This old man still held the most seniority in the Renault family. Despite having stepped down from power quite some time ago, all his glory and titles still remained, and people treated him as such. Nowadays, he was no longer involved with the government, but people still respectfully acknowledge him as "Old General Renault."
As one aged, one's bodily functions deteriorated. Ever since Old General Renault had stepped down, the amount of idle time made it easy to ponder. He thought about his family, wistfully remembered his late wife, and reminisced about his old comrades-in-arms.
That was not a beneficial situation, and thus his doctor had recommended that he should head out more for some fresh air. Staying at home made it easy for him to overthink, which was not necessarily a good thing for someone his age.
As for where to go, after some thought, Old General Renault decided to pay a visit to the great-grandson who was always causing trouble for the other members of the Renault family. In front of Old General Renault, the other members of the family only mentioned tactfully that the little brat was "lively." The truth, though, was not hard to find out. Although Zaro might have been slightly pampered and prone to trouble, as long as his behaviour was not out of line, Old General Renault would turn a blind eye.
Awhile back, when Old General Renault went online, he had found that the internet was abuzz with news regarding Zaro. Thus, when he went out for some fresh air, he decided to pay his great-grandson a visit.
The personal doctor tagging along was a little concerned. He just hoped that Zaro would not upset his great-grandfather too much. Originally, the doctor had only planned for five members from the dedicated medical team to come along, but after a little consideration, he had decided to increase it to seven for some added insurance. Of all the relatives he could visit, the old master just had to pick the Zaro that could not go a day without stirring up the media.
The old master rejected the housekeeper’s suggestion to call Zaro over. Instead, he walked in the direction pointed out by the housekeeper. He wanted to personally see for himself what his troublemaker great-grandson got up to normally. He also wanted to see the younger generation in their true form.
The door to the projection room was slightly ajar. Someone had not closed the door properly after a visit to the washroom. The sounds of rowdy heckling and jeering mixed with the jarring sound effects were seeping out into the doorway.
The housekeeper followed behind closely, keeping his head down. His hands were grasped tightly as beads of sweat formed on his forehead. In his heart, he was praying, Young master, you must absolutely keep your mouth shut, do not say anything out of line. Even if you have to talk big, please do not do so now!
The old master stood in the doorway, leaning on his crane. Even though his aged figure made him appear hunched, standing there, he seemed like a huge boulder that could not be shaken.
His personal doctor was paying close attention to his every expression. He knew what that bunch were like every other day and was worried it would affect the old master.
More than ten people stood outside the doorway, not making a single sound. The tension in the entire house was stifling. The staff in charge of cleaning were shaking with fear and every single action was done cautiously. Thus, the sound of activity coming from the projection room was clear and distinct.
Inside, the oblivious Zaro was bragging about his own acting experience.
"I don’t mean to show off, but when I was acting, I think I displayed the same demeanour as my great-grandfather back in those days! Aren’t they alike? Not everyone can act out the vigour!"
The others hooted in agreement as Zaro continued his bragging. Yet they clearly knew what they had seen; the figure that just leapt into the flying vehicle was obviously the body double!
In the movie, numerous troops were heading for the disaster zone. The other movies that Zaro had worked on might have lacked logic, but for this movie, with all the real military equipment and weapons, they could not afford to be careless. Of course, the real equipment only accounted for a small portion, as computer generated special effects made up the rest. Having actual military equipment according to the scale of the movie would have been considered a military operation rather than shooting a movie.
The scene now showed all sorts of aircraft and flying vehicles dispatched by the Air Force. As the grand spectacle unfolded, a timpani started beating in the background, gradually rising in volume. A shrill whistle from some sort of horn abruptly rang out, jolting the senses of audiences everywhere. As if an electrical current had just run through them, the languid audience was now alert and excited.
The roars of the aircraft, together with an orchestra in the background, created a vast, majestic atmosphere. A brass march frantically alternated with a woodwind score to the clash between humans and monsters. The realism was stunning and, when combined perfectly with the accompanying music, was a nonstop auditory and visual barrage for the viewers.
