/ Fantasy / Stray dogs in Tokyp

Stray dogs in Tokyp Original

Stray dogs in Tokyp

Fantasy 2 Chapters 6.3K Views
Author: bluebless_x

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What wil happen if it turns out that the tokyo revegers character play a big plot in the future of Yokohama.

The agency and the port mafia recieve something strange in the mail. It's a ad for a dorayaki shop in Tokyo with a note from Fyodor on the back. While Ranpo is trying his best to find out what this mean the members of the agency and port mafia team up to help find clues they soon find them selfs in a web of trouble.

Wil the agency and the mafia finnaly put a end to fyodor's plans or wil they soon find out that they have alot more things to concerned about.

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Author bluebless_x