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32.74% Suddenly becoming a mum! / Chapter 56: Caring

Chapter 56: Caring

After an hour in Noa's doctor's office, an ultrasound examination and X-rays. It turned out that Lily's wrist was only sprained.

But she still had to wear a splint for six weeks. Lily didn't mind, after all, it was better than wearing a cast.

Lily didn't understand all the jargon the young doctor Joucault was saying. On the other hand Alexandre listened all the more attentively. Which is why Lily drew her attention to the beautiful Parxis and watched the furniture and beautiful nurse at Noa's side. She quickly forgot that she was the real patient and just dawned.

After all, Lily had all the information she needed.

She had taken no threatening damage and her wrist, it was just sprained, although it had grown to twice its size by now and started pounding with every movement. She didn't mind it. Lily let her thoughts wander off and hardly noticed the exhausting conversation between Alexandre and the doctor.

Doctor Joucault had prescribed her several doses of painkillers before escorted them out of the consulting room with a smile.

Always with Alexandre at her side. He was either next to her or behind her.

When they left the private clinic, his hand lay on her back while he led her to his white sports car.

Lily couldn't get rid of the feeling that Alexandre was overprotective today. Probably yesterday's event had shocked him more than he showed.

His behavior was rather calm and composed. But something seemed to be boiling behind his facade. But every time Lily asked him about it, he cleverly concealed the subject. Which is why Lily decided to stop poking. Because she was afraid to get into the line of fire herself.

Silently Alexandre opens the door of the Porsche for her and helped his wife into the car. Before he ran around the rear of the car and got in on the driver's side to drive off.

They stopped in front of an Italian restaurant where he had reserved a private room in which Adrien, his nanny and bodyguard were already waiting.

"Lily, Alec." The little man greeted them with a smile that even the sun could be envy of and rushed towards Lily.

"Careful." Alexandre murmured, pulling the kid back a little. "Lily hurt herself." He tried to explain to Adrien and pointed to Lily's sprained wrist.

With big eyes Adrien stared at Lily. "Does it hurt?" Concern lay over the rosy face of the toddler.

Immediately Lily shook her head and squatted before Adrien. "As long as you are there, nothing can hurt me. You're my sweetest medicine." She leaned forward and gave Adrien a kiss on the chubby cheeks.

Proudly the little fellow snuggled himself even deeper into her embrace and enjoyed her attention.

Suddenly a strong arm grabbed him from behind and lifted his little body. Surprised, Adrien screamed and found himself on Alec's arm. "Did you have a lot of fun today?"

Adrien raised his little arms over his head, smiling up at Alec. "So much fun!"

Alexandre sighs, and smiled back automatically. "Then you have a big appetite?"

In response, Adrien's stomach growled loudly.

The toddler blinked, eyes wide, feeling himself blush up to the tips of his ears. He leaned his small head back down and let his plump little arms sink again.

"Then we should order." Announced Alexandre smiling and put Adrien in the child's chair.

While the Nanny and Adriens bodyguard quietly left the room and a waiter entered who handed out leather-bound menus.

Lily took a seat next to Adrien and laid down the menu so that the little fellow could also see inside.

Actually, she already knew what the toddler was going to order. Nevertheless, he always wanted to take a look inside. Which amused Lily.

"What do you want to drink?" Alexandre asked.

He glanced inside and back to Alec a couple of times before he slowly said. "Cola!" With a brave glimmer in his eye.

Lily wrinkled her eyebrows. Her mouth opened to protest, but quickly closed again. She was reluctant. Lily didn't know if she should tell him not to. Should such a little boy drink Coke already? Would Elodie have allowed him to?

Swallowing hard, Lily risks a glance over to Alexandre. But Alexandre was still smiling, looking almost impossibly fond.

As if he could read Lily's mind, he put a hand reassuring on her thigh under the table, facing Adrien again with a big smile around his lips. "Let's make a deal!"

Saya_Miyagusuku Saya_Miyagusuku

Sry...I'm late again T-T

But couldn't update it from my computer....there was a network error...or something...hope you had fun reading :*

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