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Suppressing The Universe Suppressing The Universe original

Suppressing The Universe

Author: DirtyXiaoLongBao

© WebNovel


Click clack, click clack. Such noise repeats daily in this tiny apartment complex. Well it shouldn't be a surprise, for there to be a college student residing there.

A young man around 21 years of age. A physics student, although always slacking off to play role playing games. He can understand the theory of permittivity (which has something to do with electromagnetic fields). But the moment you throw him a long derivative, he'll end up whining all day. And wait until the night before it's due to do it.

Anyways, this is just another one of those nights. Playing competitive matches all day before realizing his paper was due tonight. Turning this paper into a rush job.

"Almost there, only two more pages to go!"

Losing focus for a second, 11:30PM enters his vision. One word enters his brain.


Trying to type at the speed of light, there's two pages left with only 20 some minutes left before it's due.

Rumble! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Holding onto his desk, a bright light glows from his window.

That's weird. It's supposed to be night time, right?

Flames encasing piles of rubble, where buildings used to lay. About half the buildings were still standing.

His mouth opened large enough to fit a whole egg in there. Shock and disbelief were written all over his face. Seconds pass, and the rumbling continues on. The vibrations slow as time passes.

Coming out of his reverie, the man picks up his phone. The dial tone starts. Straight to voicemail, he begins to call again. The results don't change. Another call, the tone becomes alive once more.

It finally connects,

"Are you ok?"

A young female voice comes through the line. Crisp and soft, with an youthful feel to it.

"Yes, how about you?"

"Well, I'm unhurt. But I called our parents and I only received the dial tone and went straight to voicemail."

A sharp gasp echoed in his ears.

"Hic hic. What happened?"

"I don't know exactly, but I'm going to come get you so stay put."

The only thing she could respond with was a sorrowful, "ok".

"Stay on the line with me"


His sister, a safe place for his heart to stay. Since their parents weren't around much when they were young, they naturally started to rely on one another more.

Only one thought passes at that moment. 'I'm glad she's fine'.

He starts taking off towards his old honda, seeing many of his fellow university students running to their cars as well. One of which was a large guy, large in waist size.

"Hey fatty Zhang!"

The fat man turned his head angrily at the provoker.

"Who's calling me that? Oh, if it isn't Yi Heng! But, fck your mum."

Laughing, he waves him over. Fatty Zhang's real name was Li Zhang and the duo have been friends since middle school.

"Call your family yet?"

A somber mood falls upon the duo.

"Yes, my parents are fine. My sister hasn't picked up my calls though."

Knowing their sisters attended the same high school, he made an offer.

"I'm heading over to my sister, need a ride?"

"Let's go!"

The university isn't too far of a drive away from the high school.

There were many destroyed buildings, flames blazing. A sight of armageddon or perhaps hell.

Once arrived, Yi Heng asked his sister where she was.

"The second floor of the main building. Brother, I will be waiting with sis Li."

Yi Heng turned to fatty, "our sisters are on the second floor of the main building."

Surprisingly, the campus didn't appear to be damaged much.

There were bits and pieces of architecture laying around, yet the foundation seemed stable. Walking towards their sister's location, the outside of the campus appears desolate.

When they walked up to the room, they knocked on the door.

"Hey sis, open the door."


There they were a pair of young girls. One with black hair and the other with blond hair. Both had beautiful faces with endowments of great assets. One would never believe these two were high school students based on looks alone.

The eyes of the blonde girl lit up when Yi Heng appeared. She shot towards him so fast, she almost tackled him to the ground. Whereas the black haired girl walked up to fatty Zhang and gave him a light gut punch.

"What took you so long?"

"I tried calling you, but you didn't pick up"

"Oh. My phone was out of batteries."

A sense of aggrievedness poured into the poor fatty.

While this comedy was ongoing.

The Yi brother and sister were having a touching reunion.

Hugging his sister, "I'm so glad you're alright little hua."

Feeling safer in her brother's embrace, she slowly sunk into his arms.

"I'm glad you're here big brother."

Feeling each other's body warmth, knowing that the other is safe. Happiness starts to float around the pair.

As the siblings got lost in their own world.



"Ok fatty. Stop clearing your throat."

Giving a side eye to his friend.

"We should go meet up with our parents".

Suddenly a loud feedback noise reverberates through the sky.

"Hello, hello? Testing, 1,2,3. Ok, sounds good." A weirdly unisex voice cuts through. As though it was all around them.

"Hello earthlings! You have been selected to partake in the newest rpg styled game Conquer. Oh. but don't worry too much. What game would it be if there wasn't a tutorial."

"The cliffnotes version of what Conquer is, well, as the name suggests to conquer. People, lands, and even worlds are up for grabs in this all inclusive game. Living beings will fight for survival, but they will also be rewarded for their efforts. So fight hard!"

