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3.65% Summoned (Hotd) highschool of the dead / Chapter 3: 3. Plans

Chapter 3: 3. Plans

2 days until Z-day.

(Alright, let's go over today's plan one more time.)

Right now I was standing next to the entrance of the school, looking at the building that was towering in front of me.

(My two main targets for today are, Kohta and the school's athletic equipment. I could start by looking around my class as I'm going to need a good location that I can easily reach to hide things that can cave somebody's head in. Maybe one of the unused lockers nearby? When the panic starts it will be easy to find an excuse as for why I had a weapon like a bat with me, not so much when it's a normal school day though. I will also stick with a normal baseball bat, cause you know what they say, don't fix it if it ain't broken.

Now the school definitely has baseball bats, since I remember Takashi using one in the anime, plus, I've also seen them being used in some school activities. Now, I have also seen the shed that teachers take the equipment to in order to store them. Problem is, they lock the door, so I will have to find a way to get in and 'borrow' a bat. Then get out without alerting half the school.

Going to the storage shed after the panic starts is also a big nope. It's outside of the main building and I don't wanna be stuck with the masses when they start to stampede towards the exits. So that leaves me to resort to… ughh, lick up to today's gym teacher and help him carry the equipment back to the storage, then find a way to get rid of him so I can 'work' in peace.

Now out of the usual people teaching gymnastics, we have the cult leader of the psychopathic perverts, and Mister zombie chow #1 aka Shido and Teshima. Of course there are other teachers that assist in P.E… but they will all be dead before the month ends and were never shown in the anime, so I didn't bother to learn who they were.)

With that thought in mind, I started making my way towards the side of the school to my left. PE classes were held there and the storage shed was also there. I had a little 'plan B' in mind, I just needed to check the storage building. If I'm lucky, I can evade the bootlicking.

After making my way through the track field next to the main building, I looked at the structure across it. It was not an impressive-looking, more like a run-down apartment really, about one and a half stories tall and made out of concrete.

After checking my surroundings to make sure I won't have any surprise visitors I walk towards the back of the shed. There was a small alley-like space here, probably 2 to 3 people could fit next to each other, between the shed and the school's cement fence-wall. I then walked into the alley checking the back of the shed for another way to enter inside. And sure enough, I found a window, wide-open and practically begging me to climb in.

"Well, guess I won't be bootlicking any teachers after all, thank god for that"

The window was a small one, probably 40 to 50 cm wide and on a height that even if I raised my arm and stretched out I could not reach it. I was about to drop my bag on the floor and jump to reach the window, when I heard the school bells ring out.

(Alright, I know how I'm getting into the shed, but I have no time left. All I need to do now is find a place to stash the 'tools' and I'm golden.)

Smiling to myself, I walk back out of the alley and head to class. On the way to my classroom, I kept an eye out for any location I could use to hide a bat… but no cigar. Other than my locker, there doesn't seem to be any easy to reach place for me to hide it. Trouble is, my locker is a bit too far for my liking.

Getting in the class and taking my seat I started thinking about my second target for today, Kohta.

(He's probably a go home club kind of guy and since he is still suppressing his anger for his 'normal life' as he calls it. He will probably still act meek. I do not know where his class is at, but there is only one main exit, the school gates. I can just wait there and 'accidentally' bump into him, dropping the papers about the shotgun in the process. I just hope that he won't get too startled, apologize and start running or something.)

While I was in my own thoughts, the teacher walked in and started the lesson. Not wanting another one on one with a teacher, I decided to pay 'attention' to the class…

So, An hour and some minutes later the bells ring out once more. It was time to get to work again.

Walking outside of the class I saw the staircase that led up to the roof.

(I could go and leave the bat on the roof, but honestly, I don't wanna be up there when Takashi and Co. gather. And while I got nothing against Rei, I don't want to deal with her self-absorbed hysteria. Plus, Takashi still likes her so I will let him have that hug. In other words, that's a no go for the roof.)

