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85.71% Storm from another world (Fairy Tail x DMC) / Chapter 6: Chapter 5

Chapter 6: Chapter 5

"Well, yes, to run a race through the terrain that you don't know. I had fun, damn it," I swore to myself, walking through the oak forest. I think I'm almost there. And everything would be fine, that's just…

I've been lost for three days! Three damn days among forests, fields and even a mountain had to be bypassed! After the first turn from the city there was another, then another and another. Vague doubts began to torment me when I came out to a lonely mountain, and there were direction signs at the intersection, in a language unknown to me. And the most interesting thing is that I haven't met a single person! That's all! I had to walk at random.

As a result, I had to spend the night in trees, as my survival skills in the forest were near zero. I didn't eat anything—I didn't want to test my resistance to poisons on local berries. For some reason I didn't find any animals-they seemed to sense me and avoided me. Apparently, it's because of the amount of demonic energy around me. Just a complete horror. Fortunately, I was almost not hungry — the first signs of hunger only began to appear a couple of hours ago.

Therefore, the only thing left was just to run along the signs, sometimes bumping into dead ends — they led either to some caves or somewhere else. And I was lucky after all: a small village turned out to be on my way. After asking a local resident where the City of Oaks is located, I received an exhaustive answer. Therefore, without wasting any more time, I rushed at full speed along the right road, and, turning onto a forest path, knocking down several dozen trees along the way, moving towards the goal.

In fact, such a trip had several advantages.

First, I was finally able to take a normal walk in the woods, for the first time in my life. Walking among the flowering trees and soft grass while everything was blooming and fragrant, and the summer sun is shining from above — it's just fine. I've never experienced this before. And so much time to stay on your own feet is generally a holiday. Even on the way I practiced a couple of techniques with Yamato — purely to remember and consolidate. There is memory, both ordinary and body, which was a good help. I think I can restore my previous skills in two or three months. And then I'll try to learn something new. This is the world of magic — there's something interesting here anyway!

And secondly, my memory has returned almost completely. Now, realizing all the things I had done in the past, I really felt disgusted. Yes, I understood that this was done by the "past" me, but it didn't get any better: a viscous feeling of guilt for my actions seemed to envelop my soul, which made it hard to even think. The only thing that saved me was the realization that nothing could be fixed, and I could only redeem myself with my own deeds. I won't be able to get rid of these emotions right away, but hopefully, over time, this feeling will disappear.

With mixed emotions, I stood and looked at the city spread out in front of me. It was not much different from the City of Pines, except that it was a little bigger. The most noticeable difference was a giant castle on one of the hills behind a steel wall. Even from here, you could see how a canvas with the same sign that was on Juvia's hand was flaunted above his entrance.

Phantom Lord. One of the strongest guilds of wizards of Fiora. The place from which I will start my search.

After performing breathing exercises, which have already become a habit of mine, I went around the wall directly to the sorcerers' base, sliding down the hill on my feet.

It remains only to join.

But for some reason, I had a feeling all the way, as if someone was watching me…


On behalf of Juvia Loksar

A blue-haired girl with an umbrella peeked out from behind a tree and looked at the back of the man who became her first friend. And quite suddenly — both for her and for him.

The bearer of the demon's blood, who found himself in a place unknown to himself, where there are only strangers around. So strong that he was able to single-handedly cope with not the least powerful dark guild. And a handsome one too…

But, in truth, it didn't make sense to her. Just by looking at Virgil, it was as if Juvia could feel his sadness. And thinking that this emotion is connected with the situation in which he found himself, she decided to do the same as Master Jose once did — to lend a helping hand.

Remembering that moment now, a blush involuntarily appeared on the beauty's face, because her actions were dictated by emotions. After all, Juvia understood what it was like to be alone. And now she is glad that she was able to help such a person. The sorceress wasn't even going to demand anything from him in return… Well, except for dinner — he still lost the bet. However, I had to follow him on the road and follow him — he, naturally not knowing the way, just ran at random. But she fully admired his sleeping face.