"One last thing, the tutorial starts.... Now!"

"I've always wanted to say that."

As the entity ended his speech, a catalog appeared before everyone's face. Yi Heng looked around and found out that he could only see his catalog. The catalog listed:

Yi Heng (21 year old male)

Class - None

Level: 0


Str: ? Dex: ? Mag:? Con:? Int:?

Passive Skills: None

Active Skills: None

Choose a starting class -








*Note: The randomizer will include classes not listed in the catalog. Classes can be changed later, but your level and status will reset.

Fatty Zheng started laughing. "I can finally become muscular. So I'll of course be going with a swordsman or a fighter."

Smiling towards his friend, Yi Heng slightly shook his head. He didn't know if these stats or classes will change his physique or not. To be honest, only the summoner option was the only one he liked. Yet, he also wanted to try the randomizer to see if he could get something good. The part of the catalog where it stated that the randomizer will include classes not listed in the catalog made his gamer and gambling instinct boil.

Yi Hua looked towards her brother. "Brother, I think I should become a mage or a swordsman." Yi Hua was very smart as she had continuously received the highest grades among her peers and was part of more physical activities than she should've had time for.

"Little Hua, no matter what class you choose I will be here to protect you."

"Ok brother, then I will choose the swordsman. So I can help you in the front."

Looking at the sweet smile on the face of his lovely sister, he couldn't help but to walk up to her and envelop her in an embrace. A look of intoxication spread onto her face, leaning against Yi Heng. Before she broke free with an embarrassed expression, looking at the ground with quick peeks at her brother from time to time.

"Then I'll choose to be a mage! Sis Hua can be the frontline and I could be the backline. We'll be a force to be reckoned with." The sister of fatty zheng exclaimed.

"While you aren't the smartest, you're pretty close. Little Jing."

"Ew. Can my fat brother stop being so disgusting?"

"Yi Heng can call her sister like that, but I can't?"

"No, you can't. Unless you want a beating?"

His fat started to jiggle from the threat. The fatty could tell, his life would be on the line the next time he tried to call her that.

Yi Heng broke the tense atmosphere.

"Then let's choose?"

A chorus of yes flew through the air.

Yi Heng selected the randomizer option. Soon, a wheel popped up on the interface. Big bold letters at the top, Spin the Wheel! All the options on the wheel were fogged up. Putting his finger on the wheel, he slides it up.


Confetti fills the screen.

"Congratulations user! You have received the Master of Creatures class. As you have received this class, you are eligible to receive the class change reward".

Class change reward : Conversion (Passive Skill) - The user can convert stats of a dead body to a live creature.

Bringing up his catalog once more:

Yi Heng (21 year old male)

Class - Master of Creatures (Rating: ???)

Level: 0


Str: 15 Dex: 15 Mag: 15 Con: 15 Int: 15

Passive Skills: Conversion

Active Skills: None

While staring at his catalog, Are these stats normal? An excited shout broke him out of his reverie.


Swiftly moving towards Yi Hua.

"I received an upgrade to my class."

"That's a matter of course for my little Hua. Always so outstanding."

A vivid blush can be seen upon Yi Hua's visage from the compliment. A playful punch connects to Yi Heng.

"My catalog says that I am a magic swordsman now. They said it was due to my high natural stats. I have all my stats at 15. What about you brother?"

"By some luck, we have matching stats." Smiling towards his sister.

"I went for the randomizer option and got a class called the 'Master of Creatures'. I'm not sure what it is, but going by the name I think it has to do with summoning."

Sob sob

Why was someone crying?

"This is unfair! How can you two get such high stats? We're all at the same level right? And those classes! Peoples' eyes would grow red from envy. So please, if you're going to brag. Brag elsewhere." The fatty of the group complained. "I only have 6-8 stats in all categories. My highest is an 8 in strength."

As he was about to continue his rant, loud static arose from all over.

-bzzt bzzt, this thing is working right? Mic check, ah ah ah kuhum. Sorry for the delay, there were a few technical issues. If anyone was wondering if they were already in the tutorial, then your brain is about the size of an amoeba. Well, enough of this boring talk. Let's send you all to the tutorial-

A crimson light encased everyone on earth before flickering on and off.

"Little Hua, I don't know if we'll be sent to the same place. But if we are separated, I will find you!"

The catalog gave an alert.

-Commencing teleportation in 3

"Brother, I'll look for you as well!"


"Stay alive Hua'er"


-Now teleporting-

DirtyXiaoLongBao DirtyXiaoLongBao

*Note: Hello all. I am a newbie writer. I just wanted to try it out. I hope to receive your notes. Thank you for reading.* 

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