I kept moving around the hallway, but other than the occasional lockers, there was nothing else.

"Ughhh god-damn it, do I really need to put the thing in my locker?"

Putting my back against the window and giving off a sigh, I close my eyes and move my head around causing my neck bones to crackle, opening my eyes, I stare at the top of the lockers.

(The lockers are not tall enough either, putting the bat up there will still let people see it. Maybe I could just break my lock, then go to the teacher's office and tell them that my locker won't lock or something? Ask them to give me a new one, these lockers use number combinations, so they should have a book with the combinations for all the lockers somewhere. If I can take that then I can see the combination to a locker near my class… Hmm, yeah, let's do that.)

"At least the teacher's room has air conditioning"

I started moving towards my locker as I spoke...when something clicked in my head.

(Air conditioning...Air conditioning?...air VENTS! God why did I not think of that sooner.)

I dart my head around looking for anything that might look like a vent. Until my sight stopped at a small, rectangular metal covering in the wall. The air vents in this school were on the top part of the walls, and they were rather small. Still, they're perfect to hide a bat in. I then go back to my class and spot an air vent that was not too far from my class. Probably half a class away from my classroom door.

"Perfect, I could hide the bat in there. As for the screws, I can go to the room where Kohta made his handmade gun, they definitely got screwdrivers there. And i think I will keep it too, even unsharpened, I could still use it to stab zombies in the pterion… or whatever it's called"

With quick steps I head to the second floor, looking for any classroom that has equipment for construction, like drills, hammers and nails. 10 minutes in, I came across the said room. Lucky for me, it was unlocked too.

(Why do they leave this place unlocked in the first place? Saya and Kohta also just waltzed in if I remember correctly. Well, no need to look a gift horse in the mouth, time to find me a screwdriver.)

A couple of minutes later and several fake 'I dropped my wallet here' to evade the student's attention, I come across a long, flat-nosed screwdriver. Long enough to be used as a last-ditch effort weapon if needed. And the screwdriver's flat nose also means I could use it even if the screws were cross-shaped. Looking around to make sure nobody was looking at me, I then pocketed the screwdriver.


(I'm having way too much fun with this.)

I opened a hole in the inside pocket of my jacket with my new screwdriver and shoved it in its new home, then left like I just committed the heist of the century.

(Getting the bat and opening the vent while the school is teeming with kids and adults is not gonna happen. Either I sneak in during the night, or do it during club times. Meaning I got to meet with Kohta before doing any of this.)

The rest of the classes passed without anything notable happening.

After returning to class I left the screwdriver in my bag so I would not end up stabbing my guts by accident. Other than that, during the breaks I checked the shed window a couple of times to make sure it was still open. Until PE class arrived and the teacher who was to 'teach' us today was...

(Oh, is Teshima going to be teaching class today? Heh, thank God that the window is open. Means that I won't have to deal with that asshole when I'll try to get inside the shed.)

Looking around the school track, I realized that lady luck had just decided to be my best friend today, as Takashi's class also had PE right now. Meaning, Kohta was also here. I didn't know if i could use this to my advantage though. I mean, just staring at the pink-haired firecracker while she was dishing out poison to any unlucky person that blew her already short fuse made me a tad leery of approaching the other class. Takashi was not there, obviously. Rei and Hisashi were being all sweets and honey, to the point that my teeth started to actually hurt... Anyway, time to focus on my class for now, no need to get myself in trouble with Teshima.

Thanks to all the intense physical training I was doing, PE mostly felt like a joke now. So, by the time we were done, I had barely broken a sweat, and as the students started going to the changing rooms to wash up and change, I was standing there, wondering what to do.

(If I volunteer to gather all the balls and equipment to the shed, I could hide one of the bats in a bush and take it later to avoid all the shed window infiltration business. On the other hand, dealing with Teshima is… ugh.)

