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9.61% Multiverse: Journey into the Twisted Mind / Chapter 4: The Indifference of a Second Chance

Chapter 4: The Indifference of a Second Chance

Things couldn't have gone much better after a horrific death. Jonathan, now known by his surname Hansen, woke up in the new house he had moved into due to his high school studies.

Being thirteen again, things were interesting. He couldn't say he completely remembered his past life as an adult, but he retained the best parts of that version of himself and now enjoyed his life again while searching for the masked idiot who had killed him.

At first light, when the sun rose, his alarm clock went off.


Today was exactly a Monday morning. Normally, students and those who drank the night before hated this day and this specific time. However, Jonathan was not a diligent student who killed himself all day studying for grades he obtained quite easily.

In a world full of possibilities, he now detests the idea of becoming a doctor again. Instead, he was focusing on his guiltier pleasures while seeking out the guy who practically challenged him.

"Drag me along..."

As another alarm clock rang loudly in his great-aunt's room, he went to bathe, prepared breakfast for both of them, and made sure to leave everything on the table.

"I'm off to school!"

"Yes! Good luck; remember that if you spend the whole afternoon in that video game room, at least send me a message to let me know you'll be late." His great-aunt casually said goodbye while sitting on a sofa watching Turkish movies.

"Yes, I won't forget this time." Jonathan left the house playing a video game on his cellphone while walking to high school.

In this new life, there are special things to mention. First, this world is certainly very similar to his previous life, with the only difference being that certain selected people had superhuman powers. Of course, he hadn't encountered any and was only speaking from his own experience.

When he was killed, something happened: he incarnated in this child's body with white skin, broken black hair, and surprisingly black eyes. He felt like a fish in a huge lake of events he didn't want to experience, but now he felt the need to get involved.

His parents were dead, and in recent years he had been cared for on his grandparents' farm, which, by the way, was very large, but since that day he wanted to move to the city to study and play video games with good internet stability.

As for the gifts mentioned by that man before the cruel massacre started, Well, Jonathan has certain qualities that make him superhuman. He hasn't tested his limits, but he knows that over time his strength has been increasing to the point where he no longer considers himself human.

"I'm out of battery; well, I guess I need to charge it a bit." He spent the whole previous night playing, but after winning, he apparently lost consciousness from the excitement or forced himself to sleep; he didn't want to remember.

"Kid, put the phone down and watch when crossing the street. Didn't your parents teach you that?"

"Go to hell, old man; mind your own business." Jonathan was not in the mood to be scolded like a little kid; as far as he remembered, he had once been an adult.

"These kids today..."

After that, Jonathan enjoyed his walk to school. But as soon as he encountered other students on his way, his face turned neutral. The smile on his face faded, his gaze turned cold, and he stopped looking directly at people.

To tell the truth, he didn't want any trouble. He had read a lot about bullying and knew that if anyone tried to mess with him, he could easily break some bones.

But being partly an adult with dementia, he was partly a child again and didn't want to be sent back to the farm where there were only cows, horses, and idiot kids wanting to play cowboys.

Bright Minds Institute is one of the best high schools in the city. Despite its innovative study programs, which are practically very similar to Asian ones from Jonathan's perspective, this school was just a very common private one without anything to highlight.

Students, teachers, air conditioning, clubs, a field, and hopefully clean bathrooms—you can find all that there.

It was located far from the center, so students had to pass through many streets first, then the main road, depending on where they lived.

The mansions in this area were located near this school. Jonathan was grateful to live close enough so he wouldn't have to get up so early and could take advantage of the few hours of sleep he needed to get to school without falling asleep.

As this was Jonathan's first day as a student at this high school, he had high hopes that things would change in this school compared to how they were at the previous one.

'Hope no idiot tries to choose me as a target to bother; I don't want to fight because I need to focus on leveling up my account and finding people similar to me.' Jonathan thought as he took off his headphones.

But just as he thought this, a tall boy with messy hair wrapped his right arm around Jonathan's shoulders. Jonathan's mood sank when he sensed the intentions of this milk-smelling idiot.

