure white from where ours lips met,after I kissed her,I told her "go now my love I'm sure you have much work to do as death" Smiling like a shy schoolgirl after having her first kiss death nods and leaves faster then I could blink as if she was to embarrassed to stay any longer,but that works for me as the moment she left I fell to the ground in pain!"


nothing had made my determination for power grow more then that night,as I have never felt more pathetic in both my lifes then at the moment I fell to floor in pain just by kissing death!! I will do whatever it takes to reach the very top of this universe as nothing will stop me from being supreme! And nothing will stop me from getting some of that ass!! Goddamnit!.


me:sees no harem votes are winning by a huge margin

me:makes death more and more of a yandere

me:sees people suddenly spamming harem +1 votes

me:starts sweating all the people who commented things like

"can you still read this author" before deleting it on the last chapter,yes...yes I can

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