While I was thinking of what to do, I looked over to the other class, realizing that everybody had already left. Also, nobody seemed to be gathering all the stuff they had used, weird.

"SERPFAFIR IF YOU GONNA STAND THERE LIKE A DORK THEN START PICKING UP THE BALLS BEFORE I PICK YOU BY THE BALLS" Teshima yelled, causing some of my classmates to burst out in laughter.

(What an ass, wait, did he just call me Serpfafir? Get my name right you god-damn gorilla, it's Sepfier… I think. I mean it is my surname since last month or so? Well, you all gonna die soon anyway, so enjoy it while you can, asswipes. Well, so much about volunteering, guess I'm going with the initial plan after all.)

After picking up the equipment my class used and dumping them in the cart, I start making my way towards the shed, Teshima leading the way.

(I need to find a way to make the douche leave, think Naier, think.)

Reaching the shed Teshima unlocks it.

"Put the balls in the ball basket and the bats on the bat racks. Come on, get on with it Sepifer I don't got all day, I'm in a hurry."

(Don't got all day huh.)

I was trying very hard not to grin. As I walked towards the big basket that was filled with balls, I then 'accidentally' stumbled, falling on the basket. Then, there was chaos. Over fifty balls flying all over the place, bouncing to their freedom. I could now also hear Teshima's screams reaching some incredible decibels. He must have said my name about four times, all four times in different ways and all four of them wrong. I was honestly going to choke from holding my breath, cause I would definitely burst out in laughter if I tried to breathe.


His forehead veins had all popped out. The guy was truly, really, royally pissed. I would not be surprised if he actually lunged at me.

(Okay, to convince him to leave now. He did mention Kyoko, so maybe I can use her to get him to butt out.)

"Sir, this was my fault, you can give me the keys and go if you want."

"BOY are you fucking STUPID, why would I give YOU the keys when you can't even put a goddamn ball, IN A BASKET!"

"If I lose the keys it will be my responsibility. Also sir, won't you miss your meeting with Miss Kyoko if you stay?"

Teshima just stared at me, seemingly thinking, then after about 30 seconds...

"...You lose the keys, I will see to it that you get expelled Sepafier" Teshima said, throwing the keys toward me.

"Yes, sir" I responded as Teshima walked away in a hasty pace. And now, I was alone.

"...Ppffffftttt HAHAHA." I could not hold it in any longer. I was about to fall to the floor from laughing, like I just heard the joke of the day… A couple of minutes later, after I managed to get my bearings, I got up and started putting the balls in the basket. while eyeing the bats.

"Worth it, so fucking worth it." I still had a shit-eating grin on my face while I was picking up the seemingly unending amount of balls. As This was the last class for the day, it also meant I would miss Kohta. But, well, I still got tomorrow, and I regret nothing.

After about 10 minutes in, the balls on the floor had been reduced by half. It was then, that I saw a cart coming my way.

(Humm? It must be the guy in charge of cleaning after Takashi's class. Sure took their time, it must be at least 20 minutes since I started gathering the equipment in the field, wonder why they're so late...Oh god, I hope it's not Saya, or I'm gonna be hearing about how stupid I am for the next five minutes once she realizes I knocked the ball basket down. Then again, most people would be thinking that so, ughhh… guess I'm hosed.)

Once the cart got near, I could not actually believe my eyes. The one behind it was Kohta, seemingly looking down in the dumps.

(Holy shit, my luck today is off the charts. Now, all I need to do is make a good first impression, see if I can get him to hang out with me.)

After looking at the chubby guy for a bit, I walked out of the shed and called out to him.

"Hey there bro, bit late for the party, but come in, we got balls"

Kohta finally takes his eyes off his hands that are on the handle and looks at me.

"Huh, what… what do you mean?" he asked.

"Ehh, I kinda knocked over the basket with the balls and sent em all flying all over the place." I say while putting my hand on my hip and turning my torso to gesture into the shed behind me.