"Hi, I've never seen your horrible face before... I mean… Well, I also play that video game, so it would help me a lot if you could be a miner for my account."

Jonathan only sighed in response, which annoyed the tall guy.

"You just accepted it, right? Anyway, I'll give you my phone at lunch. I still need my cell phone, so we'll see each other later."

'Get out of my sight, damn winged pig.' Jonathan wanted to say what he was thinking, but he responded with silence.

"We heard we would have a new student, and it turns out he's in my class; isn't that a coincidence? You're the only one not wearing the full uniform, which is not allowed in this school, and everyone knows that, except for the new guy who hasn't shown up yet. Come on, be my miner; you don't have any friends anyway."

"It's not like you have one either," Jonathan retorted with a biting comment.

"What did you just say?" The tall guy glared at him as he removed his arm from Jonathan's shoulder and said, "You're probably as lonely as Yina, a student doomed to loneliness. I also need cash; my parents froze my cards, so get ready for lunch, and if you don't show up, I hope you're good at taking punches."

After saying that, the tall guy left, leaving Jonathan with many truly criminal thoughts.

'I guess I'll have to earn respect street style...' Jonathan thought as he focused again on his cell phone.

But before he could continue walking, he saw a girl looking at him. She had short hair up to her neck and wore glasses. She was also holding a cell phone in her hands. For unknown reasons, she looked away as soon as she saw she was being watched.

'So that's Yina. She seems to be from a rich family but is very introverted. Jonathan looked at the model of Yina's cell phone from across the street. The girl's unkempt hair suggested she didn't care about fitting into a social group.

'Her name on the jacket seems to help her not lose her things. Of all the people in this school, her family is the strangest I've heard about. Jonathan had seen a lot with just one look; all his physical qualities were, after all, at a completely different level than those of common humans.

When he thought about all this in a world with possibly special people, he immediately began to search to see if he could find someone similar to him, but after much research, Yina's family seemed to be the most interesting of all the students in the school.

Anyway, it wasn't that he was thrilled to play detective; he was just curious if there were others like him while looking for that horse.

After finding his class, Jonathan ended up in Class 1, Third Year. A boy from the student council had helped him with the paperwork.

"Just remember to bring your full uniform next time. You won't have a problem with that today, but they are usually very strict with the dress code. The boy looked away from Jonathan after a few seconds and entered the classroom.

Jonathan took a deep breath and entered what would be his classroom for the next two years. Since he was new, probably no one would be interested in him, or it could be the opposite.

'I can't believe I'm still studying after knowing what I can do.' His thoughts wandered. Jonathan wasn't really interested in continuing his studies, but this was the quietest place where he could play video games without being bothered while roaming the criminal world.

Besides, he had to slowly experience his abilities before wanting to visit the world.

'My only chance of not being bothered is to beat up the idiot students who don't know who they're messing with.' Jonathan thought, looked around, and found a problem.

At that moment, the tall boy from before sat in front of his desk.

"A problem…" Jonathan was losing his patience. There was one thing he hadn't mentioned before, and that was that he was somehow much more aggressive than before.

"Hi, little shit. We're classmates, as I mentioned.

"And who are you?" Jonathan seemed ignorant of this student's disgusting face. He walked to the corner of the room where it was empty and sat down.

"Who am I? Did you forget my name? It's me, Nick, the one who's going to spend your lunch money later and whom you'd level up in that video game." Nick froze when a girl sat next to Jonathan.

Seeing who this girl was, Jonathan's eyes showed familiarity.

'The girl from before…' That introverted girl is named Yina.

'She couldn't stand seeing two of the same kind together; they both ignore what's going on around them as if they didn't care.' Nick thought, looking at other groups that had completely ignored Jonathan, who started playing.

"Oh, you also play the same game as me." Jonathan started a conversation with Yina, who was playing the same video game as him, which was surprising.

"What?" Yina got nervous when the new boy asked her a question.

"Hey, Yina, if this idiot bothers you, don't forget to let me know," Nick said as he left after the teacher entered the classroom.

Jonathan stopped playing, took out a hand exerciser, and started using it just to distract himself.


SrCuervo SrCuervo

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