Volk squinted upward as he saw it again—another wave. This time, the harpies carried with them sharpened javelins, glinting cruelly as they hovered ominously over the horde like reapers in the clouds.
Volk's jaw tightened. "SHIELDS UP!" he roared.
Orcs scrambled, raising battered shields above their heads, forming makeshift domes of steel and bone. The Ogres growled, hunching their massive bodies over their smaller kin in a show of unity.
The harpies struck.
The first wave of javelins fell, hurtling down like deadly rain. The impact was monstrous. Shields splintered. Screams erupted as the deadly projectiles pierced through armor, embedding themselves deep into flesh.
Volk's glowing fists pulsed as he swatted an oncoming javelin out of the air with a swing so powerful that it sent shockwaves across the dirt. But the attacks kept coming, each one breaking away more of their already fraying defenses.
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