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Supernatural: Dark Rapture Supernatural: Dark Rapture original

Supernatural: Dark Rapture

Author: JonahWinchester

© WebNovel

Prologue: Dawn of man

Disclaimer: Events in the original supernatural have been altered to fit with this fan fiction. The ending on Season 15 has been lightly played with to include an easier means of adapting this fan fiction. This fanfic is all in good fun for me to write when I'm feeling down and out! If things don't fit the canon of the original show perfectly please give me a little wiggle room!

TW: Blood, death, alcohol, sex, drugs, etc etc keep in mind this will be a supernatural based work of fiction and has all the warnings as the show!

A single mistake started it all, a quick movement of a hand that couldn't be taken back. His feet knocked to the ground of the Savannah, long grass traced over the traditional African garments that covered his shaking legs. The world a blur to his eye as he sucked in air, attempting to escape the woman who charged after him. He could hear drums pounding not far from him, the flicker of flames. If he could make it to the humans, he could be safe. At least, he hoped. The laughter of the woman was the only other noise he could hear besides the beating of the dumbs and the roar of blood in his ears.

He shouldn't have possessed a human body, he shouldn't have come to answer the prayers of the Ashanti people. It wasn't his place, but he felt the tug to help. Now he raced for his life in the heart of Africa.

"You think the humans can save you?" The woman laughed, he glanced back at her. Blue eyes wide as moons.

Her red hair was like a burning fire, her long, claw-like fingers turned to black near the tip as she ran. A bottle in one hand, the black, thick liquid oozed as if alive inside of the glass.

That's when it all stopped. He felt a branch snag his foot, just heartbeats before he was going to make it to safety. The light of the fire, he could almost taste it as she landed on his body. He scrambled under her, panic flashed through his system. He'd never been attacked by a demon before, though he was made aware of their presence they often left angels alone. He turned to face the woman, her eyes like ice.

Pain, hot as coal flashed into his body. Her claws dug deep into the cavity of his chest, just below the golden heart shaped necklace. He gagged in agony, blood pooling from his mouth as he felt his spirit being tugged downward. She smiled at him, licking her lips. The woman yanked the top off the bottle she held in her hand, dropping the liquid into the others' open chest.

There it was now, in all it's dark glory. The woman stood now in the darkness of the night sky, the moon but a claw slice in the clouds above. It's light shines broken below. If only he hadn't landed on Earth. If he hadn't trusted her, possessed a human body. It was too late now.

Earth had just been created, but already, she could see it's destruction. The man laid before her, his eyes wide as he shook clenching a small golden trinket, black blood oozed from his open chest. His pupils pinpricks as he fought to stay alive, yet, it didn't matter. He was dying and he knew it, the wings on his back shuttered as they turned to ash. The bright halo that wrapped around his head flickered in the darkness of the night.

The demonic girl leaned down to him, her feet covered in his tar like blood.

"What did you do to me," he gasped with his dying breaths.

She smiled down at him, he was an angel of the Lord. He wouldn't remember a thing as he was shoved down to hell, but his raw angelic power is what she wanted.

"A little trick I learned, once Michael and Lucifer fight and he comes down to hell, the next part will start. Now give me your Adinkra," she whispered into his ear. He opened his jaw to speak but a scream escaped his lips instead, the middle of his chest sat a blob of demonic energy. It was slowly eating the skin, turning his chalky white color to grey.

"You can't use it, my Grace can only be used by me," he gasped, his body squirming as he attempted to heal the broken human body he possessed.

"I don't need to use it," she cooed, dancing her fingers through his short brown locks.

"It's the final ingredient to create the ultimate darkness, the strongest force ever known to man, demon or angel. The end of times, don't you understand?"

"Faith-- she won't allow this!"

"Oh, my naive angel," she whispered to him, still petting the dying man's head, "Archangel Faith won't have a say in this. She'll be long dead, and I will rule the heavens, hell and earth, now I just need," she grabbed the hand that clenched the Adinkra, digging her nails into his skin causing him to yowl in agony. He dropped the golden trinket, it clicked to the floor with no bounce to it.

"How do you know," he gasped out.

She grinned wide at him, leaning in ever closer as his eyes lost their light.

"Because, Faith told me,"

His eyes grew wide before the halos light died and his head rolled to the side. He was dead.

The Adinkra on the ground stopped glowing now as it's owner passed away. She picked up the necklace with a smile, her eyes danced over the gold.

"And this is all I need," she whispered, the dark, sludge like substance that ate the man's skin bubbled up hungrily. She dropped it into his open chest, the blackness circled the amulet. It sang out in terror as if the Adinkra was alive before the golden color turned black. The dark sludge shuttered, it glowed with power now. The only thing left it had needed was the grace of an archangel.

She smiled wide as her creation moved and shuttered before sinking into dirt below. It wound through the dirt at a rapid pace, settling itself deep in the crust of the world. There, it would wait. There it would grow until archangel Michael fell. Until the new King would rise. She raced her fingers against the dead angel's cheek, kissing his forehead.

"You've served me great," she whispered, "for that, I'm sending your soul to hell. Where you will remain, until I need you again,"

With that she stood, glancing over the Savannah of Africa. From here, she could hear the sounds of music. The roar of a lion. She walked away from the corpse, a smile on her face as she vanished into the darkness. She'd return. But not until the darkness grew with the power of Angels grace.

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