"Haha! How is it? Can you feel the ‘God of War’ vibes? Ah, here it is! I'm exiting the plane!"
Everyone in the project room straightened up and watched the scene attentively. The door of a transport aircraft opened, revealing the soldiers inside who were armed to the teeth. A close up of Zaro’s character followed before he donned a pair of goggles and led his squad to rappel out of the aircraft.
And after that? There was no after.
Only half of Zaro’s face had been shown when he was exiting the aircraft. The following stunts of rappelling out of the aircraft had been done by the body double.
No matter how badly the others in the projection room wanted to ridicule Zaro, all that came out from their mouths was praise.
Outside, the doctor could guess what all the flattering was about. Oh, right. The young master’s movie was called "God of War"? How thick-skinned can he get? How could the soldiers in the movie measure up to the real "God of War" division? Hmph. The real "God of War" is right here.
The housekeeper dropped his head even lower, hoping the ground would open up and swallow him.
The personal doctor glanced quickly at the old master’s face. Any traces of a smile had all but disappeared off his face. However, he did not look angry. Rather, he seemed deep in thought. He was not paying heed to the young master. Instead, the old master was deeply engrossed in the sounds that were coming out.
He might have been old, but he certainly was not deaf. Even without watching the movie, he could differentiate the models of aircraft, fighters, and bombers just from the roars of the engines. From the explosions, he could tell the cannon model and the armour plating of the tanks as well as the type of munitions that were being used.
Even after leaving the battlefield for a long time, he still kept an eye on the happenings in the military. Expecting to have forgotten all these, the memories that came back were clear as day.
Beside him, the equipment for monitoring the health of the old master started beeping out warnings.
"General?" The doctor realized something was amiss.
Veins were appearing on the hands tightly gripping the cane. That wrinkled face was trembling slightly as if he was enduring an immense pain.
"General? How are you feeling?" The doctor was worried. The old master’s recent mental state had not been great, and at his age, even the doctor did not know how such a change might affect him.
Old General Renault just stood there, not making a sound. It seemed like he could not hear the doctor’s words. He stood gazing into the distance, as if attentively listening to something, as if reminiscing. His eyes were red and watery. As the background music and sound effects reached a climax, he closed his eyes as the tears freely flowed. His entire body started trembling uncontrollably.
The doctor was at a loss. Ever since he'd taken over the job from his own father, he had never seen the old master in this state before.
F*ck! This is bad!
"Medical team! Hurry!"
Only the personal doctor had followed the old master. The rest of the medical team were on the transport standing by.
Upon receiving the call, the medical team rushed into the house.
As the door of the projection room was not closed, the sudden commotion could be heard by those inside. Zaro had a bad feeling about this. Stepping out into the doorway and witnessing the scene, he felt an icy-cold wind running through him. His legs turned weak as he knelt down in the doorway.
It’s over. I’m finished, Zaro thought to himself. He had made the most senior Renault shed anguished tears.
In Wireless Media’s headquarters, after the premiere of "God of War," Zaro’s manager and a few other senior executives were checking the ratings of the movie online.
"Five… five points!?"
Seeing this, a few of them double checked to make sure their eyes were not playing tricks on them. Upon further inspection, there were already more than three hundred reviews for the movie. After a quick check of their IDs, they found that amongst them were the reviews of some reputable film critics as well.
Glancing once more at the rating, they slowly counted each and every star. Their eyes had not deceived them. Five stars! A full five stars!
It was inconceivable. How could a movie with a crappy plot receive such rave reviews!?
A rating of five was only half of a perfect rating of ten. Whether the film was good or bad, the rating was only given after watching the movie. Movies similar to "God of War" termed by the masses as a crappy film would normally receive a rating of about three stars. That was the average rating Zaro’s previous seven films had received. The five star rating was still not comparable to the 8.6 rating of "King of Snipers," yet when compared to Wireless Media’s previous productions, this was an unprecedentedly high rating indeed.