"Ohh." Kohta then looks behind me, seeing the remaining balls that were still on the ground.

"Still, had you arrived 10 minutes earlier, you would have had the joy of seeing Teshima sing opera, Viking helmet and all" I start chuckling from my own little joke after finishing.

"So, why are you so late anyway, if I didn't have my little 'accident' you would have been locked outside the shed."

"I uhhhh, I was… " His eyes darted left and right for a few seconds before looking back down to his hands.

(Huh? What sort of reaction is that? Was he stuck in the bathroom or something? Or… if I remembered correctly, Kohta mentioned in the manga that he got bullied by his class, so there's a chance they dumped cleaning duty on him so they could leave early.)

"They dumped you with cleaning duty?" I asked him with a straight face as I folded my arms.

"Uhh well, they… uh they didn't do that… I just."

(Yep, definitely got dumped with the job. Well, this can be my chance to get close to him. I got a good feeling about this, so time to put my plan into motion.)

"Heh, relax, if people did dump it to you, then they don't deserve your restraint, they deserve a twelve gauge in the kneecap from a KSG."

While I did do my research about guns, and quite a lot at that. I did not really know how rare, or exotic each gun was. So I just picked one that I remember having a good reputation with a fancy-sounding name and used it as an icebreaker.

Kohta looked at me for a bit, then looked back towards the shed.

"Actually, a shot from a 45 caliber gun would be better. It would not sever the leg like a shot from the KSG, but instead only break the kneecap, and most importantly not kill. A broken kneecap would cause the one you shot to survive, but they would feel an intense amount of pain. So much so that they would probably pass out. After that, they would probably need intensive medical care, which might still not be enough to actually completely save the leg as the shot could have damaged the kneecap beyond repair, causing permanent disability. A 1911 or a P227 should be more than enough to get the job done."

(...While I knew that Kohta was a gun nut, seeing it up close, is pretty amazing)

" I'm sorry, " After finishing his rant, he suddenly turns his head back down. Probably thinking that my silence meant that I disapproved of his comment.

"That. Was pretty amazing." I raise my eyebrow as I speak.

Kohta lifts his head and looks at me with a slack-jawed expression.

"You went from saying two words per five minutes to telling me an essay in less than ten seconds. Marked me impressed. I take it, you like guns?"

"Mhm yeah" he nods at me.

(Well I didn't expect him to go all starry-eyed and start talking like a maniac. But honestly, his second reaction is a bit more lackluster than I expected… )

"Well, while I enjoyed our little chat, I still gotta gather them balls over there" I point my thumb behind me.

"Ohh yes, of course." Kohta then looks back to his cart.

"Well the shed is kind of a mess right now, but you can probably put your cart in the back somewhere, as I have cleaned that spot at least. " I remarked to Kohta as I started going back into the shed, picking up the balls and putting them back in the basket.

"Hmm, ok i will do that" Kohta pushes the cart into the shed and starts unloading the equipment from it and into their respective places.

"Say, have you ever shot a gun?" I turned my head to him as I left the ball I was holding in the basket.

(I know that he had already gone off to the USA and trained with that contractor, but I just had a very crazy idea, and I liked that crazy idea.)

"Ah, yes, yes I have, I have practiced with multiple weapons actually" Kohta didn't stop unloading the cart while speaking.

"Interesting, tell you what. I know we just met like what, five to ten minutes ago? But you seem to be a cool guy and the only reason you ended up here is because some retards forced their work on you. So, how about I help you turn the day around?"

"No, it's ok I don't really mind..."

"Oh ok, I was going to head to the gun range after this, seeing how you like guns so much, I figured you would like to come along, but if you have other stuff to do I get it" I cut him off, trying to hold off my grin.

It must have taken less than a second before I heard the sound of something hitting the floor. I then turn my head around towards the noise and see that Kohta has dropped a wooden bat, seemingly frozen and staring at me.

