/ Fantasy / Suar The Guard

Suar The Guard Original

Suar The Guard

Fantasy 8 Chapters 3.4K Views
Author: _17_agustus

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"Why didn't dad say?" I asked my father angrily and annoyed.

"Dad's just not ready to tell you, because this is a very different situation." explained my father while stroking my head.

"Aruna doesn't want to be like that! Suar and I are from different worlds. I can't fulfill her lust, I will maintain my chastity." I stood up and left the living room, before closing the door, "If the condition is to fulfill his desires, it's better if he doesn't have to be my guard."

curious what happened!!!

a guard that is passed down from generation to generation by a certain person. guardian from another world, but there are conditions that must be met. yes, it satisfies his lust.

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Author _17_agustus