"Silly, but cute Virgil. How good it is that he will be around now."

Giggling to herself and waiting for the object of her observation to begin to leave, Loksar turned into water and creeping to the ground, headed towards her native guild to greet the newcomer.


Being in front of the massive doors of the guild, I involuntarily felt awe. I've never met so many people before, judging by the aura of this place. I'm already shivering.

As far as I understand, the main thing is not to lose face. The first impression is never forgotten. Therefore, deciding not to delay it, I inhale and, pulling up my slightly slid jeans, press on one of the flaps, passing inside.

I was greeted by a simply gigantic common room: from the entrance on both sides there were rows of tables with benches, behind which about two dozen wizards and sorceresses of all colors and colors were located. Right in the distance, there was a passage to the second floor, consisting of two staircases, between which there was a bar. On my left hand, a little away from the gathering place of people, there was a board with a bunch of sheets attached to it in a language incomprehensible to me. The ceiling also stood out very much: it was simply lost among a pile of intertwined wooden beams. I think I even saw someone's silhouette there.

It's... inspiring. Truth.

Everyone present turned in my direction. There was almost a deathly silence in the room. Looks like I need to say something. The main thing is not to worry.

— I've come to join the Phantom Lord, — I say, raising my voice a little, trying not to give a cock.

Suddenly, my premonition of danger seemed to howl: not daring to accept an unknown attack on the scabbard, I make a blink back, and an iron pillar about one and a half meters long flies into my past place. Having estimated the angle of fall, I raise my head up, slowly snatching the Yamato.

A tall, black-haired, muscular man was standing on the beams. His hairstyle was like the mane and quills of a porcupine at the same time. The red eyes glittered as if in lights. Perhaps his most remarkable detail was a large number of piercings: on the nose, under the lip and even instead of eyebrows. He was dressed in a black tunic with a scarf, trousers and boots.

Judging by the outstretched hand and the snide smile, it was he who threw his digger stick at me. So, he has magic associated with iron. It's worse for him — it's not for nothing that I learned how to create demonic blades from lightning.

— Dodged it. Commendable, — he gave his assessment of my abilities, jumping down.

A small shock wave passed from his collision with the floor, from which I did not even move. All this time, while he was dramatically approaching me, I stood motionless, ready to throw everything I could at him at any second. Just in case.

Stopping five meters away from me, he looked at my appearance with contempt from head to toe, then spat on the floor and continued:

— Where did such a sleek one escape from? What, tired of living in wealth, decided to see the world? Did your parents even let you go? — it seems that having misinterpreted my appearance and face, he threw a couple of barbs, from which general laughter was heard in the hall.

Not a muscle of my face moved. I ignored his taunts, because I didn't understand what they were supposed to hurt in me. And it seems, seeing my lack of reaction, he smiled even wider, and, waving invitingly, said:

— Well, if you want to join us, Aristo, then you'll have to try to beat me up. And then the master will decide.

"That's how it means. Well, I should have realized that this world is harsh, and sooner or later it will be necessary to fight people without killing them. Fortunately, at least, it will be in a controlled environment."

Breath. Exhale. I'm calm. I will succeed.

When he finished the last sentence, I blinked straight at him, striking the sheath exactly in the solar plexus. All this happened at such a high speed that he didn't even have time to close his mouth before he flew to the other end of the hall, crashing into a stone wall. Damn, I really hope that I didn't hurt him too much — so-so will be the first impression.

The laughter had subsided, and now all eyes were jumping between me and the hole in the stone from which the crumpled wizard was climbing out. Apart from a couple of abrasions, he's pretty whole. And also now I can say that I saw the widest smile that a person could show.

— Good! I haven't been beaten like this for a long time. Let's get away! — he shouted, and, having built up iron pillars on his hands, he rushed towards me at a high enough speed for a person.

I wasn't even going to draw my katana — it would simply cut him, no matter what his strength was. Yamato is a blade that cuts everything, even space. Therefore, I will save it for now for an extreme case.