"The… the gun range? But you're not 18 yet, you can't go there" Kohta's eyes were wide open as he spoke. I just smiled, putting the last ball back into the basket.

"Well normally yes, but let's just say that I made the gun range owner make an...exception, don't worry, no violence, blackmailing or anything unsavory" I say, raising my hands up.

"So, you in? Or am I going by myself?"

Kohta's eyes were practically glowing now…

( Now I know he wants to come. He is probably just trying to be cautious as… well he just met me what, 30 minutes ago? I just hope tha…)

"YES, I MEAN NO, I MEAN I'M COMING TOO!" He shouts before I could even finish thinking.

(Aaand, I probably just turned this into the most exciting day of the month for him, at least until the zombies decide to come knocking and he finally gets to let loose.)

"Alright, once we're done we'll go, I gotta return the keys to 'sir opera singer' first though. Wait for me outside the school gates. After that, we go ahead to the gun range"

"O...OK!" Kohta then just darted out of the shed.

(I don't think I ever saw him run that fast… He also forgot to put all his stuff from the cart back to the baskets. Oh well, I guess I will finish it for him. Also, With Kohta gone, I can go ahead with stea… I mean 'borrowing' a bat.)

I then grab a couple of bats and test them out, until finding one that seemed to be in top condition. I take it, and lock the shed behind me.

(As long as they don't decide to do an inventory count on the gym equipment tomorrow, nobody will realize this one is missing. Now all I need to do is figure out how I'll get this to the vent next to my class.)

I turn to look at the school from where I'm standing, silhouettes walking in the hallways.

(No good, there's no way I can take this bat up there undetected while also dealing with the screws on the vent. Guess I'll be coming to school again after it's dark. This is just a normal school after all, it shouldn't have too many guards, and the guards themselves might just be teachers.)

I nod to myself and hide the bat in a nearby bush, then head towards the school staff room in order to give Teshima back his keys.

After arriving at the staff room and giving the keys to the first teacher I saw, saying that they are for Teshima, I head to my class and take my stuff. I actually also waited for a bit in order to see whether I could just unscrew the vent now to save time. But it couldn't be done, a random teacher or student would occasionally pass, not giving me enough time to take a chair and climb up to unscrew the thing. So I just left it as is and went to meet with Kohta.

Upon reaching the school's front door, I saw Kohta waiting with his arms folded by the school gate, looking at the floor and occasionally towards the school's front door.

(Jeez, you don't have to look 'this' lost in space Kohta.)

I then walked out the front door and headed towards him. Once he raised his head again, I lifted my arm up to about head high to make him notice me, after I was close enough for him to see of course. No need to make a fool out of myself now.

"Hey there commando, ready to go shoot some guns?" I say to the guy while he starts smirking.

"Always, oh by the way, my name is Kohta Hirano" He responds.

"Naier Sepfier, well then Hirano let's get going. Oh and, you can call me Naier, my surname's kind of a mouthful." I say as I fold my arms.

"Alright, you can call me Kohta then." After Kohta finishes speaking, I extend my arm to him for a western-style handshake, which he returns.

"Well then Kohta, let's get going, we're walking there" I add as i nod.

"Ehhh, must we? I kind of... hate walking" Kohta then responds with one of his ever first lines from the anime, or well, the fact that he hates walking.

"Yep. Just think of the guns Kohta, oh and check this out " I say as I take off my bag, open it, and show Kohta the print outs that I had originally planned to use as bait.

"That's the manual for the Mossberg 500 Cruiser Pump Action Shotgun." Kohta says while looking at the picture of the shotgun on the first paper.

"Yeah I'm gonna be trying to shoot something like that today, or at least one of its versions. Check it out while we head there and tell me if there's something extra I should know about." I say while handing the manual to Kohta.

"Sure thing" That was all he said before becoming engrossed with reading the gun manual.

(I should make sure he doesn't get run over by a car or something...)

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