In the eyes of Zaro’s team, five stars was very high. This was the highest rating ever received for one of Zaro’s productions.
Screenshot it! Take a photo!
This was solid proof!
Zaro’s agent was worried that the system had experienced some errors, hence the high ratings. He trusted the reviews of the critics, but this high rating was just beyond his expectations!
Every username was tied to the user's terminal. A large influx of fake fans was also impossible. If there were too many obvious fake fans, in investigation would take place.
What called for the high ratings?
"Are you f*cking kidding me? 'God of War' has a rating of five! There is something suspicious going on!"
"Already 5.1 stars and still rising!"
"Where are the ones who caught the movie immediately after it was released? Shed some light on the truth!"
"I just watched the premiere. How do i put it in words... rather straightforward with a crappy plot. Yet it was really cool. Especially the stunning spectacle of the final battle. I give it five and a half stars."
"The visuals of Senior Master Zaro’s movies are always more or less satisfactory. Just that this time it left a profound impression on me, perhaps due to the soundtrack. I originally wanted to give it three stars, but on account of the amazing soundtrack, I made it five."
Amongst those voicing their opinions, there were also professional critics who were rather famous.
"My rating is five and a half stars. The plot deserves only one star, as everyone should be able to tell. Production deserves two and a half stars. Compared to the previous works, there has been an improvement, especially the acting. Although not great, it is evident that they were serious about their craft. I gave two stars for the previous seven movies. This time, based on the same criteria, the movie would have received three and a half stars on the account of their improvement. Alas, what prompted me to give an extra two stars was that short but exquisite soundtrack. I am sure others in the industry have given an extra two stars as well just for the music."
"Indeed." Another reputable film critic chipped in. "The soundtrack of a film is an important component when it comes to making a film. Without a soundtrack, a movie is just like an empty shell. Music can accentuate a story, draw out emotions, and shape perceptions. Great soundtracks can enhance a film. Just try remembering all the classical greats. Most people might have forgotten how the plot goes, but the the epic soundtracks will remain everlasting.
"The soundtrack in the climax of 'God of War' was indeed breathtaking. During my university days, I minored in movie soundtracks. Thus, from a professional view, I was unable to detect any flaws. That piece brought out the essence of the joys and sorrows of the battle. The bloodshed and glory were all nicely depicted. I just wish to know which great composer produced this masterpiece. To anyone in the industry who has such information, I will be waiting online for any news."
Due to protectionist measures, in Leizhou, music from other continents was not distributed freely. Most people in Leizhou were not familiar with the "Period of Destruction" series. Even with the big hoo-ha of the second movement, the news here was censored. Therefore, some people did not even know of the existence of the virtual idol Polar Light.
As the release of the third movement and the premiere of "God of War" had happened simultaneously, even though there might have been a minority that followed the music industry in Yanzhou, those that had listened to the song had not watched the movie. At the moment, nobody had deduced the source or the composer of the soundtrack yet.
Some people thought that the soundtrack would be under the film’s copyright and would not appear anywhere else. Therefore, in order to hear it, they had no choice but to watch "God of War."
There were also soundtrack enthusiasts who went to watch "God of War" a second time. A large number who saw the reviews online decided to catch it too.
Thus, during the second screening of the movie, Zaro’s agent and production team realized that the second screening had even more viewers than the premiere!
This had never happened before with the seven previous movies.
This was a happy occasion!
It called for a celebration!
Zaro’s agent tried calling Zaro to pass on the good news. However, Zaro was totally uncontactable.
Finding Zaro uncontactable, he moved on to contacting the members in Zaro’s social circle. Alas, not a single one could be contacted.
Had some sort of accident occurred?
Thoughts of kidnapping, blackmail, and hostage situations flashed across the mind of Zaro’s agent, and he nearly wanted to make a police report, but after remembering that Zaro was a member of the Renault family, the agent made a call to an uncle of Zaro’s. From that uncle, he received the news that Zaro and his friends were at home and was told not to worry. Refusing to comment further, the uncle hung up.
Zaro’s agent could tell that something was amiss.