Having created a dozen thunder daggers, he alternately launched them into the man's hands. But to my surprise, he was able to dodge everyone — his reaction and body motility clearly did not correspond to biological norms. Apparently, some special sorcery to strengthen the body, in addition to iron magic. It must be taken into account.

I take a blow from the right with one of my hands on the weapon, which caused a metallic ringing. The force of the impact was quite high, but my body didn't even move. I walk away from the left blow of the second limb with a blink up, because I did not dodge — I am afraid not to react, relying only on reflexes.

Raising his head, the man began to take a deep breath, as if about to exhale something. I throw the Yamato into his throat ahead of time, instantly pulling the weapon back and landing not far from the opponent. From such a feint, iron coughed, and, scattering the pillars, grabbed his neck with his hands. After a couple more seconds, he fell to his knees, and blood mixed with iron filings flowed from his closed mouth.

"My God, how scary it looks." — shuddering from the consequences of my own actions, I only began to hope that he would receive proper medical care.

Until he regained consciousness, I approach him, and, having drawn the blade, I put it to the forehead of the defeated opponent.

— I won, — I state the fact, while a pair of red eyes are looking at me, in which hatred was splashed in half with admiration.

The silence after the battle was broken by a single clapping from the second floor.

— That's right.

Turning to the source of the sound, I notice another bright face.

A tall and thin middle-aged man with a mustache, a square hairstyle and dark purple hair. The black eyes followed me steadily. His clothes looked like a typical sorcerer's attire, except that there was an unusual brooch on the collar and a pointed hat, the tip of which was broken.

Having stopped clapping, he spread his hands apart, as if inviting, and said:

— You were able to defeat Gajeel — one of our most powerful magicians. Yes, and so fast. My name is Jose Porla. And I am the guild master of the Phantom Lord. Please introduce yourself.

— Virgil, — I answer him shortly, jerking Yamato into his rightful place. The metallic ringing and the impact of the tsuba was clearly audible from everywhere, — I came to join your guild.

At the same time, the one called Gajil slowly got up and trudged to the stairs, still holding his throat. Apparently, there was an infirmary on the second floor. Parallel to him, Jose began to descend, approaching me.

— And for what purpose?

— I'm looking for knowledge on portal magic. I think I can find them with the support of one of the strongest guilds. You need strong wizards, right?

At the mention of "one of" the corners of the man's lips twitched, but I did not attach any importance to this.

— You're right. And judging by your success, I have only one question left to ask: where to put the label?

Coming up to me, a small signet appeared in his hand, on which the guild symbol was depicted. Stretching out the back of my left palm, I waited for the object to come into contact with the skin. And then I looked at my mark — light blue, like the color of my demonic double.

"Yes. I did it. I won't say that it was difficult, but it was jittery." — smiling inwardly, I quietly exhale. Turn out.

— Congratulations on joining the Phantom Lord, Virgil. As soon as you celebrate, come to me — it's worth talking.

Smiling at the words I said, I was about to go get acquainted with the now guild members... when I realized that almost everyone was looking away from me, trying not to look in my direction. Some even tried to pretend that I wasn't here. Um, and why such a reaction?

— You managed to beat the Gajeel. Although, I didn't doubt you, — Juvia's voice came from behind me, looking at me with a sweet smile.

Mirroring the gesture, I bent my left arm so that the mark was visible.

— I was just lucky. So you can congratulate me — I'm with you.

— I'm glad, — she nodded, and, grabbing my hand, pulled me out of the room, — And now dinner. You promised yourself.

Deciding not to fill my head with unnecessary thoughts yet, I succumbed to the girl, allowing myself to be pulled in the right direction. Now it's worth getting used to the new environment. And the information, if anything, I'll just ask Juvia.

So, laughing heartily, I followed her.

It's worth paying her back for her kindness. And a dispute is a dispute.

And after that I will start working on my goal.

Already as a member of the Phantom Lord guild.

Heroground Heroground

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