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Chapter 9: Chapter 2: Arriving at Fairy Tail world and Battle

Chapter 2: Arriving at Fairy Tail World and Battle

After being covered in white light. Arios found himself in a dense forest, the tree is towering as if piercing the sky, it has a thick trunk that as thick as a 3 cows combined, the roots is as thick as persons waist and the size of the leaves is as big as a human head.

"Where am I?" Arios said while scanning his surroundings. As he scan his surroundings he heard a rustling noise of the bush. As he look at it, he noticed a pair of golden eyes 15 meters away staring at him as if it is looking at its prey. Looking at the eyes that is staring at him. Arios got scared for a moment but quickly calm himself down. "Calm down me, it's no use getting scared. I will just die if I don't calm myself down. I need to do something before it attack." As he said this to himself Arios activated his magic and created a heater type shield with a sharp edge. It is golden in colour and has an image of Valkyrie spreading its wings at its center. He also created a grenade and said " Those who attack first shall win!" and take the safety pin and throw it at the creature hiding within the bush. After throwing it Arios hides himself behind his shield.

As the grenade is thrown and hit its target it quickly explode


After the grenade explode, the shockwave hit Arios making him staggered for a moment before balancing himself. Looking at the now covered in fire bush, a shadow appears and got out of the fire. It is a 2 meter tall black panther. It has a fierce face, sharp claws and teeth as if it can cut anything and a slim body needed for its explosive speed. Although the grenade hit the panther it just received a light bruise and burnt mark on its fur making it angry.

*Roarrr.....!!!!* After the panther roar, it run towards Arios with explosive speed arriving in front of him within 2 seconds before swiping it's claw at him. "Shit!" before Arios can react the claw already made contact with his shield making him fly towards the tree behind him.


After Arios hit the tree, the air from his lungs escape towards his mouth and his arms holding the shield became numb.

"Shit! I'm injured I need to think of something or I'm really going to die." Said Arios while gasping for air.

"Right! Why didn't I think of that!? I can use Avalon to heal myself and Excalibur to finish this fight faster. I can also use some magic items to boost myself." Saying so Arios created Avalon a scabbard of the legendary sword Excalibur. The scabbard has a gold and enamel blue as its colour.It also has an air of dignity around it and pleasing to look at. After creating Avalon, Arios merge it with himself like what he saw when Kiritsugu merge Avalon with shirou saving him from dying in the anime fate stay night. A blue light covered Arios after merging with Avalon and heals the injury that he received.

" I'm really recovering huh...?" Arios got amazed by the power of Avalon. This time he created Excalibur. Excalibur is a two handed double edge longsword, it has a golden sword guard, an enamel blue hilt and a pristine white blade, it also has a inscribed word that can't be understood in the blade just below the sword guard. Arios also create a bracelet which enhances reaction speed. After donning the bracelet Arios received an epiphany and said " Why do I need to finish this faster? I can use this as an opportunity to train." Arios ready himself with a shield on his left hand and Excalibur on his right hand he look at the panther and said "Come."

As the panther heard Arios, it got angry *Roarrrr!!!* The panther rush with an explosive speed and swipe its claw at Arios. Seeing the sharp claws coming at him, the bracelet works it's magic and he evaded it. After evading the panther he kick its jaw making it stumble for a bit. *Roarrr!!*

The panther decided to not rush this time but use long range tactic. It open its mouth and gather mana. As the panther finish his mana gathering, a small black sphere started to appear at its mouth and immediately fire it towards Arios. Seeing the dark sphere coming at him Arios covered himself with his shield. After the sphere made contact with the shield it returns to where it came from. Looking at its attack coming back to it the panther got out of its way and rush at Arios.*Boommm!!!* The tree where the attack landed, immediately got a hole as big as a yoga ball. *Gasp...* Gasping at the attacked damage of the panther and seeing it rushing at him, he also run towards it and slash his sword. *Ting* *Tang* the claw and the sword immediately met and clash with each other. Arios right hand that's holding Excalibur started to get numb although it got heal immediately though the claw of the panther started to break one by one. Seeing it's prided claws started to break one by one the panther stop holding back. It started to grow and stop at the height of 5 meters it's shattered claw also started to regenerate again and a dark aura is oozing at it. *Roarrrr!!!!* The panther rush and immediately dive in the shadow. It immediately arrived at Arios back and try to swat him but he immediately turn around and raise his shield though he still got swatted and hit a tree 10 meters away shattering his bone and making him spit blood. Quickly wiping the blood away Arios got up, the shattered bone started to mend. "Shit! Although I said this will become my training, I will die if this continue. After all this is my first combat and I don't have much experience in it. I need to kill it immediately." Saying so Arios put the shield behind his back and make a stance where his sword is by his side holding it with two hands. A golden light that is like a brilliant star in the night sky appear around the excalibur.

"The gathering breath of the star. The shining torrent of life." As Arios chant the brilliant light around Excalibur also shines brightly covering the entire blade.

Seeing this the black panther started to get anxious, so it gathered mana rapidly forming it into a sphere that is 10x bigger than before.


As Arios slash downwards with a sword made of light with a length of 30 meters the panther fired its own dark sphere. The sword of light and the dark sphere made a contact, the dark sphere immediately shattered like a glass and the sword of light hit the black panther.


As the sword of light hit the panther *Boom!!* It immediately ceased to exist with no remains that can be seen, the sword of light also cleave the land upto 38 meters away.

"Ha..ha.. Finally it's over.

AriosAeonVonBelser AriosAeonVonBelser

My imagination sure do suck. Sigh...

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