Could it be that something had happened?
At the same time, in Zaro’s residence.
Zaro’s friends were seated quietly in the projection room. All communication devices on hand had been confiscated and they were not allowed to leave. Even a trip to the bathroom required someone to follow them. Two armed security personnel were standing in the doorway, giving off icy stares. No matter which family they belonged to, there would be no such preferential treatment given. The bunch of them sat in fear, afraid to even make a single sound.
None of them even knew what had happened. At that moment, nobody had even dared to go out. All they saw was Zaro kneeling down moments after opening the door, all hints of his normally insolent attitude gone. Before they even had time to look out, security personnel had already entered the room with their guns raised.
In the Renault family, quite a few members were able to boast of having armed security personnel tag along. Yet given Zaro’s reaction and the tense atmosphere in the house, it was highly likely that the rarely seen Old General Renault was here.
But why would the Old General even be here? To visit Zaro?
Given the current situation and seeing the gun-wielding security personnel, one of them came to a conclusion—something had happened to Old General Renault.
The health and well-being of this very important person was an important affair. Before the Renault family had done any preparations, it was important that no information was to be leaked. Therefore, even if Zaro’s friends had not seen anything, their communication devices had to be confiscated and they had to be confined to the room.
Why had Old General Renault suddenly encountered a health problem? Seeing Zaro’s kneeling figure, perhaps Zaro had angered the old man and triggered a reaction?
At the thought, the friend shivered. All he could do was offer Zaro his condolences. If Zaro had indeed offended the old general, even if he was the beloved grandson of Leizhou’s current governor, Zaro would not be spared.
At the moment, Zaro was very pale. He was still kneeling, but at the doorway of another room. He did not know what was happening inside right now, but seeing the situation with his great-grandfather just now, he did not have high hopes.
Five other members of the Renault family were already in the house. They were his uncles and aunts. The Renaults of his grandfather’s generation held important positions and were unable to set aside everything and rush over.
Zaro’s father had also rushed over. After confirming that the old master’s life was no longer in danger, he proceeded to rip into Zaro.
In the past, whenever Zaro’s father had scolded him, there would always be others to intercede. This time, nobody even bothered. Zaro’s mother sat to one side, her face fraught with worry. When she tried to interject, she was stopped by one of Zaro’s aunts. The members of the family did not know the entire story, but considering Zaro’s past actions, they came to the conclusion that Zaro was at fault for the Old General’s current condition.
Sporting a bruised face, Zaro sobbed silently while still kneeling. Any trace of his arrogant manner was gone.
Zaro might have been pampered, but he had a conscience. He had not wished for such a situation. Even he did not know what had caused his great-grandfather so much anguish. Could it have been the bragging he had done in the projection room? If he had know that the old man had been standing outside, he would not have dared to say anything.
As he knelt there sobbing, the door opened. His father gave him a cold stare and said, "Old master wishes to speak to you."
Zaro blew his nose, grabbing onto the doorframe to support himself as he got up. After contemplating, he decided to go back to kneeling and, in that position, shuffled into the room.
The old master had his back to the door, so Zaro could not see his expression. All he could do under the icy cold stares of his elders was tremble.
"Gr-great-grandfather," Zaro mumbled softly.
Having prepared himself for whatever punishment might come, Zaro instead heard something totally unexpected.
"That song. What is its title?" the old master asked.
"Eh?!" Zaro grimaced.
The others in the room were bewildered as well.
"What eh? Hurry up and answer!" Zaro’s father said as he rasped his knuckles down onto the top of Zaro’s head.
Zaro relaxed a little and tried to think. At that moment, it should have been the part where he was acting. The soundtrack was titled…
"Mi-Mission. That piece was called 'Mission,'" Zaro hurriedly said.
"Mission," the old master repeated the word with a longing gaze and a light sigh.
Hope you guys had an 'epic' weekend. If you guys have any queries or wanna call me out, you can just shoutout @BeetleBarker in the comments, and if I'm not out fighting crime, I'll swing by and reply.
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