Stirring awake I rolled on to my back and with my eyes still closed thought of Sunny. I remembered how soft and gentle her touch was on my cheek, whilst I brought my hand up to my cheek. Smiling to myself I thought of her skin, so soft and delicate like whipped meringue. My hand moved to my chest as the feel of her cheek on my lips made my heart pound vigorously. Her lips entered my mind and I remember my desire to kiss her right then, as I stared at her captivating dusty rose pink smile. I let out a disgruntled moan, aggravated by my cowardly choice to kiss her cheek instead. "You wanted to kiss her for real so why didn't you?", I scolded myself. Shaking my head I reasoned with myself that I didn't want to come on too strong and this was the best choice. I continued this thought and realised what if I had tried to kiss her and she turned me down, this was a better way to test the water for sure. Nodding to myself I sat up quickly feeling so full of energy since Sunny was all I could think about. She said she'd come back today too so I'm going to struggle to not smile ear to ear all day long. Taking a deep breath I got up from my bed and got ready for my day at work.
The pizza shop was right below Als home so going to work was super easy but getting past Layla in the morning was another story. I quickly but quietly crept from my bedroom to the kitchen and hurried quickly to the door that led downstairs. Just as my hand reached the door I heard it.
"And where are you in a rush to get to without having breakfast?" Layla glared at me whilst pointing her egg spatula.
"Oh breakfast I almost forgot", I chuckled as I put my hand over my face in defeat. I'm sure she had a million and one questions about Sunny and here they come. I prepared myself for the ordeal as I perched myself at the breakfast table. The usual breakfast topic was do I have a girlfriend and my answer was also the same no because I don't know any girls I like. Layla would always list regulars and those girls were pretty but I never felt anything for them and I could only ever see them as friends. This always worked Layla up, she'd say, how can a handsome boy like you not be sweet on anyone yet. Hmm sweet I smiled to myself, thinking about it I suppose I am sweet on her, scratch that I'm sweet for her. As if sensing my smile Layla quickly came over with a frying pan full of eggs and bacon. She emptied the pan on to my plate and smiled softly.
"So, isn't it your day off tomorrow?" She said startling me as it wasn't what I expected her to say at all. Looking up at her I shook off the surprise.
"Oh no I don't think so, al gave me Tuesday off this week and that's already gone", I replied feeling so confused Layla always knew my days off why was this week any different. How crazy a Sunday off work at a pizza place that's the busiest day I'd never dream of taking it off not to mention Al needed my help getting a party ready for Monday.
"Did I forget to mention it?" Als voice echoed from outside the kitchen door. Forget what? Could be anything knowing Al he's a great guy but he always did forget things. As he strolled in to the kitchen looking directly at me.
"My boy I forgot to tell you yesterday but I'm giving you tomorrow off work", he smiled warmly as he patted my shoulder. I was puzzled a Sunday off was out of the question I thought as I shook my head.
"But Al that's the busiest day how will you manage that with just you and Lay, I can't let you take all that on yourselves and the pizza party only days away", I pleaded holding up my hands in protest.
"It's all been arranged", he explained holding up his hand to stop my replies. "Jeremy the boy from down the road said he can come in and fill in for you that day, after all you trained him yourself, we've also got the boys help too", he smiled and nodded looking rather pleased. He continued "me and Layla talked about it and you deserve a Sunday off to do what you want to do". I didn't know what I wanted to do this was too much I felt so much guilt building. Maybe if I could explain my lack of plans he'd accept that I would be doing nothing anyway.
"I really appreciate the thought but it would be a wasted day I don't have any plans and I would only be sat here all day", I looked down disappointed that I was being honest but it was a sad reality. Sure I had friends but with me always working and them with girlfriends or work we didn't hang out much.
"Now that is a problem", Layla chimes in tapping her lips as she often did. "What if you asked someone to do something with you tomorrow?", she grinned like the cogs of a plan were turning in her head.
"I'm pretty sure all my friends would be busy with this little amount of notice", I said stopping speaking abruptly as I realised their plan. They wanted me to ask Sunny on a date so they gave me the day off. I suddenly felt nervous and couldn't look up from the table. Layla placed her hand on mine on the table, I looked at her as she smiled gently.
"You've been so busy at work lately that you've not had much chance to see her", she kept smiling and it felt reassuring, "you work so hard for us and it helps us a lot but we also think of you as our son. My heart welled they had always cared for me as parents and I appreciated them so much I'd do anything for them. She paused and put her other hand on my cheek, "as our son we want you to have everything you could dream of and right now I think we all know what that might be". I flushed red and looked between Al and Layla, they clearly knew what was going on and wanted me to ask Sunny out on a date.
"But what if she says no Lay?", I blurted out being so honest it shook me a little. What if she did say no, what if she didn't like me or thought I was ugly? All these thoughts spiralled in my head until Layla spoke again.
"The only way to know the answer to how she feels is to ask the question, if you don't you'll wonder forever", she said softly whilst pulling me in to a tender hug and I smiled gently like I did when I was 12 and Layla comforted me. She would have heart to hearts with me a lot after my mum died, all I could think of was the pain but she always hugged me and told me one day the pain would be less great and I would be able to smile again.
"Right then time to get to work my boy wouldn't want to miss our favourite customer would you?", Al proclaimed clearing the air of all the heavy energy. Gosh that's the time I should hurry down or I really might miss her and I had settled my head and I was planning to ask her on a date. I squeezed Layla in a quick hug and saluted Al before rushing downstairs. Thinking of seeing Sunny again filled my head and my heart lifted, I was smiling wildly at the thought and nervous all over.
Oh no I haven't made Sunny a special cake today! What am I going to do it's too late to make one now it won't cool in time. As I paced around the kitchen racking my brain an idea suddenly hit me, a meringue. When I thought of her soft skin again I rushed in to action to make her this treat. Hopefully I had enough time to bake this before she came by, if not I couldn't ask her on a date empty handed. Once the meringue was baking I started prepping the days ingredients which took less time then usual. Could I be fuelled by my impending attempt to ask Sunny out, or I was so nervous that I kept my hands so busy I worked quicker today. Before I could decide the meringue was done and I set it on a rack to cool. I sighed it was all done the only thing left for me to do was wait at the counter for her to arrive. I didn't prop myself up on the counter today I leant against the counter dreamily watching the door. Oh Sunny what have you done to this dumb boy?