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Chapter 5: Serious Injury(1)

In the large command cabin, Rachel Chou told Pard Lynch that the opponent had a red spider mark on its body.

Pard Lynch meditated for a moment, and said to himself, "The largest mercenary group in the chimeric galaxy? By the way, there is a conversation recorded by Rain secretly, Rachel, let's listen to it." He opened the recording.

After listening to it, Rachel Chou's look on her face was surprised and she said, "Oh my god, it looks like what we take samples this time ... it may be the evolutionary liquid, and they have been staring at us for a long time ... I must contract the Institute for Science and Technology Evolution and report our findings ..." But she suddenly hesitated again.

Pard Lynch asked, "What's wrong, Rachel?"

"I'm not yet sure that this sampling is the evolution liquid," Said Rachel Chou.

Pard Lynch understood the meaning of his wife. If it was not the evolution liquid, then she would make a fool of herself.

Over the years, countless people had claimed to have found the evolutionary liquid, but none of them was true. As a first-level academician of the academy, Rachel Chou could not publish news without confirmation.

Lathan Taylor said: "Rachel, you had better contact first to see if there is any news."

Rachel Chou hurried back to the laboratory, and soon she returned to the command cabin.

Pard Lynch saw her face very badly and asked with concern: "What happened?"

Rachel Chou said: "Two academicians were missing from the academy, and the first academician Michael Dim was murdered, but no remains were found. His information was looted ... I have reported the situation here."

"Who is Michael Dim?" Pard Lynch was unfamiliar with the people in the academy.

Rachel Chou looked sadly and she said: "He is responsible for the military's evolutionary agent research, specializing in super evolutionary agents, that is, advanced evolutionary agents. He was once my assistant, and we cooperated for a period of time ... He is a very upright person. I didn't expect that."

Pard Lynch walked over and gave her a gentle embrace, comforting her: "Relax, no one could hurt you because of me."

Lathan Taylor joked aside: "Leopard, don't stimulate me, I'm a bachelor, I can't see the intimation of others ..."

Rachel Chou said: "Lathan, you are going to die, how dare you laugh at your sister-in-law."

Lathan Taylor quickly raised his hand and said, "Sorry, I'm sorry!"

The dreary atmosphere in the command cabin was broken. Tiger Trier and Zen Green laughed non-stop. Tiger Trier said, "No one doesn't know that Commander Pard is a great lover! He is a good example for our juniors and is our role model.

Pard Lynch's eyes glared: "Pay attention to driving. you have numerous useless talks!"

He was very proud of himself. At the beginning, in order to pursue Rachel Chou, he tried his best, and the difficulty was no less than that of assassinating the general in the army.

He was only a small captain at the time, and Rachel Chou was already a budding Interstellar Alliance scientist.

Zen Green said, "Look! They're back."

Three heavy patrol ships gradually disappeared from the screen.

Lathan Taylor laughed and said, "It is useless even if they follow me. They can't keep up with our speed."

Pard Lynch shook his head: "It's not that simple, we must be be cautious ..." He felt intuitively that those people would not leave easily, especially those who involved with Rachel Chou, which made him be more careful.

Lathan Taylor cancelled the alarm and called: "Tiger Trier, Zen Green."

They got up and said, "Yes, sir!"

Lathan Taylor said: "You go down to tell Swan Turner to check the spacecraft, scan the hull, and I suspect the spacecraft has been tracked."

Tiger Trier saluted, "Yes! Sir!"

Pard Lynch said, "Rachel, you've worked hard these days, you should take a break."

Rachel Chou shook her head and said, "I'll wait to check and take a sample to see if it is an evolutionary liquid. Alas, I can't sleep at all, Pard, you have to be careful."

Pard Lynch was not a stubborn person. In fact, there was no need to remind him, but they were affectionate. Her remind showed that Pard Lynch was more important than anything in her mind.

Zeff Kerr rushed into the command cabin, panting: "Come on, Rain is unconscious!"

Pard Lynch's face changed drastically, he yelled, "Lathan, you are in charge of the spaceship. Rachel, let's go."

He took Rachel Chou' hand and ran towards the medical cabin, as fast as a whirlwind.

After three days of treatment, Rain Lynch's condition finally stabilized.

Rain Lynch had an ordinary person's physique. After launching out of the mech ship, due to the damage of the protective light armor, the body could not resist the pressure in space, causing internal bleeding, and the condition was very fierce.

Rachel Chou was a mastered doctor who specialized in the evolution of the body. She knew that there was not enough medical equipment on Sliver Leopard spacecraft, and Rain Lynch had to be sent back to Earth for treatment.

Rachel Chou's eyes were red and swollen. She was a very tough woman, but this time the hit was too great. She knew that Sliver Leopard spacecraft could not have enough time to rush back to Earth.

Pard Lynch's consolation was of no avail. In the end, Rachel Chou thought of a way, and she quietly discussed with Pard Lynch.

Rachel Chou said, "Pard, if it doesn't work, we'll inject Rain with an evolutionary agent, um ..."

Pard Lynch was startled and said, "Rachel, can evolutionary agents be used this way? Rain is not yet 18 years old, and his body is not strong enough, and now life ... this ... is not stable. It would be very dangerous to use evolutionary agent. Yes ... I am not good at this, do you really want to take risks? "

Rachel Chou choked with sobs and said, "I don't want Rain to take risks, but the way back to Earth is too far away, and Rain can't bear the space jump. Do you want me to watch ... watch him ..." Her tears flew out.

