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100% Such a Gentle Wife ??! / Chapter 2: A single man in possession of a good fortune....(N)

Chapter 2: A single man in possession of a good fortune....(N)

As it turns out the events leading up to the surprise wedding began as early as two weeks ago.


I was waiting for the morning coffee, browsing my social media feeds, 9'oclock in the eeearly morning. It was way past the usual time my mum would come to wake me up. My throat felt dry and stomach grumbled in protest and my nose was assaulted by the the smell of mutton stew. It seems that breakfast is already served. What's wrong with mom today ? Did she forget me ?

Washing my face and pulling on an oversized tee from the wardrobe, I walked down the stairs accompanied by fresh notifications. Oh, seems Dad hadn't left for work today. My younger sister Niharika, gave me an ear to ear smile, with all her teeth out. Mhmm, something's definitely wrong. I wanted to ask mom what happened to my morning coffee, but as soon as I looked up, she dodged her eyes and then had her Appam and stew with utmost concentration. My dad is silent anyday, no surprise there. But this guy is never later than 9.00am to report at work. He has this solemn look which is a degree solemn-er than his usual solemn. The last time this expression came about he asked me to quit my job and join the family business.

Being the only male descendant and eldest at home, I was raised with a lot of freedom and equel responsibilities compared to Hari, my sister. I was allowed to choose my minor in college, which is literature by the way, allowed to choose working outside as i wanted real experiences, but that ended there. My grandfather dreamed of being the pioneer of education in India, in his youth, created Zion International School, and a chain of them in his later years. My dad took up the mantle after him and now I am called to report for duty. Who wants do that ? Who wants to babysit a bunch of adults babysitting a bunch of kids anyway ? It's all about approving the schedules for classes, extra classes, anniversaries, talent competitions, exams, supplimentory exams, parents meetings, donations, awards, and then more approvals for maintanance, just not interested. I asked him to hire an experienced CEO, and even offered to pay from my own pocket. Nooo no ! It has to be me.

I was working as an entertainment journalist prior to this fiasco at home. It was pretty rewarding and cool, in my opinion. I gotta meet all kinds of celebrities, get the first scoop on every single gossip that got around, and get paid for just being the literature enthusiast that I am. Gossip, is literature too, guys. It takes skill to create a believable one, you know.

All was well untill dad came up with this ultimatum to choose between being a disowned snooping dog (his highness's golden words) and family business; supported by mom's ready to fall tears and request to be responsible.

I finally caved and resigned my job with the online publication after a week of emotional blackmail by the above said people. But since then, I've been lazing around at home and "learning" about business management online. It takes time for sensitive literature graduates like me to acquaint themselves with ruthless business tactics, you know :)

Anyway, am sure today too, the blade is pointed at my own head. So I especially stuffed my mouth with everything that was served, not even caring for a second helping and attempted to escape. ...well, attempted.

As soon as I made a move, dad looked up and asked me to sit back down. Mom was suddenly impassive and looking only at the dictator, and hari dawned a disgusting grin. Then I heard him say,

" Nikki, get ready by 9.45. We are going to meet a potential candidate for your marriage today. Do not be late and no excuses. Remember to dress a bit more like a human ".

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