Volk's blood in his head began to slither through his brain to think carefully with a desperate fury as he tried to think of ways to expose the traitors hiding within the Dreadmaw Clan.
Every second counted, and shouldering the weight of the clan's survival was pressed down on Volk like a suffocating dust shroud.
He took a deep breath, summoning every ounce of focus he had.
The first plan that crossed his mind was simple: isolate and interrogate. He could round up anyone he suspected of betrayal and question them one by one.
He could put them under intense pressure until they either broke or exposed themselves.
The idea of using his newfound boxing skills to force answers out of them gave him a brief of force confidence.
He imagined grabbing Luk'Tar by the collar and demanding the names of every traitor, breaking bone if necessary.
But the reality of it all crushed the idea before it could take root.