Pard Lynch felt as if a knife was piercing his heart. He was red-eyed and whispered, "Rachel, I support you no matter what happened, I think Rain will understand."

Rachel Chou said, "Pard, I'm thinking about how to make the evolutionary agent easier to be absorbed by Rain. Well, by the way, I'll go to the laboratory right away. If the liquid I got this time is an evolutionary liquid ... I will have confidence in finding out new recipe ... "

After that, she hurried to the laboratory.

In fact, Rachel Chou was messed up. Even if she got the evolutionary liquid this time and was able to successfully formulate new evolution agent, Rain Lynch could only be regarded as the first white mouse.

No experimentally proven evolutionary agent applied to his so weak body, God knew what will happen.

Rain Lynch's was lively after he was born, so he was tired just lying on the sickbed. He could bear that his body was sore and his limbs were weak. What he couldn't stand was he was not able to get out of the bed, which made him restless. Rachel Chou had to let his thinking enter the virtual zone, and his body went into a dormant state, which could extend his life to the maximum.

After thinking entered the simulator, Rain Lynch no longer felt pain, he could only enter the learning library to learn.

He was usually only interested in weapon systems. He also liked to simulate combat. But due to serious injury, he could not participate in the combat of the simulator, which would involve his motor nerves.

This serious injury made him realize the importance of the body. The body without evolution was too fragile. He began to search for information about evolution.

Entering the virtual database, Rain Lynch went directly to the evolution zone.

Rachel Chou was the authority on human evolution, so there was so much information in this area. He stood in the virtual library, and did not know where to start for a moment.

A virtual humanoid emerged, gradually condensing into the appearance of a little angel, petite and exquisite, beautiful, only the size of a newly born baby, with small white wings flapping gently, very cute, and there was a ring of light on the head .

Rain Lynch came to grandma's database for the first time. He did not expect that grandma had designed such a little angel as a guide. Just hearing the voice of the virtual little angel which liked a cream in milk, "Please show proof of identity, this is Grandma Rachel's information area."

Rain Lynch's own virtual area was a warrior-like warrior. He knew that grandma always wanted a little granddaughter, so it was not surprising to see such a little angel.

Rain Lynch said, "I'm Rain Lynch."

He waved a virtual keyboard and quickly typed a combination of numbers, which was his identity proof. Every Interstellar Alliance citizen had a set of numbers from birth. This was the most important thing for a person to identify.

The halo on the little angel's head lighted up and said, "Identity confirmation, you can enter the basic database, and the advanced database is not allowed." After that, she flapped her wings to the upper left of Rain Lynch, and said, "Rain, is there anything you can inquire about? Sweet Cutie can help. "

Rain Lynch laughed and said, "You're Sweet Cutie?"

Sweet Cutie flickered with disproportionately large eyes, and said, "Yes, grandma calls me Sweet Cutie."

Rain Lynch was amused, this little guy was indeed cute.

He said, "Sweet Cutie, I want to learn about evolution."

He had been haunting his grandma asking for injecting an evolutionary agent before, because he was envious of his two brothers' excellent physical fitness after evolution. For example, Rain Lynch could draw a tie with each of his elder brothers and even beat them occasionally while fighting on the simulator, but in the real world, he could not hurt even a little bit while his elder brother just stood and let him beat, which made Rain Lynch frustrated.

He knew very well that it was impossible for him to compete with his elder brother without evolution.

But Rain Lynch didn't know what would happen after evolution, so he first asked about the physical changes after injection of evolution agent.

Sweet Cutie frowned and looked surprised, saying, "Rain, there have been many changes after injection of evolution agent. Which change do you want to know?"

Rain Lynch scratched his head and smiled bitterly: "I don't known anything, is there any difference in the injection of evolutionary agent?"

He always thought that everyone injected the same evolutionary agent, how did he know that there were different types of evolutionary agents.

The halo on Sweet Cutie's head flickered, and she twitched its mouth, which was a sign that Rain Lynch's question was too stupid. As an intelligent person, although she had to answer questions, she also showed some disdain.

She jumped onto a row of bookshelves and turned over to sit on the partition. Her two thin white legs swayed back and forth, and she said: "Evolution agents are divided into many types, the most common one is K14, the so-called No. 14 evolution agent, now It has been gradually phased out. At present, the most popular in Interstellar Allianceis L17, which is the 17th evolutionary agent. The vast majority of people have been tested and injected with this evolutionary agent. "

Rain Lynch said: "The 17th evolutionary agent ... In other words, some people are not injected with this evolutionary agent, are there other evolutionary agents?"

He ignored Sweet Cutie's disdainful eyes, he knew that grandma had deliberately set Sweet Cutie like this, in order to make people think that Sweet Cutie was unique.

Sweet Cutie continued to explain: "The 17th and 14th are the most basic evolutionary agents, and most people can use it to evolve to more than layer 3. The 14th is synthesized on July 14, 3969. It is the most commonly used and most used evolutionary agent. The 17th evolutionary agent was synthesized by grandma Rachel 50 years ago and is also the most commonly used evolutionary agent in Interstellar Alliance."

Sweet Cutie flew up from the partition, a small magic wand appeared in her small hand, and she slightly clicked it in the air, a slender glass bottle appeared in the air, and there was a blue liquid in the bottle.

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